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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Wow, wonder if I am related, my dads parents were from Italy. Dads name is Andrew Pace. Just freaked me out a little when I seen the name
  2. How about: "Nothing else matters when you cant breath"
  3. Becky, I gotta tell you, you make me laugh, the stuff you come up with, now I am going to have that song in my head all day!! Sounds like Mr. Becky is a wonderful guy...
  4. 41% yankee.. Hmm cant figure that out...been in Mi. all my life..oh well
  5. Oh Pam, I know......We had a little celebration for my dad 2 weeks ago...Very hard
  6. Sweet Norme, I know its so hard, I just left my mom in Florida and like you her heart is so shattered, she told my dad she was suppose to go first, because she couldnt bare life without him. I am glad you can find some comfort here, I know it helps me, we are here for you Norme..
  7. Thank You Sandy, and thanks for putting your time into making something so special... Katie let me know about the T-shirts. I have a big family!!
  8. cathy

    Moments of Light

    Oh Carleen, You really are a beautiful person, When reading your post I felt like I was right there with you, you certainly do have a gift for writing...All you can do is just enjoy Keith right now, I think cancer does make us realize, to enjoy what we have because no one knows how long any of us will be here.. It makes you think completely different than before it creeped its way into our lives. Cancer did take my dad from me, but it sure taught me so much about life, compassion, and so much more... I can see it is doing the same to you, life is just so different..
  9. Hi Cathy, Glad to hear you are doing okay.. Have a safe trip back to L.A. I'll be looking for you on Oprah. I heard that those tickets are almost impossible to get, I am happy that you were able to get them, have fun!!!
  10. Sandy, I think its very powerful. Please add my dad to the collage...Good job Sandy
  11. Dear Carleen, I wouldnt read too much into it.. When my dad was first diagnosed, so many songs went through my head all day long especially, I believe, and many others. Now the song that is in my head is Love can build a Bridge, by the Judds only because that is what I am hoping that my love for my dad is still connected, I think its the thoughts of losing Keith that bring these songs to your head, stop thinking of losing him and just think of beautiful love songs and when you wake up those are the songs that will stick. I really do think its your subconscience, think of songs that make you smile and see what happens. I do understand what you mean though, music can be very powerful.. I had a beautiful dream about my dad last night, its the first one since losing him. He was singing an old Italian song, I am going to call my mom to see what the words mean, I'll let you know if it makes any sense...
  12. Oh Francine I am so sorry you have to endure all this. I will pray that you get some relief from the nausea soon. It must be just awful for you..
  13. Tiny, ouch! that does not sound like fun at all..My son has problems with his shoulder, every so often he pops it out, so I think he will be getting surgery for it after april when he graduates from WMU..Make sure you baby that shoulder..
  14. cathy


    Peg, I am so glad to hear Bill is stable..Hopefully something can be done for the pain, whether its radiation or whatever..
  15. Dear Mo, Sorry this is so late, I am trying to catch up after being in Fla. last week. I have to say I was shocked when I read your posting, it seemed like everything was going so well. I hate that this is happening to you, I will definately be praying for you..
  16. Great news David! Sorry so late but I just got back from Fla. and trying to catch up.. I am so happy for you!
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEDE P:S You have a wonderful, caring and brave brother...
  18. cathy

    Prayers needed

    Dear Peg I absolutely will pray for Bill that he gets a much deserved break.
  19. Prayers for Berisa, dad and family.
  20. Katie and Rick Beautiful, precious, children...They are so adorable...
  21. Jim and Peggy, I'm sorry I know its hard. I just talked to my mom its been a rough week for her as well.. I hate cancer and what it has done to so many beautiful people. The day will be over soon and maybe the pain will subside a bit... Those bad days seem to hit like a ton of bricks...... I think of you often Jim and hope you are beginning to heal.. I still have the poem that your beautiful Ada sent me, its on my fridge next to my dads picture and will be there forever. I tell people all about Ada when they read it...Her words are so comforting, they really are..
  22. I just wanted to say I have been thinking of those who have lost their true loves, and hope today will bring happy memories to you instead of sad and keep your hearts warm all day. My dad was my moms only love, so I know how hard this is for all of you..
  23. cathy

    Katie B

    Sounds exactly like Katie
  24. Hi friends, I'll be leaving Sunday for beautiful,warm, sunny, Florida to visit mom again.. A few of my cousins will be going with me. My mom is really looking forward to it. Then in about 6 weeks she will be back home to dreary MI. I'll only be gone until friday.
  25. cathy


    Dean, I am smiling right now!
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