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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Dear Jenny, My heart is breaking now for our dear friend Judy..As I sit here and shake my head in disbelief, I remember when I first joined last year your mom was one of the first to answer some question I had...Please dont give up hope, doctors have been known to be wrong many times.. Your mom is here now so just enjoy her..
  2. cathy

    What a day!

    Good for you Mary...Its worth the snapping if you can get one person to quit. Sure wish some of my family members would quit.. I cant believe after eveything they saw my beautiful dad go through that they still light up...
  3. cathy

    Prayers for Karen335

    Sending my prayers as well.
  4. cathy

    please help me

    Dear Linda, I dont have any answers for you, however I can offer support and prayers. I know how helpless you feel, its so hard. Your dad sounds like a very special man, will absolutely keep him in my prayers...((((((((LINDA))))))))))))
  5. cathy


    Berisa stable is good.. Hopefully you will get more good news when you see the onc..
  6. cathy

    Going fishing

    Sounds like you are going to have fun...Enjoy
  7. Prayers being said right now MO
  8. Hi Bob, sending prayers for you right now... My dads pulmonologist once told us, if you have questions about the lungs, you ask the lung specialist, if you have questions about the cancer you ask the oncologist, and surgery you ask the surgeon, his point was to go to the one who specializes in the field that you are concerned about.. One thing I always hated about the hospitals is you could never get a straight answer, but it does sound like they have an idea of what is causing your problem, let us know what they come up with in the meantime I will keep you in my prayers...
  9. cathy

    Lucie's Birthday

    Wow Don and Lucie, I remember the times when Lucie was so sick..You have come a long way Lucie, I believe you are truly one of God's miracles. Have a beautiful Birthday!
  10. cathy

    Hello God !

    That was beautiful Connie, It warmed my heart and made me cry and I am going to copy it and say it every day..Thanks, I really needed that
  11. Andrea Glad to hear your moms surgery went well, I know it takes a while to heal, just make sure she does the breathing exercise as many times a day as she is suppose to its very important... hope your hubby starts to feel better soon
  12. Dollfan, First, what a beautiful refreshing picture. Shrinkage is very good news and its wonderful that your husband can breath better.. When my dad was sick all he hoped for was to be able to breath easier, so thats good news too. I will keep you in my prayersa that you get even more good news at your next appt..
  13. Hi Paddy, I live in Mich. probably about 30 or 40 minutes from Clarkston, I have some cousins that live very near Clarkston, right by Great Lakes Crossing(its a mall thats fairly new)WE have not had very good weather so hopefullty it warms up a bit before you get here.
  14. Bob, Sorry your vacation was cut short..Glad you made it home safe and sound... Take it easy and get well.....
  15. Cindy, I will keep you in my prayers, hopefully this newest development is something that can be fixed, try not to anticipate the worse, and I know easy for me to say, but I just dont want you to worry...
  16. For Gregs Mom and sister, Now we know why Greg was such a caring person, it seems like it might run in his family..I just wanted to welcome you and let you know we're here..
  17. cathy


    Oh Candy, I am so sorry..I talked to my mom today and like you her heart is soo broken..That is such a heartwarming picture of Hugh. Probably heartwarming and heartbreaking for you....I know its been said before, but I need to say it again, I hate what this monster has done to so many beautiful people. Will it ever end?
  18. Paddy, Just said a prayer for David. What part of Mich are you going to?
  19. Prayers being said right now for our friend Judy, hoping you will soon be feeling better
  20. Margaret, Sending prayers that your new regimen does the trick and that it is tolerable as well....
  21. Welcome Cookieman. Its so good to have you here, as you know from Becky there is all kinds of support here, you can never have too much support when dealing with this monster disease.... I also want to add how much I adore Becky, she is an inspiration to many here...
  22. I sure do hope this week is better for you Ry. Hope your mom is on the mend soon...
  23. Dear Peg, This disease is so unfair... Will be praying for your dear Bill and you as well...
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