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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Hi Kim, Sorry to be such a bore, but I kept all my hair (even the gray ones) after cisplatin and vinorolbean,god bless.
  2. Hi Kim, I had cisplatin and vinolbean,as a concoction for chemotherapy,never suffered in the slightest with nausea,did have a bit of constipation though.I guess we are all different though.
  3. Hi Keli, I am really sorry to read of your problems,it is enough just coping with your illness,without the additional one with your home.Something important seems to be missing from your mailings,if you dont mind me reflecting,that is the support that family and friends can provide to help you through these difficult times.You have come accross to me as a confident,brave and determined person,and I know you will get through this period successfully. It has been my experience,since my dx. that the many dark imaginings my brain could conjure up,never even came close to being realised.We all have had to accept periods of feeling really down in our cancer journey,but we should also realise and remember those wonderful occasions when we go to bed at night and can truefully say -to-day I had a really good day.From the outset of my dx,I would never have believed there were any good days ahead for me,now looking back I can smile at my own naievity.Hey, your doc gave you 10-15 years,my doc gave me 2 years,(and they are up in October-gulp)come on give us a smile.Love to hear more from you,look after yourself.
  4. Good Morning Everyone, Weather here miserable,persistant rain but comfortably T shirt warm.No excuses left to avoid the redecoration of the bedroom,just about to start stripping the wallpaper,then its painting the ceiling,doors and skirtings,really exciting stuff,eh.Irene wants to come along on Saturday to help choose the wallpaper,I went with her last time she was decorating,took two days and I think about ten shops,before she made her mind up,she is so fussy,think I will need to ask for a hall pass next weekend?. Talking of Irene,we had a great Saturday at the science centre,Max really enjoyed himself,fairground was there,there was also a falconry stand there,Max got to wear a leather glove and had his photo taken holding a peregrine falcon,there were all types of owls a kestral and a golden eagle.Inside the science centre it was just full of interactive science games to play with for the kids and of course Pat and myself,not really Sally's cup of tea,but she was patient.Also went in to see the latest Shrek film in 3D,really impressive,had seen one film previous in 3D Train your own dragon which was even better.Finished up with a trip to Mcdonalds then home to watch the golf.Sunday really busy,ABC in the morning followed by visit to my other sister Dot,great day there also,her daughter was there and her two kids Jack (5) and Gemma (9) so we had lots of fun playing to-gether.Arrived home just after 7pm to watch the finale of the golf,I was so disapointed to find it was finished.Oh well theres always next year, god willing.Have a great day everyone.
  5. eric byrne

    Home Alone

    Hi Ronnie, You write so well,your description of your reaction to revisiting your former home,brought a lump to my throat.I think Stephanie's suggestion is a really good idea,I have found posting here daily very therapeutic and I would love to hear,stories of your lives to-gether,the country of South Africa, anything you would feel comfortable with sharing. God Bless, Eric
  6. Good Morning Everyone, Lights on,rise and shine everyone,its 5.30am,woke up early this morning couldnt sleep,its always the same with me on holiday,my daily routines are shot to pieces and so are my sleeping patterns.Dawns just broken,skies overcast,I can see from the trees outside my window,that the high winds from yesterday have dropped to a slight breese.Sorry missed the post yesterday,been glued to the Open,the leader board has had some dramatic changes to it,since the day previous,poor Rory dropped I think six strokes,the high winds yesterday made life so difficult for the players,in fact play was stopped for 65 minutes due to high winds.The TV meanwhile,showed an interview with Sevie Ballesteros,which was very moving but enjoyable to watch,it was filmed at his house,beautiful location and grounds,he even created a nine hole golf course in his grounds.Looking forward to more golf to-day. The science centre in Glasgow is running for the next three days,fun days for the kids,with all sorts of activities going on culminating by showing in the Imax 3D cinema Shrek 3? and Toy Story 14?Sally and I are meeting up with my sister Irene and her husband Pat,not forgetting 4 year old Max,just after lunch to-day,so we are going to have a lot of fun this afternoon. Well Bud and Judy another day at the hospital over,hoorah,you know I was feeling kinda left out of things,hope everythings goes well for the two of you. Bud really interested to hear you work with CNC machines,boy these things are really impressive,our college does all the training for BAE Systems ,so we have lots of machine shops with CNCs in them,they are being currently moved into the new workshop block,with some new ones also,must send you some pics of them,when I return to work.Speaking of BAE Systems,I was recently invited aboard a Type 42 Destroyer nearing completion in the yard,got the full tour,the wheelhouse is below decks and has no windows in it,and the wheel was smaller than a car steering wheel.You know amazingly they build these ships in two separate halfs in the yard and then join them to-gether,how they manage to fit being so massive just makes you wonder.Cannot wait to see them start the new aircraft carriers,they are going to be huge,my cameras at the ready.Need to watch I dont get arrested for being a spy?. Have a great weekend everybody.
  7. Hi Nick, Congratulations,wishing you and your family every happiness in your new home.
  8. Good Evening Eyeryone, Not much in the way of sunshine here to-day,cloudy with short bursts of heavy showers. Rose sharp this morning TV coverage of the British Open started at 9.00am,got my ringside seat at the ready,weather at St Andrews was very kind to the mornings players,warm, dry no winds blowing hence some great low scores,afternoon wind picked up a bit,making things that bit more difficult for everyone.Rory McElroy equalled the opens record with a incredible 63 but there are many others within striking distance,so its shaping up to be a very exciting competition.With TV coverage lasting 11 hours,I really couldnt sit and watch it throughout,took some time out to push the mover over the front lawn and forked over my borders,I am no gardener,but I must say its looking really smart just now,feeding the grass has made a difference. Bud,I am still thinking about Rose,is she recovering OK?,I also wish you well for your results to-morrow,you mentioned a machine shop yesterday,do you work as an engineer?.You wont believe,given my spare time on my hands,I have discovered that the Monday Air is in" you tube" also? how it got there by me tweeting I just dont know,I dont know which Mondays Air it was,but Bud its your pic next to your boat,you had posted in previously,isnt that funny.You might get replies form people who think you are there to sell your boat?.Here that gives me an idea,we could post an ad with a photo of Judy's boat on "you Tube(thanks Muriel,found the apostrophe button) Hi Judy KY, just want to wish you all the best for to-morrow at Corning,sounds like a long day,bit of a shame being on your own,sorry Stan cannot accompany you due to him being at work,just take your time driving home in the evening.
  9. Hi Muriel, Checked some notes I made at Chris,s (sorry Ive forgotten where I put the apostrophe key) last visit.Correction its not a sim card in your digital camera Muriel,its actually called an SD card,(Scan Disc)there is a wee door in your camera,which you open take out the SD and put it into your ladtop,there is a dummy SD in your laptop that you remove first. Next (what I wrote)from Chris,s guidance :- Pictures-click new folder- title new folder. DCIM -100 Cannon? my camera model? Click first pic (once)scroll down to last pic,press shift and left pic-right click any pic-cut right click in the pic folder go to paste. Sorry dosent make a lot of sense to me either,did at the time,best bet is to go to the forum Photo album and ask Ned or KatieB for some help.
  10. Hi Muriel, Its 3.15am here I just dont feel sleepy,good to see you are online.Yes third one works,My daughters boyfriend added my atavar,he takes the little sim card out of my camera and puts it into my laptop and creates a new folder,oh gosh what did he do next,must write down all the stages properly,think you can ask the webmaster?.
  11. eric byrne

    Moving on

    Hi Ronnie, The experience that you are going through,such an abrupt and violent change in your circumstances,I can only imagine what you are going through.I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying that your pain will ease with each passing day.I hope by posting and sharing with your friends here you can take some comfort.
  12. Gosh what fun, you must be getting sick of me,Ill end up getting banned from this site also.Dosnt work this time forget it http://shar.es/mRh0s
  13. Trying to make a whole string all by myself? Link should have been, http://shar.es/mRhOs
  14. Just clicked on the link myself?told you about my lack of knowledge of computers,but that was what was next to my name,and I did see the morning air there?Going to take another look. Bye.
  15. Good Morning Everyone, You wont beat me to-day Judy ha-ha,its just past midnight here,so I thought I would just post here than reply to Tuesdays Air.Sorry about missing Tuesday,I ve been so busy running around town,doing bits and pieces,where did my day go,did get a haircut,and made an appointment with my dentist for a check up,surgery was closed down when I arrived,they had moved into the newly built health centre in Coatbridge,think they were trying to sneak away without letting me know,so I couldnt find them?. Judy you are on vacation,the RV trip sounds just fine to me,sorry about Stan not being with you to enjoy himself properly.You are among the other holiday makers in your camp site,so enjoy their company. Judy MI good to hear of your holiday plans,good for you get away for a few days,relax and enjoy yourselves. Hi Bud,I am sure your results on Friday will be brill,please pass onto Rose my best wishes,sorry about her having to face that surgery,hope she dosnt return to work too early,and gets some time to herself to relax and heal. You may know that my experience with computers are a bit basic?wait till you hear this one,I was sitting on Monday reading to-days airs when I seem to have brought up a wee window with all sorts of web sites,knowing nothing about any of them curiousity got the better of me so I clicked on Twitter,wrote a little message in the box and pressed tweet.I was astonished to find instead of the message posted was Mondays Air instead,can you believe it?oh if it can go wrong Eric will manage to do it.So my apologies Judy et al,you are all on Twitter,to a mystified world.Wonder if I will get any replies,more likely a lifetime ban from the site. I copied down the link if you want a look- http://shar.es/mrhos
  16. Hi Bud and Rose, Hope everything goes well for the two of you to-day,just want you to know I am thinking about you.God Bless
  17. Hi Judy, Blossburg found (you are I 5 in my atlas)hey you could visit Judy in Michigan as you only about five inches away in my atlas,have a great day.
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Beautiful sunny morning to wake up to,hope the nasty clouds stay away,could be a real hot one,maybe reach 70s? phew!.Hey computer link problem solved,seems I have been ignoring some e-mail update message and I got a reminder which I clicked and hey presto,my link to LUNGevity has been restored,I agree Katie,I just love this site,must remember to respond Katie to your request,to fill in the testimony of the benefits I have derived from being here,gosh that will be a long one,now where did you put it,its not in unread mails(thats because I have read it,silly old fool)now where would it be?not to worry I will soon track it down. Thanks for the infro Muriel that was really nice of you to for going to the trouble of doing that for me,youve got me pointing in the right direction.Talking about directions would be brill Judy if in your travels you did bump into Randy,trying to follow your travails through USA,now where did you put Christianburg VA? VA is that an abrieviation for one of the States? cant be Vancover its in Canada?Nope just checked my Oxford Dictionary only two States begin with V,Virginia and Vermont,seems I am barking up the wrong tree?oh well back to the drawing board. New admin assistant Liz phoned me,last week regarding some paperwork that needs tending to,pretty urgent to complete,so I am going into work this afternoon,forget the decorating,will really need to cut the grass also otherwise,I will need a machete rather than the mower,its all that blooming rain we have had recently,that stopped me cutting it earlier,honest. Got to go,catch you later.
  19. Hi Ellen, Thanks for such an uplifting post,sorry I am late in responding,please pass on to Henk my sincere congratulations,what hope he has given to so many readers.Incidentally,just love your countryman Andre Rieu,going to see his Masstricht concert which is being beamed live into Glasgow cinemas shortly.
  20. Good Evening Everyone, Good grief,my post has just disappeared,going to have to start again?If anybody finds it gonna send it back.Just had a Fandabidozi day (I really enjoyed myself) Weather overcast with sunny periods.Went into Glasgow to visit my young sister Doris (Dot for short) to watch the last day of the Scottish Open Golf Champion from Loch Lomond,really lovely course and super golf,cant wait for the British Open from St Andrews starting Thursday.Left Dots to Cumbernauld for dinner with my other sister Irene,then settle down to watch the World Cup Final between Holland and Spain,not a great advert for footie,due to Hollands cynical tackling and fouling the Spanish players throughout the first half,however justice was served by Spain winning the trophy in extra time. Judy,61 degrees chilly? dont be silly thats high summer T-shirt weather for me.Bud-count me out for Tour de Goatsneck,my maximum incline is six inches per mile,however wish you every success.Randy since you mentioned you live in Greenboro near Virginia I love to Use Google earth to see where everyone lives,I have Looked at the Florida Keys for Judy,Grand Rapids for Michigan Judy,Yellowknife for Bruce.However the version I am using when you bring up the USA,you get squillions of little cameras,and with no idea where Virginia is,what fun I had clicking on each little camera to no avail,did find West Virginia though so I must be getting warm.Must refer to my times atlas first to get a better idea of location.Why I am thinking of John Denver just now? Talking about Google,isnt it amazing,you remember the photo I posted of the actors tomestone in the Glasgow necropolis? well the actors name was on it was John Henry Alexander,wel I googled his name to see what would come up,and it told me that he died in 1851,he was an actor and owner of the Theatre Royal in Dunlop St Glasgow,when in 1849 it went on fire and 65 people perished,he apparently never got over it and died shortly afterwards.Anyway its 12.20am Monday time for bed,oh by the way,I still cannot get on line directly using the reply links,my brother in law thinks there is nothing wrong with my computer,it must be somethind to do with the generated links?See you to-morrow God willing.
  21. Good Evening Everyone, Real gloomy day today,persistant rain all day,we have even had a severe weather warning on TV regarding heavy rainfall overnight. Really a bit of a shame with the Scottish Open Golf Championship ongoing at Loch Lomond,also the Pop Festival at Balerno Park this weekend called "T" inthe park.My daughters has been going every year with her friends for about ten years. However this year,she sold her tickets due to being short of money,with her being currently unemployed.Cannot remember if I told you about her turning down a teaching job in Edinburgh,however she was then offered the same job in Glasgow by the company and she starts a week on Monday,hopfully giving my wallet a bit of respite. Having bother with my computer just now accessing the site through normal channels,ie replies to postings,having to enter through Googling in the internet,hopfully this problem can be fixed? Just going to watch the playoffs for third place in the World Cup Germany V Uruguay,then for the big one ,the final to-morrow night. Enjoy the rest of your day
  22. Hi Dianne, Yes you do indeed have Scottish ancestry if your family name is McComas,The Mac or Mc part of the surname is Gaelic for son of,Your ancestors are of the MacThomas clan,which also includes MacComie and McColm.Your family or clan,originated in Perthshire,who originated from a larger clan called McIntosh. William McThomas was of the first of many of your clan that settled in the the USA,his family arrived in Philadelphia in 1828. My mothers maiden name was Paterson,which is a sept(branch) of Clan McLaren,I got married in full highland dress wearing the McLaren tartan.You can find out more by Googling.It is a fascinating subject,when I retire Ill spend some of my time researching my ancestry,dont know if you have seen a previous posting I sent in showing"The Grannies" which shows my mothers elder sister,her mother,her grandmother and her great grandmother.Photo was taken about 1915,two years before my mother was born.The quality of the photo is really good.
  23. Hi Nick C, Thanks, your comments are much appreciated,If you do ever arrive here you can count on me to be a more than willing tour guide,I am a bit of a proud Scot,just would enjoy showing off Scotlands beauty to as many people as possible.Talking of beautiful, your atavar,shows a beautiful happy couple,its my pleasure to meet you,read your profile,sorry about your mum.It is a shame this disease effects so many lovely families.
  24. Hi Muriel, Thanks so much for your lovely comments,it really is such a pleasure in taking photographs and having some one to share them with.The last photo is a pedestrian walkway by the river Clyde in the centre of Glasgow,many expensive appartments have been erected recently along both banks of the river.The building with the blue awnings?is this the building that runs the length of the pic on the right hand side?well these are appartments and it shows their ground floor levels,their upper levels are terraced and provide excellent views along the river.
  25. Sorry Bud I checked the posts to make sure no one had started the Friday air,before starting mine,but obviously my two fingered typeing and stopping mid writing to get a coffee,has allowed you to post first,maybe Randy can do a merge if he is about?
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