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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy


    Ray praying for you too!!!
  2. Dearest Andrea, I am so so sorry, Hospice will help in ways you wont believe, they are very special people..I will say some prayers that God does what is best for your precious mom.. I know how unbearable the pain is for you now, praying for strength for you as well..
  3. Dear Peg, Please know I am sending prayers right now for you and Bill and your precious daughter..
  4. Dear Shelly You have been through so much and like Ry said, you cant go through this and not have a hard time.. I know how hard this last year has been for you it was one devastation after another..Just remember some days are harder than others, take one day at a time and maybe when you wake up tomorrow you may feel a little better at least I hope you do...I am saying a prayer right now that God gives strength to get through this...You know you can call me if you need to, I wont push myself on you but if you want to talk pm me..(((((((SHELLY))))))
  5. cathy

    Taking a stand

    Good for you Heather!
  6. cathy


    Dear Berisa, I am so sorry that your dad has to go through this.. I know how hard it is for you too....Will say a prayer for your dad for his miracle..
  7. Glad to hear that Karen is doing well...Praying for a speedy recovery
  8. Paddy, Have a great time.. If your coming to Mich. they are saying we may get some snow next week, isnt that ridiculous!! Bring some sunshine with you...
  9. Yvonne, I am so sorry you lost your dear husband, its been 7 1/2 months since I lost my preciouis dad and my mom lost the love of her life. We do have a forum for those who have lost a loved one and I think you will find some comfort there. You will see that you are not alone... Welcome
  10. cathy

    Happy and Sad

    Thanks Karen, The wedding was really nice and I had a great time.. I Couldnt bring myself to do the ashes or be there when it was done..My mom and sister did it though... Strange as it was, I didnt feel sad at the wedding. I really thought I would be an emotional wreck, but I wasnt..
  11. Well Karen, I gotta admit when I first read this post, I wasnt too convinced that these were signs, so I did some investigating and read your first post about the numbers, sorry for doubting you, its pretty incredible..I am sure it brings some much needed comfort for you and your family...
  12. Hi Connie, I know previously we had to request an address, so will there be an actual list of members who want to be involved and their addresses and do we receive the whole list or do we still get them individually by request...Does that make sense? Maybe I am being too paranoid...
  13. David, I will be thinking of you daily and hoping for a speedy recovery..Becky and I would like to have a Mich. get together so you need to GET WELL SOON.....((((((((DAVID)))))))))
  14. cathy

    CT Results are In

    Wonderful Connie!!
  15. Debi, Beautiful picture and I think your post was beautiful and inspiring as well..
  16. cathy

    New here

    Welcome Deb, I agree weather has a lot to do with our moods. I'm glad you decided to join us, maybe we can help to lift your spirits and a little sunshine wouldnt hurt as well..
  17. Thank you Curtis and again I am so sorry
  18. Good for you Grumpy I hope the Iressa works wonders for you..
  19. cathy

    My Brother

    Mike, I am so sorry. It must be devasting to lose a sibling, I certainly can feel your pain through your post.
  20. What a thoughtful idea Lillian..16 years old,unbelievable
  21. cathy

    Happy and Sad

    I wasnt sure which forum I should post this its a happy occasion on a sad note. My brother is getting married this saturday its his second marriage..The wedding is taking place at a place my dad loved to go. It's a casino/resort in Mt. Pleasant Mi..If dad could have lived there he would, as a matter of fact thats where we spent their 50th anniversary right before dad passed.. My brother has some of my dads ashes and wants to scatter them there.. I guess I am hoping its not overwhelming and I fall off the deep end..Maybe some prayers for strength will help us get through it.. I know everytime I walked down the hallways to see my dad when he was in the hospital I prayed for strength to be strong for him and it helped.. Thanks for being here for me, I really dont know how I would be, if I didnt have my LCSC family..XO
  22. cathy


    Ann, I know that feeling as well, sometimes I think those little things are the hardest to overcome.. I have lost some people that were very dear to me even my best friend, but nothing has affected my daily life like the loss of my dad.. I hope today is a better day for you...
  23. Well K.C You have found one. I was outside my precious dads hospital door, when he took his last breath, I was there through everything else but couldnt bare the pain of watching, other family members were there so he wasnt alone. Once they gave him that morphine, I couldnt stand to see him that way even though everyone told me he looked so peaceful..He couldnt talk to me anymore, its sooo hard I wish I could comfort you more KC but its just soo overwhelming and painful to think about that day, hopefully its comforting for you to know you are not alone. It seems like it was alot easier to talk about when it first happened, I dont know I've just been having some bad days...I know its there somewhere, somewhere there is peace for us..
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