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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Christina, I am so sorry that you had to go through this, you are right not many young women that have gone through what you are going through.. I dont know what its like to lose a husband, however I know the anguish and trauma of losing a loved one to lc.... Is so very hard.. You are not destined to be alone it will happen again for you, you are not going to find the same love that you shared with Chris, that can never be replaced... Just because you're dating doesnt mean you have to fall in love, go out and enjoy the evening, go with what your heart tells you to do...Its going to take a while for you to heal, your heart has been broken and your life has been traumatized. If you need to talk I am here, I have a daughter your age, and couldnt imagine her going through what you have been through.. You can pm me any time... Take care
  2. Have a safe trip, David and Karen
  3. cathy

    Scared here

    David, My first thought was that lazer treatment that I seen on our local news station.. Please check into it, if I am not mistaken it is done at henry ford and that is probably 30 minutes from you at the most....It was all about tumors in the airways. If you get a recomendation from your doctors they can probably get you in asap, have your wife use her clout as well..Please please check into it, it looked so promising..Meamwhile I will definately keep you in my prayers....
  4. cathy

    Lucie's Rib Spot

    Don and Lucie, Well I guess that proves miracles do happen, Lucie you sure are an inspiration for this website, I truly am happy for you, you have fought a long intense battle and it looks as though you are on your way to better days...
  5. Oh Shelly, Dont know what to say, I think of you often and could never imagine going through it again.. Just try to hang on and come here often if thats what helps. I am here if you need me....
  6. Congratulations Heather Sounds like you had a very beautiful and romantic wedding!
  7. cathy

    Some More Good News

    Woderful news Dave I am so happy for you.
  8. Praying for good results too
  9. Tbone, 1 month is a long time to wait. Well, at least it gives us time for xtra prayers for you...
  10. Absolutlely Enjoy every day you have with your special dad
  11. cathy

    Double Whammy

    Pam, Boy do I understand you...First noone understands the depth of love between a father and his little girl, whether his little girl is 10, 20, 30 ,40, 50,or so on.. I am sorry to say but I think those are the people who "get over it." Our heroes are gone, my dad was 71 and he protected me until his last breath. How does someone get over that. I dont try to explain my sorrow to anyone any more because they will never get it.. We are so blessed to have had such beautiful dads... I keep focusing on that thought, many times it makes me happy and many times it makes me extremely sad, I havent found anything that really works yet.. It helps to come here, after I read about others especially daughters I at least know I am not alone... So when I am around others, I dont let them know how I really feel, I keep that to myself, because they have no idea of the depth of my sorrow and I dont think they want to... I am sorry your friends made you feel so bad, really they just dont understand.. I have to admit I never understood until I lost my dad... Never really knew what cancer survivors went through to become survivors and I still dont know what it must be like, but at least now I have an idea...You know and I know our dads want us to go on living and be happy, I know there is some peace down the road, maybe together we can all get there...
  12. cathy

    Tim is gone

    Annie, I am so sorry.....
  13. Good for you Andrea I'm so glad your day went well and especiallly that your mom was having a good day.
  14. Oh my God! Harrison twp is anywhere from 2 minutes to maybe 15 from me...Does anyone know what she needs?
  15. Wow, very beautiful Shirley
  16. I watched Ellen today and looks like we are shot down again.... They gave the money to some music thing...I was alittle surprised they gave it away already. I think they were getting all of our letters, but didnt want to deal with it... so they put an end to it and gave it away... I guess we are on our own again...
  17. Hi Amy I feel your pain. I lost my precious dad 5 months ago. Its a terrible ache in your your heart and soul. Our dads are our heroes, they protect us until their last breath. I know with my dad soon as I walked into a room I completely felt his love and pride. I know how hard this is, it becomes very overwhelming..Talking about it helps but only to people I know understand... Only girls(women) who were blessed to have been "Daddy's Little Girl" can really understand the devastation...I am here if you need to talk...
  18. Have fun Mo. I'm glad you're feeling good enough to do this..
  19. Cheryl, You know I really think doctors need to take a class on learning how not to say the wrong thing 101, that was really ignorant for such an educated man...
  20. Thanks Becky and everyone, Although I am not quite sure I have done anyhting to deserve this. You guys are the ones who are appreciated.. I am just a daughter who was very blessed to have had a perfect father, my love for him brought me here, where I have met so many brave and caring people... my part in this group is the easy part, you beautiful survivors are the ones doing all the hard work fighting this monster everyday. I in turn raise my cup to you!!
  21. Come on everyone, dont be shy. If I can do this anyone can!!
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