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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    Another Good Scan

    Good news Dave. Your picture is great
  2. Sorry to hear you were so ill, but it sounds like good news otherwise
  3. I guess no more dannon light yogurt for me.. Thanks Heather
  4. cathy


    Shelly, I am so happy for you as I sit here with tears in my eyes, it sounds like you are truly finding peace with your dads decision.
  5. Becky, I just read your post and yes it was my dad who had fibrosis, he also had an awesome pulmonologist, wish I could say the same for his oncology team. Sounds like your pulm is taking the right steps to find out what is causing your shortness of breath. Lets hope they get to the bottom of it soon.. John, I am not sure why they dont recognize the fibrosis, they are never to quick to diagnose the pneumonitis either. My dad developed pneumonitis before he ever finished radiation. His radiologist kept telling him he couldnt have it because it USUALLY doesnt occur until a couple months after radiation, My dad did end up walking out on the quack and discontinued radaition. He was probably developing the fibrosis at the same time...
  6. Hi Cristina, I was going through the memberlist the other day and wondering how you are..
  7. Andrea, Yep, feel the same way, and I have had outbursts as well. I seem to be able to control it now, I have also tried the educating part and some people just dont want to know, they live their nice cushy happy lives, heaven forbid if something like cancer should creap its way in and mess everything up.
  8. cathy


    Dear Shelly, If only I could relive the days when my dad was diagnosed.. He decided he wasnt going to get any treatment after the surgery, well when we heard that we had a big family meeting and told my dad he had to have it, because that was the only way he would be around for us and we needed him. He agreed with hesitation but did it for us and that was his only reason. I can still see and hear us that day, all the crying all the pleading, so much pain in remembering that we his loving family talked him into the very thing that lead to his passing...He was doing so good after surgery, once he started radiation the nightmare began. My point is Shelly, let your dad do it his way, he needs you to support his decision. I think he is feeling enough is enough, he's tired. You have so much grief in your life right now, you dont need to add guilt to it, trust me its horrible...At least when the end comes and I say when because no none knows you will be at peace because your dad did exactly what he wanted.. I am not sure if I will ever find that peace...God Bless you Shelly
  9. Paddy, I am sorry the results were not what you were hoping for.. Hoping the taxotere does the trick and gets the monster under control..
  10. cathy

    Missing my dad

    Gianna, where and when is the walk?
  11. cathy

    good scan

    Great News Eileen. Congratulations on being smoke free...
  12. cathy

    Missing my dad

    Gianna, I know how you feel. Even though I am probably old enough to be your mom I know exactly what you mean about the what ifs. You know what, those what ifs will drive you crazy. The best thing for you is to not think about them and I know that its really hard to do, but its not helping you. If your dad was anyway like mine (Italian, he wasnt born there but his parents were) I know he wouldnt want you to be thinking so much..You know in your heart that your dad would have been a wonderful Grandpa and you can tell your future children all about him... I pray that one day we can all begin to heal and find the peace that we so desparately need..
  13. cathy

    Not Good News

    Dearest Andrea, I know how awful this is for you,the emotional pain is unbearable. I remember them da-- office visits too well especially after the doctor walked out. You sit there in complete disbelief and agony. I will be praying for you and your mom and hoping they find the right chemo for her and remember HOPE... ((((((((ANDREA))))))))
  14. Dear Deanna, I am so so sorry. I know how bad it hurts. Your mom is at peace now and doesnt have to suffer any more...
  15. Dear Cathy I am so so sorry.
  16. Hi Grumpy I am so sorry that the monster has come back, but I am glad that you have this place to come to. I was just wondering if you and my dad had the same radiologist. His was the most arrogant doctor. My dad did end up walking out on him. I know he had come from the Karmonos center originally and ended up at the VanEslander center, unfortunately for my dad. Were you by any chance treated at the Karmonos or Vaneslander? AS far as the pill if it is Iressa, many seem to doing ok with it, however I can understand how you feel my dad didnt want any treatment either, the only regret I have is talking him into radiation... Keep us posted, everytime I check the member list I often come across your name and have wondered what ever happened to you because you joined right around the same time I did and that you are from Mi.
  17. cathy

    ok, heres my pic

    Oh Deb, So nice to meet you again.. You gave me an idea I think I will put up a picture of me and my dad on my wedding, although it wont look as new and fresh as yours its 27 years old, any how beautiful picture it brought tears and a smile to me, that seems to be happening alot lately tears and smiles together.
  18. cathy

    Happy Birthday

  19. Cindi, You are not pathetic, just feeling completely helpless and alone. thats what lc does.. It puts you in a place in your life that you definately dont want to be.. I cant imagine not having my husbands support during my dads illness, he is definately my rock. I am not sure of the side effects of the drugs your husband is on, but maybe they are altering his moods and sometimes it takes a while to adjust.. In the meantime, if you need support or somewhere to vent you have come to the right place, many of us have been there and know what you are going through....
  20. Dear Howard, I am so sorry to hear about your dad, turning the lights on made me teary-eyed but in the same instant made me smile. Sure wish your workload wasnt so heavy, that has to be draining. I know many think a teachers job is over once their students go home, my daughter is in her first year of teaching, so I know how hard a good teacher works..It was good to hear from you, your family sounds like they are handling the situation as best they can, thats about all any of us can do...It also sounds like you did a great job raising them...
  21. Dear Lord please spare this family another tragedy.
  22. Oh Peg, You and Bill are in my prayers. Hopefully the new plan will do the trick and kill all those nasty cells. Also hoping Bill gets some relief from his pain and nausea...
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