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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Happy anniversary Becky, I remember when you first joined, I remember reading your post over a couple times because I couldnt believe that you had LC, because your post was so upbeat, I hated that you had to be here but very glad I met you! Happy belated anniversary other Becky.. I have an anniversary tomorrow, not as important as both of yours, It was one year ago I found and joined LCSC...
  2. I am not sure if anyone is familiar with the Ellen Degeneres show.. I started watching it after I lost my dad because she made me laugh.. I would turn it on every morning because I knew for a short while I could feel normal.. I even got my mom to start watching her.... Last week, what started out as somewhat of joke, the DJ (Tony) put out a tip jar next to him, one thing lead to another and they decided to donate the money to a charity... I decided to email the show and to explain our group to them, and invite them to visit our site.. The tip jar as of today has 600.00 in it... I think they are going to wait a while before donating it... They mention the jar everyday, but thats it, no mention as to who will receive it.... I thought I would call in the troops, maybe if we all write in to the show we could get a little recognition, and the money could sure help LCSC.... To me Ellen seems like a woman with a big heart, who knows maybe we can tug at it a little.....could you imagine over 800 emails... I went to her website, then clicked on the link "whats on your mind" and told her where I thought Tony's tips should go...My husband always tells me, it doesnt hurt to ask, so maybe if we all start asking, you never know.. Tell me what you think
  3. cathy

    Escaped again!

    Wonderful news Tiny!!!! Have a safe trip
  4. cathy

    Thanks All

    Hi David, Glad you're home. I bet this cold weather hasnt helped much...I cant believe how the cold takes your breath away, so definately stay inside and get well....
  5. Bob, Have a wonderful time, you certainly do deserve it... Your doctor sounds like a gem...Your strength amazes me....
  6. cathy


    Dear Natalie, I am so so sorry...
  7. cathy


    Francine, I will be thinking about you and hoping for the best...
  8. cathy

    Good news for me

    Glad to hear it Tbone......
  9. cathy

    Sending cards

    Thanks Dave, So are we suppose to pm Katie if we want to send someone a card?
  10. cathy

    David A. Update

    Hi David, Get Better Soon...
  11. Welcome Gay As you know Dean has been an inspiration to many here and he probably doesnt know how he inspires me as well...Glad your here too
  12. Dear Dean, I'm sorry you have to go through this. I justed wanted to let you know you will be in my prayers...
  13. cathy

    Wall of memory

    I just visited the wall of memory. It was so beautiful I cant stop crying. Rick you did a great job. I cant seem to put my dad there yet as bad as I want to cant seem to find the courage to do it. My heart breaks every time I try. His birthday is coming up maybe I'll try then..
  14. cathy

    Sending cards

    I must have really missed something. Can someone explain to me how we go about sending cards..I have looked in the forum index and cant find anything except how to send an E card....Thanks in advance
  15. Works for me as well
  16. cathy

    News from DaveG

    Great News Dave!!
  17. cathy


    Carleen, I absolutely will pray for YOU and Keith...Please try and enjoy your life right now, its sounds as though Keith is feeling pretty good. Dont let what you think could happen get you down...I think you need to come here more so we can help lift your spirits.. Connie B will tell you she knows many survivors with sclc.. Try to remember back when Keith was feeling really bad, I know all you wanted was for him to feel good again. Now look at how far he has come from those days. You know if you want Keith to fight this demon, you have to be strong as well. I know this has been brought up before, have you thought about anti depressants? If they would help you maybe you should consider them...I know they have helped many here....Please keep us informed, we worry about you and Keith..
  18. Oh Marlon, I am so sorry. I know how much you loved your mom. Your mom is at peace now, no more suffering......Stay with us and maybe we can help you to heal and find peace.......
  19. Oh Fay, I just wanted to add my prayers...If anyone deserves a pity party its you...Your are the defination of a true survivor....God Bless You Fay
  20. Nancy I am so so very sorry. Praying that you find strength to get through this devasting time....
  21. Prayers being said right now for Sharon and her family...
  22. OH Shelly, I cant believe it. I dont know what to say...This is another unbelievable story.... I wish I could help somehow..
  23. Wonderful, you so deserve some sort of break
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