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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Mo, Great news, you "sound" so much better today than you did yesterday. Dont overdue it!
  2. Dearest Connie, I am so happy for you. I have been worried about you. When I first joined LCSC you were the first to offer me hope, and back then thats what I was looking for. I remember thinking, what an angel this Connie is. You are an inspiration and very special to me....
  3. Hi Becky, I have 3 brothers and there is something special about brothers so I now how you must have felt when David was diagnosed. The only problem with my brothers is 2 of them still SMOKE, I cringe everytime they light up......Anyway welcome, it sounds as though you may be a great asset to our group..........
  4. Great news David. Soon as your feeling better I think a celebration is in order.
  5. Hi Mo, I'm sorry you're not having many good days. Maybe today after you see the doctors you'll get some relief. Let us know how it goes....
  6. cathy


    What a beautiful girl. I hope she is feeling better real soon.
  7. Norme, I am so glad Buddy had a better day. They say when Iressa works it really works. Praying Buddy has more good days.....
  8. Dear Deb, After I read your post I thought to myself, I wish I had half your strength. The PEACHES story is so heartwarming, and it sounds to me that it definately was your daddy whispering to your precious daughter. God if I could only get a sign that is so real like that, I think I could begin to heal. I never get tired of reading your post, you really know how to tell a story. Dont ever doubt yourself, trust what your feeling like Dean said trust your heart. The first thing I thought of when you said that you were not satisfied with one sign you had to see another, my theory is you know its daddy and you miss him so much that you just want him near whenever he can be and who wouldnt want that. As far as denial how do we really know. I think only time will tell.... God bless you Deb.....
  9. Wonderful news Bess, thanks for sharing.
  10. cathy


    Francine, talk about close call. I feel bad that you went through that. I hope your on the mend and feeling better soon.
  11. Terri, You have definately come to the right place. I am so sorry that this is happening to you and your family. Treasure every day you have with your husband. Talk about everything you have always wanted to talk about with him, he may want to talk more than you realize. Dont be afraid to talk about things he may feel the need to. I've been there with my dad so I know the devaststion and helplessness your family is feeling.. Just know we are here to offer support it will help you knowing that there are people that know what you are going through. God Bless you and your family.....
  12. Shelly, My dad had a pleural effusion that didnt have cancer in it. I am sorry because I know this doesnt help you to feel better and I almost hesitated to post, then I thought if you didnt want to know you wouldnt have asked. I was also told that plueral effusions doesnt always mean there is cancer present. Will keep you in my prayers. I sure hope you get some answers soon.
  13. Fay, I just want you to know I will be thinking about you and hoping for the best......
  14. What a beautiful tribute to such a great man. He will most definately be missed by many. Again I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. Shellie, PLease keep us posted. Its too bad it took all that to get your dad into surgery sooner than next week. Will be thinking about you ...
  16. I never really listened to the words before today, very moving. Ever since my dad was diagnosed, certain songs and sometimes just certain lyrics go through my head . Now that he isnt here the lyrics are there all the time....
  17. Linda, Will be praying that your dad feels well soon. Let us know how he is doing.
  18. Absolutely will pray for scar tissue, I agree with Linda.
  19. cathy

    Latest Results

    Mo, Been thinking about you and hope you soon get some relief........
  20. cathy

    Just lost my mom

    Dear Tammy, I am so so sorry you lost your mom. You are a year older than my daughter and I know she wouldnt deal with such a loss as you have to. I know your pain is unbearable and I wish I had the magic words to make it all go away. Your mom was way too young and you are too young to have to endure this loss. Everything you are feeling is completely normal. You feel as though you are walking in a fog, and everything just feels strange and not real. Why is life going on when you feel so helpless and completely consumed by sadness? Doesnt anyone understand, " I miss her" is probably what you are thinking. I understand all too well those emotions, I lost my very precious dad almost 5 months ago, and the pain can be so devastating at times. You have been through alot, and it will take time, everyone grieves in their own way, along with the grieving you have to deal with everything that led up to your moms passing which I know was a nightmare. Just remember do what feels right for you. Your mom wouldnt want it any other way....If you need someone to talk to I can give you my number, just let me know....Will be praying that God gives you strength to get through this and you can heal and find some peace.....Cathy
  21. Judy, I am sorry that you have to go through this. I hope your "easily tolerated" chemo gets easier too. You have been through alot its time for you to get a break and hopefully 2004 will bring you that much needed break. Will be thinking and praying for you.............
  22. Hi Tbone, Welcome, I too am sorry you have to be here. There is so much kindness and support here as well as information and experience. There is usually someone here that is in your same situation and can help you along the way. You have the right attitude, hope and faith, never give that up. God Bless...
  23. Karen and Dave just wanted to add my well wishes for precious little Faith. She will do just fine, try not to worry.
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