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Everything posted by cathy

  1. John, Please keep us posted on Ry's progress. So does that mean antibiotics will do the trick? By the way beautiful picture and precious family, you look fabulous!!
  2. cathy


    Katie, I know what you mean about the dreams. I always dream so I was so disappointed when I didnt dream about my dad until 2 weeks ago.. I was at an outside music theatre and my dad was the singer, his voice was beautiful and he was so healthy, he was singing an old Italian song, so needless to say I was on a quest to find out exactly what the words mean. I was on the internet for 2 hours and still couldnt find any translation. I have 21 Italian cousins my mom is Italian and understood Italian because thats all her mother spoke to her but no one knows exactly what the words mean.. We used to sing this song all the time, he only sang a couple verses from it. Any way I woke up smiling, for the first time since that day, I thought of my dad and smiled, it felt sooo good,so Katie I am hoping there are more SWEET DREAMS for you and I...
  3. cathy


    Rick, It is absoluletly beautiful. Thank you for keeping my precious dads memory alive. I cant wait to show my mom. She will be home next week from Fla..God Bless you and Katie,(our angels on earth)
  4. Cathy, I too didnt want to read your post, just by reading the title. First, I dont think anyone here would say you are whining, so enough of that..I dont have any advice for you because my dad never experienced chemo, I just wanted to let you know I care and will pray the next plan of action works for you..
  5. Very well put Shelly.Thanks
  6. Have a wonderful time Mo
  7. I felt the same way this morning when I walked outside in a lighter than winter jacket.. I guess since the sun was shining I thought it was alot warmer than it was.. It is warming up a bit though...
  8. Absolutely will say prayer for both moms
  9. Berisa I am sorry to hear this..Let us know how it all works out..It must be so hard for you...(((((BERISA)))))
  10. Angie, I know the helplessness you feel, I dont think there is any way of getting around it.. My dad use to worry so much about what LC was doing to us rather than himself...The only thing that helped me get through a lot of it was to think how lucky I was to have such a beautiful dad. I wanted to let you know dont worry about support thats what we are here for, to offer when we can and to receive when needed. There are plenty of times when I am having a bad day and want to support and just cant seem to find any words that day..Thats what is beautiful about this place, no one judges because we all know what its like to walk in each others shoes somewhat. I hope they find out what is causing your dads discomfort and get it under control soon....
  11. cathy


    I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. God Bless you and your family during these traumatic times..
  12. Welcome Karen, Your mom told me she has family in MI.. Are you the family..If you are I hope she can make the visit here I know they were lookinfg forward to it....
  13. GAil So glad your son is ok..Boy did I hate those times, when my kids first got their license..My daughter hit a car when she was pulling out of a parking lot, and my son hit a car when he was turning left, no one was hurt thank God..I am so glad those days are over...
  14. Leslie, I am so sorry.. I know how devasting this is..May God Bless you and your family during this awful time...
  15. Stephanie I am so sorry to hear of Judys setback..Praying that they get to the bottom of this soon ...Hang in there Stephanie..
  16. I dont know what to say. Thank you I have been sitting here for a few minutes and really am speechless.
  17. cathy

    Katie or Rick

    Glad you're feeling better. I received my totes yesterday, They are so beautful, I must have sat and stared at in for 15 minutes, my daughter loves it too, cant wait until my mom gets home, to give her hers and I know my sister will love it as well.. I am having some family over tonight and cant wait to show them. Probably going to be more tears especially after I show them what your wonderful husband is doing for our fallen angels, and I thought I had the best husband in the world..Take care of yourself Katie
  18. cathy

    Katie or Rick

    I was just wondering how Katie is doing..((((KATIE)))))
  19. Dear Rick, Thank you. You are a special man. Almost made a whole day with no tears, thats ok it was worth it..
  20. Thats is completely unexcusable behavior Elaine.. Did you by any chance see a patient advocate about that.. I cant believe how unprofessional those nurses were. I dont blame you for being upset....
  21. Prayers for Judy, that she has a quick recovery and is feeling better soon...
  22. HI Shelly, I know you probably wont believe me but I was just thinkig about you and I was going to send you a pm, this was about 2 days ago.. Then I thought I might be intruding..Tomorrow is probably going to be rough for you, 7 months today for my dad...How are you doing, hows your family? I remember how upset you were about the vulture, it sounds like she is still around.. I think your idea is a good one. One fear I have is that my precious dad will be forgotten by others, so trying to keep their memory alive is important to me as well.. I am not sure if you put your mom in the wall of memory here or not, that was one of the hardest things I have done since losing him. I told myself for his birthday I would do it and I think I got it in right on his birthday, its comforting know he will be there forever..Try that Shelly if you havent already..If you go to the wall of memory look up my dad, his name is Andrew Pace and I entered it Feb. 8th.. It is really good to hear from you, you should keep in touch, you always had beautiful words of encouragement support and hope...Miss you
  23. cathy

    Missing my dad

    Gianna, Absolutletly keep me informed, I have a large family and they all adored my dad so I am sure I can get them to participate..
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