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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Ann, I am so sorry for your pain...I know my mom is having a hard time as well..Everyone always asks how she is doing and I think they expect me to say good, and are uncomfortable when I say not very good... When you have a true love and soulmate taken from you, I dont think your heart will ever mend..It seems like my mom is just trying to get by, sort of going through the motions of life but not really living it and it sounds like you're that way too... You'll get through these next days because you know you have to and I'll be thinking and praying for you to find the strength to do so...You know Dennis wouldnt want all the sadness, let that be your strength to get through it....XO
  2. cathy


    Dear Madison, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear mother...I know how devasting the pain is..I lost my precious dad a little over a year ago and I remember oh so well being in your shoes...The pain is so overwhelming and I bet you feel that you will never be okay again.. Its so hard because it feels like you are alone and no one understands the depth of your sorrow, I understand..With all due respect to Peggy I have to disagree about the age thing..My dad was 70 when we lost him and the devastation is still felt in my family... I think if it helps talk about what you need to talk about, so many here can relate to your feelings just let us know and you will find some relief knowing that everything you feel is normal, although we all grieve differently there are many similarities to our grief.. Time does help trust me it does, it wont take your pain away it just sort of teaches you how to live with it..When you have a beautiful relationship with a loved one and then they are taken from you its only normal to feel your heart shatter in a million pieces... Everything is still so raw for you, I'll pray for you and your family to somehow find some peace and begin to heal..
  3. Sharyn, I am so sorry to hear this...I am sending prayers and hoping for whatever is best for your dear dad..
  4. Shirley, What a shame about your mom, sounds like she is having a really rough time, praying she will get better soon..
  5. Berisa Your mom is in my prayers..Thinking positive thoughts for her too...
  6. Denise, What a beautiful dream, I bet you didnt want to wake up from that one..I wish I could help get you through the holidays, they are so hard I know, one thing that helps me is knowing that my dad wouldnt want me to be sad, so when you're feeling so overwhelmed with grief think of how your mom loved you so much and would not want you to be hurting.. I understand about the guilt you're feeling, I dont really know how to get through it, I think we will always feel that there had to be something we could do.. Its very traumatic for the family, I am not sure if time will ever heal that wound..You're not alone Denise, we're here..
  7. cathy

    Black magic??

    Becky, I really hope your "bad stuff" leans more to the good stuff side..XO
  8. Lisa, I absolutely will say a prayer for you and your mom..
  9. Angie, I have no advice, my dad never had any mets, however I do know about getting news that we just dont want to hear, I just want you to know your dad and family are in my prayers, hoping for the best and that the wbr zaps those mets away..
  10. cathy

    Cary's Dad-updated

    Cary, I am so so sorry..Will say a prayer for you and your family that God gives you strength to get through this awful time and find some sort of peace down the road...
  11. cathy

    what if I'm next?

    Kim, Do I know exactly what you are talking about..I have told my husband numerous times that I think I have lung cancer, I really think I do, half of me thinks it is the paranoia and the other half really worries about it on a daily basis..I feel destined to get it, I just hope its me and not passed on to my children
  12. cathy

    Sandy blew it!

    Thinking of you Sandy and praying for the best..
  13. cathy

    My Aunt Passed Away

    Fay, I am sorry for the loss of your dear aunt..I had a very special aunt that has been gone for a couple years, I know how special they can be..
  14. Cindy, You certainly are an inspiration..Its so good to hear good news from you... Have a wonderful holiday..
  15. cathy

    Sad News

    Don and Lucie, I sure wish you could have had better news wed...I will absolutely keep you both in my prayers..
  16. cathy

    just a quick FYI

    Good Luck Joe and Gina with your beautiful new home..
  17. Katie, I am not sure if it helped her or not..She didnt seem as excited as I was about the whole experience ..I even hesitated posting it, I felt like I had to share it and maybe it might help someone who is struggling with the loss of their loved one, it has helped me find a bit of peace, although I have to admit I keep rereading it to remind myself that it really did happen..I have to believe it was my dad..
  18. Joni, I am so sorry for your tremendous loss..Your husband sounds like he was a wonderful man..I think one of our fears is that our precious loved ones will be forgotten..
  19. jjoan, You probably are so relieved by what Dr Joe just wrote..Now that you know you need to take care of you..Try to think of your mom at peace right now, thinking about all the what ifs will drive you crazy...The holidays are going to be really hard.. I lost my precious dad last august so this will be my second christmas without him.. It doesnt seem any easier this year than it was last year.. We have what we call on the boards "our new normal" For many their new normal is learning to live each day with cancer, for some its learning how to care for their loved ones with cancer and for some like me its learning how to live our lives without our precious dads, dear moms, beloved spouses, wonderful brothers sisters uncles aunts and friends.. Whatever the case we know how you feel so if you need us we're here..
  20. Andrea, I have never gone..I didnt think they woud do x-rays with a routine exam..Well actually I havent been to any doctor since my dad was diagnosed, I am a little scared, well actually I am paranoid....
  21. Dear Don and Lucie, I look forward to reading about Lucie and how well she is doing, she has come so far battling this horrible disease..What a beautiful Thanksgiving you two will have..God Bless You..
  22. Praying for a quick recovery for David...
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