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Posts posted by jamie

  1. Ok guys, this is nothing cancer related...just lookin for anyone who grew up in the 80s and watched alot of TV

    I dont know why, but I have a thing these days for retro 80s TV sitcom, movie tshirts.

    Ive begun a bit of a collection (Youd be amazed on what you can find on the internet.)

    Looking for any TV shows that I may be overlooking. I already have an Arnold Jackson, MASH, Goonies, Karate Kid, and Thundercats Tshirt. Current looking for a Vinnie Bobarino to add.

    Problem is Im running out of ideas for new ones...got any???


  2. Welcom beck Cheryl!!!

    I hope your feeling great! Nothing feels better than coming home after a lengthy stay at a hospital!

    Wish I knew the words to the "Welcome back Kotter" theme song or Id post em...but know that Im humming them for you right now!


  3. Spiritual,

    Anger is the right emotion your expressing right now. I think that everything happens for a reason though, and whats done is done, and cant be changed. You will only drive yourself nuts with all the whatifs???

    Im so sorry for all that is going on. You have the right attidude though, and you seem very strong and straight.

    Good Luck to you guys!


  4. Sherri,

    Three words... READ MY PROFILE!!!

    We have a very similar situation. The good news is that this day...my dad is stable and cancer free. Feel free to print out my dads profile to show your dad that there is definitly alot of hope for him! If you ever have any questions, please feel free to PM me or post it up. Id love to talk with you!

    Good Luck to you and your dad


  5. Im going to follow in Peggys footsteps and try posting some GOOD news for a change here... hopefully it will cheer things up a little!

    My dad has felt absolutly GREAT all weekend! First time hes had more than one good day at a time. He even came down to my childrens school carnival to get out of the house for awhile!

    He says that he has had no pain WHATSOEVER all weekend and that alone has boosted up his spirits. He also said that he has felt so good that he didnt even think about cancer all weekend which is a first probably since February.

    Most of his happiness is centered around the fact that his little mini-goal after the surgery was to be able to make it to his annual camping trip down to Burbonais Illinois to watch the Chicago Bears train for the upcoming season. He has about 2 weeks left to continue to feel better and better, and he is counting the days. For the first time since surgery... this is looking like a real option!

    Thanks for listening, I hope this news can cheer someone up today!


  6. Peggy,

    Thank you for posting with good news. I think we all could use a little dose of that right about now. Im so happy for you guys. Pain free is the BEST news!


  7. Kim,

    First of all, let me say how brave and strong of a gal you seem to be!!! Im sure that helping your mom through these panic things is rough since you have the same disorder, but you seem to be doing it great.

    Second, I think that it is a good thing that your mom opened up to you about her feelings twords dying, because this way, you can help calm her down and tell her that having cancer is not a guaranteed death sentence. My dad was very scared about the same thing, and his situation is turning out better than expected right now. (read profile). When my dad was feeling this way, I printed out peoples profiles who are survivors to prove to him that these great things DO happen to people, and now I am proud to say that I have one to be printed out too!

    We had months and months of bad news. One bad spell after another, and we always said "Things have GOT to turn up... the good news will be comin soon...and it did"

    Continue to be there for your Mom, shes gonna need you, and you seem like the right gal to be there.

    Sorry if this got lengthy...I just hate reading that people are so scared. I think its the worst part of this beast!


  8. Margaret,

    I too am so sorry to hear this latest update. I know that you will beat this bump in the road, just as you have beaten all the others. Whatever plan of action you and your team decide on, remember to stay healthy and strong both mentally and physically. You are on my mind...


  9. Robin,

    Ive read through this thread twice, and I am sorry that I did not see it sooner, but I was going to tell you that I have no answers to your questions. I do want to say that I am sorry to hear about what is going on though. The good thing is that your Mom is at peace now, and all the wondering and worrying can come to an end. Please accept my deepest sympathy.


  10. Jen,

    I asked this question a few months back and heres what everyone told me. False positives are far more common than false negatives. Things light up all the time that just plainly arent cancer. My dad had something light up in his neck that turned out not to be cancer.

    I know that false negatives, although not unheard of... dont happen nearly as much as a false positive.

    Hope this helps


  11. Nina,

    That is a VERY scary thing to have happened to you. I hope that you can go back to feeling comfortable very soon. I guess you can say that you were luck to have been asleep, cause god knows what would have happened. So sorry you have this adding to your stress level


  12. I too am sorry to hear about your mother. It always makes me mad to hear that this horrible disease took someone from someone else who loved them to early. My deepest sympathy


  13. Don,

    What your mom is going through is normal. Im sorry to hear that she is not feeling well, but hopefully with time it will go away.

    As far as her fear, that is normal too. My dad just got news that he was clear of all cancer including his tumor (he had surgery 2 weeks ago)...great news right??? You would think so.. my dad is so worried that at the next tests they will find something new or something they missed that hes not enjoying the fact that as of this moment hes cancer free!

    So let her be scared, its normal... but reassure her that everything can turn out fine and let her know that you are there for her no matter what... good or bad.

    Hope this helps


  14. Ellen,

    You should post this in the good news forum!!! It is great news...nothing spectacular, just doing well, and that my friend is great news!!

    As for the hair, I am partial to the grey/white in the picture. When my husband was 18, we tried and tried to dye his hair pure white (a punk rock thing), and couldnt get it that way. Everyone told us "Wait a few years, itll come"!

    Wishing you the best, and continued good luck and happiness


  15. Hi everyone, and thanks for all the replies

    I guess the general vote is that SLURRPIES ARE GOOD!!!

    Just a quick update,

    My dad is feeling pretty good today, yesterday was rough. Hes got this swelling that moves around from his neck to his arm and into his chest that he describes as the "water balloon". He called and the nurse told him its normal, but kindof painful. Its gone today so hes feeling pretty good. Thanks for all the good wishes, I hope things keep going so well.

    My dad is going to come out to our neighborhood carnival tommorow to get out of the house for awhile. I guess hes getting a little sick of my mom and his dog.

    Thanks again


  16. Bruce,

    Sorry to hear its come once again. We all would LOVE for you to stay. Youve supported me in the past and I would be extreemly grateful for you to let us support you. Thats what were here for... were family


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