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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Hi Pat, I noticed you joined way back in july, you sure are a lurker. Welcome, and I hope you can find comfort here as you go through your treatments. I am glad you posted it always helps to be able to talk about this "monster" with others who understand..
  2. Hi Karen, I dont have the answers to your questions because my dear father never went on chemo.. I just wanted to welcome you here, you will find answers to your questions because there is usually someone who is in the same situation. There is so much knowledge and a great deal of support here as well...Welcome
  3. cathy


    Congratulations Connie Beautiful job Katie and Rick
  4. Oh Cheryl, Dont worry Jack will be okay. Like said in other post the medical field has really advanced in coronary conditions. I know it doesnt make it any less scary though. Just make sure you take care of yourself during these next few weeks.. Send Jack my Get Well wishes, and keep us informed on his progress..
  5. cathy


    have a wonderful time Bob.
  6. cathy

    Fog Has Lifted

    Francine, I am really glad to see you are feeling better. Its odd how some folks bodies can tolerate chemo easier than others..I hope you have all "normal" days ahead...
  7. I absolutely will say a prayer for Michael. There is nothing that hurts worse than having a child in pain physical or emotional....
  8. cathy

    Thank you

    Andrea, Will say a prayer for your mom, you and your family as well. I remember when my dad went through his surgery, its very stressfull waiting for results....
  9. cathy


    That is good news Tbone. I hope you start to feel better soon. I bet your family is relieved...
  10. OH Shelly I am sorry you have to go through this again. Once is too much.. I know how you feel about your mom, I try not to think of the last year as well, its way to painful, things for me seem to be getting a little weird, cant really explain it, dont know how, but I think I know how you feel. It just gets too overwhelming to think about our loved ones....
  11. Katie, I am sure I am not reading your responnse right.. Are you letting us know what will be available when the shopping page is done, or are they available now? Thanks for all your hard work and dedication.. You are an angel..
  12. cathy

    Combo Kid

    Dear Mo, When it rains it pours for you doesnt it? How about RFA, I wonder if you are a candidate for that procedure. I will be thinking of you and praying that the new chemo gets rid of ALL of it....
  13. Great article Becky... You are an inspiration...
  14. ViVi you truly are blessed to have such a wonderful community, I really thought they only existed in the movies. I for one am glad you and your family have joined our family here..
  15. Welcome back Mo, glad to hear you're doing well on the chemo...
  16. Dear Dan, Dont know what it is, but when I clicked to one of your post and seen your picture, you remind me of my dear dad. Your face looks so kind just like his. He would have been 72 Feb 8th..Without sounding too corny you have won a place in my heart, I have a feeling you are alot like him..
  17. cathy

    My dad is at peace

    Kim, I am so sorry to hear of your wonderful fathers passing. Will be praying for you and your family to find strength during this devasting time.
  18. Ginny Why does God hand out so much pain to one person, I am so sorry your sweet sister has had to endure such tragedy in her life.Prayers being said right now for her..
  19. Dear Joanie, My heart aches for you, I cant begin to know what you are going through, I can just imagine its devasting. The worst thing any one can go through is losing a child. I lost my best friend 17 months ago and last week her brother passed. I know their mother doesnt care about anything anymore as well.. I wish I had the right words to say to comfort you, but I dont know what to say. Your daughter was a beautiful young woman and way to young to leave this life..May God Bless you Joanie and help you to heal and find peace...
  20. cathy

    Good News Maybe

    Good Luck Liliian, I have a feeling that you interview very well, if you can articulate in person like you do in your postings I have a feeling it will go well for you...
  21. cathy

    CT Results

    Great news Joe, Go to florida and enjoy yourself, I hope you have better weather than I did , I just got back and it was in the 60s, I wasnt complaining to much because it was still better than here.. Have a great time and bring back some sunshine..
  22. Colleen I am so sorry. I can feel the devastation in you post. May God bless you and your family and I hope you can somehow find some peace...
  23. LInda, praying that your precious dad gets some relief soon..
  24. cathy

    The Little Things

    Andrea, You are so right, what I wouldnt do to be able to go and pick my dad up and go to the store, any store... Treasure all the moments you can with your beautiful mom...
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