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Everything posted by cathy

  1. prayers being said right now
  2. Dear Connie, I am so happy for you. I have to admit when I saw your post I hesitated to look to the left to see which forum you posted in and to my relief I saw GOOD NEWS. LCSC members are so fortunate to have you. You are an inspiration to all of us..... Your friend Cathy
  3. Now this is something I could do. I work very part-time so I have free time.
  4. cathy

    General news

    David, I would go with that inner voice. I always rely on instinct. Let me know too if I can help.
  5. To Sams family, I am so so sorry. I am in shock. I know Sam faught with everything he had to beat this monster. I will pray that God gives you the much needed strength to get through this very devasting time. I'm sorry.
  6. Ginny and Earl, Will absolutely say a prayer for Earl.
  7. Dear Cathy, I am sorry all this is happening to you. I cant imagine what it must be like for you. I am a little confused about the misdiagnosis. Do you think maybe a new team of doctors should be considered? I wish I had the answers for you. I know there are some that go through chemo and the only side effect was a little fatigue, so maybe that will happen in your case. Dont give up hope Cathy, we are all here to support you.
  8. cathy

    CT Results

    Cheryl, That really is good news. So glad to hear it!
  9. Shelly, Try not worry, I know its hard, you know it may something completely curable. Your family has been through so much already, I know thats why you're scared. I am here if you need me.
  10. cathy

    mom is gone

    I am so sorry. I know how devasting this whole ugly lc is. Will pray that you can find some strength and peace to get through this awful time..
  11. Bob, sorry your test results were not what you had hoped for. I just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking about you often and hoping for the best.
  12. Dear Peg and Bill, I am sorry that your news wasnt what you were hoping for. Just remember dont give up, fight with everything you have to fight with, explore all options, take a while to think about what is best for you, then give it all you have. Will keep you in my prayers.
  13. Jaye, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I know how devasting it is. I pray that you find strength to get through it.
  14. She is so pretty and perfect!!
  15. Beth Ann, I am so sorry you lost your friend today. I lost a dear friend to brain cancer a little over a year ago. I know she is still with me in spirit because almost daily I see someone that reminds me of her and it makes me smile to think of all the great memories I have of her. Hopefully you can feel the same of your dear friend.
  16. cathy

    Hello all

    Happy New Year Stephanie!
  17. cathy


    Cheryl, I will absolutely pray and think about you wed.
  18. cathy

    I'M BACK!!!

    Welcome back Ray Love the new picture
  19. cathy

    Chemo stopped

    David, Just wanted to add my prayers and hope this new year will be good to you.
  20. cathy

    Consumed by sadness

    Lori, I know how you feel as far as everything reminding you of Lenny. I lost my dad, and it doesnt matter where I am at or what I am doing, the reminders are everywhere. The one thing everyone keeps saying is time. Dont they say" time heals all wounds." In time we will be able to smile instead of cry when we think of our loved ones. I think now that the holidays are done thats one less thing you have to worry about. I am sure losing Lenny right before the holidays was twice as devasting. Going back to work will probably be really hard. I hated my first day back. All I wanted to do all day was cry, its strange how everything stayed the same there and our lives are so different now. I remember it felt really strange. You have been through an awful lot Lori. My heart breaks for you. Watching someone fight for their life is very traumatic. I wish there was something I could say to ease your pain. These boards really have helped me get through some rough days. It helps knowing we are not alone. Stay with us, we can heal and find peace together......
  21. Dear Deb. I am so so sorry for the loss of your precoius dad. I remember when I was leaving for Florida you warmed my heart with what you said, You said when I feel the warmth that will be my dad hugging me. I wish I could say something to warm your heart right now because I know it is breaking in a million pieces. I am here for you if you need me.
  22. cathy


    Dear Allison, I am soo sorry for your loss. I know how special dads are. Prayers for you and your family during this devasting time.
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