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Everything posted by cathy

  1. One of my favorites. I used to rock my son to sleep with that song, For some reason Willie Nelson was the only one who could put him to sleep. He's 22 now..
  2. cathy

    Leaving For A Few

    Have a wonderful mother daughter time Ry
  3. Shelly I am so sorry about your dad. I know how devasted you must be feeling..Dads are special
  4. Oh Norme, I am so sorry. Buddy did fight very hard.. I know your faith will help you get through this. I will pray that God gives you the much needed strength to get through this most devasting time.. Stay with us Norme, it will help you.. God Bless you and your family.
  5. Hi Joyce, I am so glad that you found us. There are so many here that have outlived what some doctors had the nerve to tell them.. Shrinkage is really good news.. I cant to pretend to know how you feel because I am not walking in your shoes, however there are many here who are in the same situation, You will see that you are not alone...I know you will find comfort and much knowledge as much as I hate that we all have to be here its a good place to be, full of extraordinary and special people.. WELCOME
  6. cathy

    off subject-smoking

    Good for you. I applaud anyone you can quit. Its one of the hardest things I have ever done... Its been almost 6years for me and I must say I am proud of it. Be proud of every day you are smoke free, you deserve to brag a little
  7. cathy

    Scared here

    David, Been thinking about you and hoping for the best, I know you surely could use a break..
  8. Good for you Dean. Its about time
  9. Dear Howard, Your faith is phenominal and truly inspiring..Dean is right you are still teaching.. There is such a peaceful feeling in your beautiful words, I feel like I want to say so much to you, but I cant find the words.. I am grateful to have had the chance to meet you.. You are truly a survivor and an inspiration to LCSC....Peace be with you Howard....
  10. cathy

    new job

    Shirley, Sounds like you are picking up some pieces of your life, and putting it back together somewhat..Good for you, I hope work is good to you...
  11. cathy


    Not only do I smile when I see your picture, now whenever I hear that song guess who I' ll be thinking of from now on..
  12. Praying for good news for Mo tomorrow..
  13. cathy

    Good News!!

    Marilyn, congratulation, such great news.
  14. Prayers for Dean I dont understand what is the big hold up..Geez Dean you must be so aggravated, I remember a while back you were suppose to get it.... If there is a way we can e-mail anyone about this let us know...
  15. cathy

    One year today

    Happy Anniversary Becky, One day us Michiganders will have to meet somewhere and celebrate life....
  16. cathy

    Good News!!!!

    Wow Ray, Incredible news. I am so happy for you and your beautiful family, I smile everytime I see your picture you remind me so much of my brother.
  17. cathy

    Forever Grateful

    David, Your very welcome, thank you for being David and our friend...
  18. Shirley We are all in this together..There is a reason this beautiful website exists. Our loved ones faught a long and very rough battle. Many seem to think we need to accept what has happened, never I will never accept it..Thats why I come here often we all have a special bond, and one more just makes our bond that much stronger...Welcome Shirley
  19. I think its a wonderful idea. I remember as I am sure you all do desparately searching for a little glimmer of hope. I think it will be a comfort for many to know the monster can be beaten..
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! I miss you desparately
  21. Cheryl, I dont have any answers for you, I get so angry when I hear conflicting stories from the so called specialist...Do let us know when they decide to agree, in the meantime will be praying for good news.
  22. Dear Dean, You know how I feel. I am not sure if you remember, when you first joined lcsc I told you that I wish we didnt talk my dad into treatment, because he really didnt want any treatment, any way thats besides the point..Everyone has to do what is right for them and you chose the path that is best for you, I know everyone here supports you, you have been an inspiration to many.. . I am glad that you told us how you felt, because I think you will see no disrespect was meant towards your decision on how you wish to fight this monster... I hope you know I admire you, and completely support you...
  23. cathy

    Rant Number Two

    Oh Fay, You are so right I think them kind of people are better left alone. I really mean alone just stay away from them..I am not sure if something happened directly to you or not, if it did they certainly do not deserve your time. You most definately do not need that in your life right now....
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