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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Hi Kris, Its so good to hear from you..Maybe if you start to think of the times when your dad wasnt sick (hard I know)you can dream of him healthy, try to think of the happy times(another hard one)right before falling asleep...Other than your dreams I hope your doing ok....
  2. Lori, I was on antibiotics last week, after a couple days of taking them I was so sick, really nausiated I did end up vomitting and felt so much relief afterward so I stopped taking them and have felt fine since...you can also go to webmd.com and they have info and the side effects of rx drugs...Hope your mom gets some relief soon...
  3. Ry, I am so glad John is doing better...Hoping for the best for your mother in law as well...
  4. Sharon, What an incredible story...I so happy that you are finding peace, how wonderful that must feel.....
  5. I know Shellie, boy do I know..I wonder too why I cant seem to move on from this..I feel as though it will always be a part of me..It has changed me in many different ways..Grief is a day by day adjustment, I hope your day is better tomorrow..XO
  6. Cool story Fay..It sounds like a scene in a movie
  7. Nell, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Bob...Its obvious how much you loved him..A very dear friend of mine once told me Friends are our chosen family..
  8. Just said a prayer for David and his family. ((((((((David, Karen, Faith, Becky)))))))))))
  9. Don, Sending prayers Lucie's way for a quick recovery...She is such a strong person...
  10. David, I will absolutely keep you and your family in my prayers..
  11. Becky, Congrratulations on the anniversary and I will keep you in my prayers for clean scans in May..
  12. cathy

    Chest x-ray

    great news Rachel!!!
  13. This is such a good idea everyone, and I have seen what the cookbooks may look like, they are really nice, please take a minute or 2 and send your recipes to Andrea..Its a great way to raise funds for LCSC.. I think you will be happy with the finished product..
  14. Hi Joe and Gina, Good luck in your beautiful new home!!
  15. cathy

    Jim is gone

    I'm sorry Margaret, so very sorry..
  16. Joanie, My mom is going through a very similar situation..My mom and dad were friends with these people for over 60 years, they are my godparents as well..It was about 3 months after dad passed, they were playing cards, someone didnt like what someone else did(yadda yadda) and they havent spoken since (crazy huh).. My mom has a condo in fla. and so do these people..They see her everyday and still have not said a word..I have a hard time understanding how people can be so cruel to a grieving widow(best friends through the years).. I only hope when I go down there next week to visit I can tell them how I feel..Shame on them and all the other so called friends that have done this to all of you..Especially to you and your husband Joanie..
  17. I love the new picture too...
  18. cathy


    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear dad, its sounds like you had a very special relationship...
  19. Shelly, Thank you so much for writing this..This happens to me just about every day..The crazy thing is for a split second I think its my dad..Its so bitter sweet ..I have never said anything although I stare at them for a while...
  20. cathy


    Ann, I am so sorry to hear about grumpy. I can tell that you cared for him deeply..
  21. cathy

    Prayer request...

    Will pray for grumpy and his family..Sad so sad
  22. Very precious picture Sharon..
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