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Everything posted by Laurie

  1. That guys got style and sheek coolnessssss.......
  2. Oh my goshhh....Sandys don't scare me like that!.... Boy your post sure was an eye opener.... Boobs are everything out here in plastic surgery CA,... thed probably pick you up in a limo and that would be subsidized by the plastic surgeons office whoed give you a breast ... booty two for one special.... Seriously though .... Cancer is cancer....plain in simply horrific... I think the worst cancer is the one that they can't cure.... well damnit lets get it! All cancers suck all patients should be pampered !!
  3. Thank you for all of your support!!! Dave P .. A Video would be Absoutely Fabulous...!!!! Please PM me also... I was thinking maybe we should get a "spoken segment" from someone... We just had the first meeting last night and we are still getting the concept together...I spoke to the Cinematographer and this movie is going to be able to be played with a DVD player on any small sound system to larger big picture events..!!!! "Concerts for the Cure" can be anywhere so I can send the DVD and we can raise awareness and have fund raisers for LCSC all over the country to fight this beast!! I wish Sams picture was bigger is there anyway to do that..Rick??? Bless you all ... this is going to be really good. Laurie
  4. Marlon, I'm so sorry to hear this .... You were so strong and wonderful to her. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister. Laurie
  5. Shellie, Oh how awful I am sooo very sorry. I will keep you and your father in my daily prayers. Laurie
  6. Sandy, Why do they have this attitude i'd make them treat it till its gone. It can be done...unfortunately many hve this always comes back... but limited w/ pci can be wiped out! Keep on em! L
  7. Laurie

    hello all

    Welcome !! You can do it!! I hate cancer too..... We need more research!! Who else is lurking out there? Stay with us Laurie
  8. My doctor and his surgical staff are going to say Lung cancer is the Number one killer and You don't have to smoke to get lung cancer! No one dEserves cancer!! Im so happy!!
  9. Laurie


    Absolutely Cute and goregous!
  10. Laurie


    Wonderul.. Praying for great scan and good heal for the new year! Laurie
  11. Laurie


    Hi Steph, I'm sorry to hear that you are sown... The fear and worry is difficult to handle and you do need support. As for that friend I wouldn't take it too personally y to keep the conversation light with her and you can vent with us... I sent you a PM but will need your email address....It is really har d for some to talk abiut cancer especially those who are afraid or just can't cope... Takecare of yourself you are(HUGS) n ot alone...
  12. Norme, How wonderful! A good day is the best. Hoping for many more.. . Laurie
  13. ..Hey All, Sorry I haven't been on.. been ill nothing serious..But I have been blessed to meet a cinematography student that makes Steven Spielburg stand up and say whoa! I need to give him some stuff for ""concerts for the cure snipit"... Can I use Tinys sking picture David P on his bike pic Bonjas pic Dave in the rain forrest? Carleen and Keith Cindy and hubby Ry and hubby Sam(In memory off) and anything else if you have any great accomplishment pictures of movies of yoursrlves like dave golfing or even if someone getting chemo, or giving a thumbs up for remissin... I know its a nightmare but we want people to know thet can make a difference and we are "surviving"...
  14. Laurie


    Good Rant Dean! I always see it as the medical ...CYA...disclaimer... They give you the "stats" for thier own protection??? My Moms doctor was great... I did have difficulty with one partner in the onc unit while Moms reg doctor was away... whose opinion was my Mom was doing poor and getting brain mets...This guy was voted best oncologist? GUESSED WRONG!!!!! We were told that tumors the size of Moms always had mets.... When I was 22 my 23 year old sister-n-law had hodgkins lympohma....Iwas there when she went to get "staged" they did all her tests, bone marrow etc...and told her what they thought her stage was... i don't remember what the stages are but she was told all the stages and the survival rates and live spans and trmts...organs affected mets and one being ovaries....she loved children.... She was told something like stage 3a 70-80 percent survival. But go home and we will call you if t..heres something worse showing... WELL we had to get her out of the house cause everytime the phone rang she would cry and jump. Poor girl.... I'm not allowed to quess or estimate in my field "stockmarket".... Why a doctor would fill your head with what ifs is terribly insensitive and cruel.
  15. Thats what my Mom was told... And I wouldn't go with anything but a doctor who states this! Hes got to believe he can cure you and leave no stone unturned!! God Bless Laurie
  16. Denise, I'm so sorry to hear that you are so down and when it rains it poors! I personally despise that "God gives you what you can handle " I also don't like what ever doesn't kill yah makes you stronger.... "everything happens for a reason... HUH?!! Well is for the Man...and I'm no expert on men... But I'd probaly keep him around to torture him on bad days... He may come in handy when you have a bad day!Get him a platter and a nurses suit and put that dog to use! Fetch!! Time to be selfish.... keep your eyes open and hey you can always get a blonde wig and and never have roots! Shelley Macs you are so funny! You have some mo-jo! L
  17. H i Sandy, I will be praying extra hard for you!! Ppositive vibes and prayers coming your way!! Remember Hopeful2.....? I just talked to her today and she just had a clean scan... Hoping for the same for you!! L
  18. Laurie


    Thanks Karma... I must have hit the wrong button though cause it's broken away from the pack...lol... Hope you and Mom and your sisters are doing well. Laurie
  19. Cathy, If you need anything I'm right of route 5 about 20 minutes away... I have exp with chemo and would be glad to help out anyway I can. Don't hesitate to ask! You will be fine... Lots have been through it...(easy for me to say but) just try to drink and take your meds and rest,rest,rest... Bless you Laurie Laurie
  20. I'm so srry for your loss your grandfather will be missed. Sam was a gentle warrior and never seemed to complain or ask why me? He had a difficult time and never seemed to let it stop him. His love for his wife was so evident and his gentle support/concern for others was a true comfort. He was always willing to send me articles and information from his medical sites and he reassured me on many occassions... I often thought of how terrible it must be to have access to the statistics, to understand the generated probabilites and negative medical what ifs.... Sam was a well respected and valued survivor here....He was our doctor... Wonderful, supportive, kind and funny. I will miss him so much. ' Sam please look after our Lung Cancer family members that have passed....I'm thankful to have known you. God Bless You Sam Laurie _________________
  21. Laurie


    Sandy thanyou so much for the update on Marlons Mom. Extra special prayers are going out to Marlon and his Mot er. God please heal her and give Marlon strength. Ihope that he/you won't mind if I give a brief synopses for those who are not familar with this young man. Hes around 26 and has a 17 yr old younger sister. His father was killed in a car accident and Moms remmaried to someone he doesn't think has her best interest at heart... Marlon has worked extra hard to provide Mom with extra nutritional supplements that cost hundreds monthly and he was vigilant to make sure that his mothers trapped lung was reopened after collapse and finally after much grief was able to find a surgeon to take on the task. She was doing well but unfortunately Marlons Mom was misdiagnosed and had ovarion cancer as a primary that was left undiscovered....Marlon is undoubdtly angry and understandbly upset with the medical community. Lets pray for this young Man who is talented and wants so desperately to love and protect his family.... and give him and his Mom strength and peace of mind to fight this battle. Hope I was accurate in my recollectiion. God Bless Laurie
  22. Laurie

    My Selfish Prayer

    I was told to pray for one selfish wish for 2004....so I prayed for my Mothers to stay cancerfree and for my strength to be free from anxieties so I can continue to support others who face the same battles. Amen Help together in prayer for us, that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the gift granted to us through many ... God Bless you my friends Corinthians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort. Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through christ. Now if we are affected it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings. If we are comforted it is for your consolation and salvation and our hope is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings so also you will partake in consolation. "Many think when God comforts us our troubles should go away. But if that were so people would turn to God only out of a desire to be relieved of pain and not of our love for him. We must understand that being comforted can also mean recieving strength encouragement and hope to deal with our troubles. The more we suffer the more God gives us. If you are feeling overwhelmed allow God to Comfort you and Remember that every trial that you endure will allow you to comfort and be comforted by those with similar troubles.
  23. Laurie

    News On Dave G

    YEHAHAHAHAA!!!! So glad to here that you are back home!! Laurie
  24. Laurie

    I'M BACK!!!

    I'm so Glad your Back !!! Laurie
  25. Laurie

    LCSC Benefit CD

    Well I'd love to hear Keiths CD..... Can we put that looker hubby of yours in leather and put a rose in his mouth for the cover.......????? Sure beats Flea of the Red Hots in his undies anyday!! Seriously I think we should put your song on the CD and Keith on the cover too! Laurie
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