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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Well Don I dont recall wishing you a safe trip and I dont remember you saying anything about Scotland, so have a wonderful time and will see you soon..You'll be missed....
  2. cathy

    Marlboro coupons

    I received those coupons in the mail too...I didnt know there was a number to call to cancel..Cant wait now to get them, I'll tell them how I feel about cancer sticks as well...
  3. Lily, Absolutely dont think about the negative. You dont have to explain to anyone(brother) about your love for Johnny, if they dont understand your pain then they will never get it no matter how much you try to explain, so dont even waste your energy on it...I know people around me think that I am doing great since I lost my dad, thats because I dont tell them, only because they just dont get it and they never will. If they ever were fortunate to have a love like yours and Johnnys or a dad as precious as mine they may be able to see the pain and be helpful instead of hurtful, but like the saying goes "walk a mile in my shoes" Have a wonderful time Lily!!
  4. cathy

    another birthday

  5. cathy

    another birthday

    I know how you feel. I had a bday 2 weeks ago. Sure was glad when that day was over. Its almost like I waited for my dad to call and say "Happy Birthday Cat"
  6. Thinking of you as well Dean Beautifullly written Becky..
  7. Mo, Hope you feel better after the transfusion, talk about a rollercoaster, you sure have had your share of ups and downs..(((MO))))
  8. cathy

    An Update.

    Dear Dean, I am sorry your having a hard time right now... I just want to add that I think you are incredble and definately an inspiration to this family...((((DEAN)))))
  9. David I am glad you had a good time, sounds like the boys had fun too..
  10. Paddy, I am not a member of the wives club either, but I use to go with my dad and mom to his appt.. and his doctors seemed ok most of the time when my mom or I budded in.. However I can remember a time or two getting one of those looks...Dont worry about it if your husband doesnt mind, let them give you all the looks they want..
  11. cathy

    One year ago today

    Fay, I remember when you posted of your mom's passing too.. There wasnt as many of us here a year ago. I just remember how sad it was for you, I cant believe a whole year has passed...I hope you are beginning to heal...
  12. Rosanne, just wondering if you know where the walk will be..
  13. You know, I think my fear is that I may lose it one day and have a breakdown because I have never lost control of my emotions like I do now..He never leaves my thoughts, first thing when I wake up last thing I think of before falling asleep..I feel like I am too old to be acting like a baby..I dont think people around me know because I dont tell them, all except my husband of course.. I usually am not one to share deep feelings, I had a very close cousin that I would talk to almost everyday, I havent talked to her much lately, because she works more hours and seems to be very busy..I feel myself pulling away from people and cant figure that out either..I think I just need to know how some of you feel that way I dont feel like I am going crazy, from reading your responses it has helped to know that you all know exactly what I mean, I never thought I was a "needy" person, but this whole cancer journey sure has proved me wrong.. Thank you all for being there, and caring Jamie-thank you, the grandkids called my dad papa too, we have them from age 30 to 8 and hopefully my newly married brother has another.. Mo-I worry everyday that I will lose my mom because her heart is broken in pieces, that must have been devasting for you..Hope you are feeling better... Oh Shelly-My mom gets upset with me because I wont go to the cemetary, they are not there Shelly, thats what I tell my mom, my dad is not there, for me going back there, would put me over the edge..I am so sorry for your pain as well, you have been through so much... Shirley-I have read many of your post and they have comforted me, especially just looking at Randys picture, that alone makes me smile... Katie-You know how I feel about you, an angel wise beyond your years JC-I couldnt imagine not having any family, thank you for reaching out to me..I am sorry that you have to do this alone, but glad your here, so your not completely alone.. Gloria-your right sticking together has been a tremondous help, I am glad we have each other.. Natalie-Yes I do feel manic many times, talking to everyone here helps, I know you are having an awful time too, thanks for letting me know I am not alone.. Sandy-thank you for caring, I am sorry you lost your dad so young, I bet he is your guardian angel...
  14. I am so tired of being sad. It will be 9 months in a couple of days..I have no control over my emotions..Tell me how you guys feel so I know I am not alone..I miss him...
  15. Ginny, I will absolutely pray for Earl and you as well..
  16. Thanks for finishing the story, sorry about the migraines though, but happy its not mets....
  17. When my dad had his surgery he had no mets other than 2 out of the 9 lympth nodes that they took out.. however after surgery they staged him at a 3ab, still could never quit figure that out and they didnt know until they opened him up about the lympth nodes, could never figure that out either, I am not sure if I am helping or making this more confusing...
  18. Jerry, All I have to add is good for you for changing oncs..Hopefully this new one knows a little more than the last one...Or at least explains what is going on a little more thorough...
  19. Shirley Sorry about the ankle,make sure you get the rest you are suppose to be getting..Glad to hear the relay for life was a success..Sam would be so proud..
  20. Congratulations I think. Really am curious now... Ginny, I love your response LOL
  21. have a fabulous time Lisa.. Enjoy your family....
  22. Glad to hear everything went well Ray! I love the new picture only you dont look like my brother anymore..(remember I told you that you reminded me of my brother)Thats ok because you look fabulous!!!
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