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Everything posted by Laurie

  1. I have been thinking about Cindy too. I'm praying that she is doing well. Laurie
  2. Laurie

    I Held My New Grandson

    I love babies, what fun they are! Enjoy! Glad to hear you had a good day! Laurie
  3. Hi Jenny, I love the bunny! Happy Easter to you! I'm so glad to here that you are doing so well. Energy too! Thats such a blessing! Keep us posted and will pray for continued good news. Laurie
  4. Laurie

    small cell at 34

    Hi Greg and Welcome, I'm so sorry to hear that you have been DX with SCLC and you are so young. My Mom is in remission, and doing well. If I can help out let me know. There are not too many SCLC cases here but we just had someone join whos husband has SCLC and is 31.. her name is Carleen. It sounds like you are responding very well to chemo! That is a blessing, my Mom had radiation at the same time as chemo. She also had preventative PCI brain radiation, to prevent chances of future occurences. I would call your Onc and ask him your questions.. Please keep us posted! Bless you Laurie
  5. Laurie

    Lucie Update

    Great News Don and Lucie! I'm so happy for you! Many blessings to you! Laurie
  6. Congratulations Dave! What wonderful news! A new grandson to fill your days with love and joy! How wonderful! Laurie
  7. Hello Carleen, Welcome. I am so very sorry to hear that your husband has Lung Cancer. I will never forget the way I felt when my Mom was diagnosed. My heart goes out to you. Try not to think "the worst or what ifs".. lung cancer is terrible, but it is survivable and there are many here to tell you that its not all doom and gloom. Hang in there! With hope, faith, love, support and good medical care you will get through this! Keep the faith and feel free to vent and express your concerns, fears and whatever else you are feeling.. you are not alone. Laurie
  8. Laurie


    Wow Great News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrate!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!! Laurie
  9. Laurie

    Happy birthday!!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIANNI!!!!!!!! And heres to many more! Glad someone has a reason to celebrate today! Blessings to you! Laurie
  10. Shordy, I'm so glad that your father is getting back to the things that he likes to do! I love the picture! My daddy and I owned a blueberry farm and we would work on it together.. we got really close out there working on the land. I hope there are many more great days of yard work in the future! Laurie
  11. Oh Linda, I'm sorry to hear of your Moms problems.. Lots of Prayers coming your way! Laurie
  12. Thanks Don, Judy and Hopeful2, Don- Give Lucie a hug for me! Judy- I don't plan on going anywhere just want to post in the "Good News" forum on May 7th after the CT Scan! Hopeful2- I wish you all the best with your PCI. I bet you will be back to work soon! It takes a special person to be a nurse, I'm sure that you are missed. My Mom is looking for to getting the extra money of two incomes again. Blessings to you all. Laurie
  13. Hi Spanky, My Mom has very sensitive skin too and she is finishing up with her brain radiation. She said her ears are sore too. She had 18 treatments..If the blood counts are low they will wait till they come back up for safety. Hope your Mom feels better soon! Laurie
  14. Hello Everyone! I'm happy to report that my Mom is finishing her PCI Brain Radiation tomorrow! She completed 18 treatments with minimal side effects and is looking forward to going in to work on Monday April 21st for a half day!! My Mom is the outreach coordinator and office manager of the Salvation Army and is a wonderful person. She was diagnosed with SCLC in October of 2002 and has been out of work on dissablility since her DX of SCLC with a collapsed lung. I'm so happy that she will be returning to her work that she enjoys and will continue to go to the gym 2x a week to do exercise with her cancer group. I thank you all for your continued prayers for her and all the support that you have given to me! Her three month scan is May 7th and I pray that I will be able to post here again. Blessings to all of you my friends. With Love and appreciation, Laurie
  15. Ni, I just wanted to add that the cancer combined with the drugs can also make the person say things and do things out of character. A nurse made me realize that the steriods and drugs can cause this. It is so hard but know in your heart that it is the cancer and not the relationship. God bless you and your family. Laurie
  16. Chris, I'm so glad that your step-dad isn't sick. That is a blessing.. My Mom was always saying to herself.. with all the drugs out.. something should help.. but my whole family doesn't take medication well. I throw up cold medicine... Just depends on the person. Glad to hear he is doing so well! Laurie
  17. Hi Jenny, My Mom had VP16 and Cisplatin.. it worked.. she went from collapsed lung to cancerfree! I'm sorry that you feel yours isn't working. Why do you feel this way? I hope that this helps you. I will pray for good results for you! Laurie
  18. Hi Mary, Well it sounds like your sister has a great attitude. I will pray for her to get the best possible care. Debraoo has experience with the gamma knife, her father had it done and had a good sucess with it...she has posted several times on it. She hasn't been on much lately... but she is helpful and is very nice. I thought the whole brain radiation was more of a prenventative measure???? My Mom is having PCI brain radiation, it is being done to her and her cousin who is having the same dose extended X30....she had a brain tumor surgically removed, Moms getting X18 at 2gys..I have seen others have radiation treatments for tumors...but I really don't know... am not sure??? Keep the faith! Blessings and prayers to you and your sister. Laurie
  19. Laurie

    My Mom

    Hello CamperJones, Welcome, I'm sorry to hear that your Mom has SCLC. My Mom was DX with SCLC too 10/02 and it sure is scarey to find out that your Mom has LC. There were many times when I was scared that my Mom would die .. but now I am happy to report that she is in remission and is doing well so far. I hope that you will find comfort here and support. We are all experiencing the same feelings.. you are not alone. Ask questions and you can vent here. Its not easy.. but it is treatable and survivable! Blessings to you and your Mom. Laurie
  20. Jenny, I'm wishing you all the best . But I am worried.. Just make sure that the cream that you put on, you do not have "any" trace of it on your skin when you get radiation as it will cause you to burn more. My Mom found out the hard way! You must shower it off before going in for treatment. The internal can't be predicted.. Please Take care.. I think once a day and chemo is fine but I do wish you all the best. Laurie
  21. Hi, Welcome, I'm sorry to hear about your Uncles SCLC. There are many here who have it and it are fighting it. We recently had a new member whose father had extensive SCLC and was in remission for twenty years! I would encourage him tell him that he might benefit from this web site! It helps to talk to others and there are many discussions on treatments. We even have a family physican with SCLC here with us! The people here are so loving and supportive, I can't tell you how this resource has helped me. Thanks to all and sending prayers to you and your uncle. Laurie
  22. Laurie

    Update on Mom

    Fay, I'm so glad that your Mom is feeling better. You are a wonderful supportive daughter. I will keep praying for only the best for your Mom, and the fact that she feels good is a the first step! Best wishes and positive thoughts for many more "Good News" days. Laurie
  23. Hi DaggiesMom, Welcome, my Mom has SCLC too. and is currently in remission, she had a supportive and encouraging doctor too, and I feel grateful. I wish you all the best. Laurie
  24. Hi Dana, I couldn't tell from your post what part of the country you or your Mom is in. The block center Marlon always talks so highly about: He wrote "You would not believe how complete their program is. They won't even let you do chemo without a port! A typical day for my mom goes like this, 1] The nurse and doctor talk to us for a bit then take her vital signs, 2] My mom does their breathing exercises, 3] Vitamin infusion. 4] Chemo. 5] Massage. 6] Psychologist appt. 7] Nutritionist tracks her diet compliance. They DO take insurance and they don't impose anything on you. You can even ask for lower dosages of chemo any day that your condition calls for it. Ahem, and they offer SUPPLEMENTS(!) which are the most important aspect to the healing process and help build your body up. I will send you my links about the center in a heartbeat if you ask me. Or just call them and they will send you a free brochure. " And it made me wish that My Mom went there. It is in Chicago Illinois. I think that having a positive doctor is half the battle. And many here will tell you the same. My Mom's doctor felt that he could get her cancer into remission and so far so good! I hope that your Mom finds the right one to provide her healing and positive energy. Blessings to you and your Mom Laurie
  25. Kara, I'm so sorry to hear about your Nanner. I am praying and thinking about you and your family. Laurie
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