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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy


    Dear Bob, Sending prayers and hugs your way(((((((BOB)))))))
  2. cathy


    Great News Rich, thanks for bringing hope back, we so needed it...
  3. Beautiful words Fay.God Bless you and all the wonderful people on these boards who live with LC everyday..You inspire and amaze me.. Rest in Peace Becky, Judy and all of our fallen angels.
  4. Very well put Gail. Sure wish someone would listen..
  5. cathy

    Totes and more

    Nancy, I know, hate it, hate it, hate it...Its just not right....
  6. Have a wonderful trip Betty..
  7. cathy

    Welcome Back Ry

    Hi Ry, I am hoping you are home today and this welcome back isnt premature. You sure were missed.
  8. I know Connie, its so unbelievable, cant get her off my mind, along with JudyB.
  9. Curtis, I am so so sorry. This is so incredibly sad.
  10. Gurtis Please,keep us updated..Praying they get this under control soon..Is Becky on a bypap?
  11. cathy

    Judy B has passed

    Dear Stephanie. My heart is breaking now for you and your family, as I sit here staring at your post in bisbelief.. I just dont get it, I am so so sorry..Your mom was a friend and an inspiration to many here, she will most definately be missed...
  12. Have a great mental health vacation, it sounds wonderful, wish I could go...
  13. KC, I am so very sorry you lost your dear dad.. Dads are so special to their daughters..
  14. Anne I cant believe you brought this up.. I too am haunted by my dads last hours, hospice was the one administering the morphine in my dads case. Its too painful for me to go into detail, sure wish I could, its not going to change anything for me to talk about it so I try to erase it, but just as you it wont got away, it knaws at me daily, I just keep waiting for time to pass and hope to heal..What else can we do, I wish things were explained to me and my family a little more thorough than they were.. I feel your pain Anne....
  15. cathy

    message board

    I was getting a little nervous there, I dont want to be censored here, I have always tried to be very sensitve to our friends and family members that are still fighting this monster, when my dad was still here I didnt want to know about grieving because I didnt think I would be there ever..It was way too sad for me at that time, but now it is my reality and I like all of us dont want to be here, but for some reason its Gods plan... We as family members have been through a very devasting and traumatic ordeal, our hearts are broken, we need to know we can come here and be comfortable...Thanks Katie for the reassurance..
  16. Dont feel bad Tee, I watch nick at night it helps take my mind off of things and remember the good old days before cancer came into my family's life..
  17. cathy

    message board

    Natalie, In the first few weeks when I lost my dad, I posted that I had to leave because I had nothing to offer and for me it was very painful to read and relive the horror of LC. I searched for somewhere else to go but never felt what I have here. I have also been asked if I think the boards are holding me back from healing, I dont have the answer to that question because I dont really know what grief is suppose to feel like, all I know is for now I am comfortable here... When I did post that I was leaving, many replied and told me to stay, I guess they felt I had something to offer, just because my dad was gone, didnt mean I couldnt help others with whatever knowledge or experience I picked up during my dads journey through this horrible disease. There are still many post I cant read because it brings me right back where I dont want to be and I feel really bad but then I see someone else has responded and helped out..I realize now its good to have the diversity here, because there will always be someone who has been there done that. Before I lost my dad I may have gone into the grieving forum twice, if that, so thats what is good about this site everything has a category and title and if you dont want to go there you dont... I also hesitate to reply to people because if they read my signature they will see that my dad lost his battle and I dont want to discourage any one especially if they are new here.. I just want to let you know you are in a safe place, I dont think you will find another like it...I stopped looking!
  18. cathy

    Pity pot

    It must be magic, because now I see the eggs.. Very pretty Fay
  19. cathy

    Pity pot

    Elaine I am so glad you dont see anything new because I dont either, I thought maybe it was an inside joke and I missed something..
  20. Dear Andrea, We will be here for you when you need us.
  21. Stephanie, I am so sorry about your mom. I cant believe this is happening to her.. I know how devastating this is for you. (((STEPHANIE)))))
  22. Oh Gay, You have had a hard way to go...I sure wish I had some suggestions for you, I have never been where you have or where you are right now, I can only say if it helps just to have someone listen we are listening and we care..Sounds like the so called professionals have not been very helpful or professional, that has to be emotionally exausting trying to find someone who can really help..Hoping your day gets better in the meantime heres a hug(((GAY))))
  23. Cindy, Just wanted to send you my well wishes, and hugs (((((CINDY)))))
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