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Posts posted by jamie

  1. Don,

    Your moms story is soooo similiar to my Dads.

    My dad was originally told that he had stage 3b LC, and would not be a canidate for surgery. He went on with chemo and radiation for 8 weeks. They both worked, his tumor shrunk small enough to remove, the radiation got the cancer out of his lymph., and he's scheduled for surgery on the 29th of this month. It does happen. Dont ever lose hope in that. When we heard that my dad was not operable, my dad lost hope for himself... for about a day. After that, he just figured, ok, well lets figure out the next best thing to do for me. But i thought Id share, to let you know that it can happen. It happened to us. And I hope and pray it does for you too. Best of Luck


  2. Connie,

    Your one of the people on this board that ALWAYS has something to say to my posts. You were one of the first people to PM me, and also to answer my first posts when I was SOOOO scared. Your words mean ALOT to me and to everyone else too. So THANK YOU...for everything...


  3. Angie,

    I agree with what everyone else has said.... get him there any way that you can. Its the only thing thats gonna settle your head. Best of Luck, it dosent seem like an easy task!


  4. Thanks everyone for all of the good luck and wishes!!!

    Connie- the reason for the wait till the end of the month is because his is at a large, busy hospital, and the surgeon was away for a week or two, and he's basicly overbooked. From what I hear though, waiting is worth it...this guys is supposto be really good!

    Thanks for the surgery advice too, we dont really know what to expect.

    My Dads kindof mad that he probably wont be able to go to his annual camping trip to Burbomais Illinois to watch the Chicago Bears Train.. they go on July 29... but hes hopin maybe? :?

    (HUGE Bear fan)

    Ill keep everyone posted...and thanks again!!!


  5. Becky,

    Point taken. I think the why him additude sets in early, then settles somewhere in the back of my head. I dont think anymore because I realize it can take anyone it wants, smokers, non smokers, men, women, old, young. Thats all I meant. I think everyone, patients and caretakers alike all have wondered what Deb has wondered. It is a pity pool, but I think everyone has the right to be angry about what has happend to them, their loved ones, their lives. To answer your question, I couldn't choose. But I will say this. If not for my 3 kids, I would take his cancer and make it my own to save him.

    I get it though..


  6. How fusterating! I know you must be aggravated! Press the doctors for more answers, I know I hate being left in the dark! Also, what about radiation to the new spots? I would think they would have to change something since the circumstances have changed. Im no doc. though... check with the doc. and see what the plan is!


  7. I would think that you can get any info. that you want. Im not sure how you would go about it though. Call the person who was in charge then, Im sure they will tell you what was given. I dont see why they wouldnt


  8. Deb,

    The bottom line is that life isnt fair... this disease isnt fair. This disease happens to the best of people. I think all the time that if it just would have been anyone but my dad... The truth is this disease has no predjuces. (sp-sorry). It dosent care who you are, how great you are, how loved you are. It will hit anyone it pleases.

    Keep your head up,,,


  9. Amy,

    Welcome to the board, and I want to wish you, your mom, and your family the best of luck with all of this. My daughters name is Amy too, and at the ripe old age of 7, she feels the need to inform everyone that her Papa has cancer. Kids are a trip!

    Best of luck and welcome


  10. I can understand how you want to keep the facts to yourself. My dad on the other hand was somewhat dissapointed because he didnt lose his hair, cause he said hed wear it like a badge. ( I think he would have just liked the attention! :lol: ) But I get it. You tell who you feel comfortable with, and by the way,,, I dont get the basketball tickets either!


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