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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Becky, Wait for me I am coming with you, or if you dont want to wait I"ll meet you there.
  2. Dear Jay, I am so sorry and angry that you have to go through this. As I read your post I am shaking my head in disbelief. I dont know what to say to make it all better except dont give up hope, please keep fighting. You dont have to apologize for not keeping up or posting everyone just worries about you.
  3. Cindy, I am so sorry you lost a good friend today. I know its hard, I lost my very good friend last year to cancer as well. I have wonderful memories of her that make me smile. I am sure you have them memories of Greg too.
  4. Norme, Sorry you did not get better news about Buddy. Hopefully he will start to feel better now that he is home.
  5. I am so so sorry. What a brave man he was.
  6. Adam, I'm so glad your dad is home where he belongs.
  7. Gene, I was so sorry to hear about Lenny. How awful this is for you and your family. I am sure your heart is broken in many pieces. Please know my prayers are with you, your family and Lenny's wife and precious boys.
  8. Dear Lori, I am so sorry. I was shocked when I read about Lenny. I dont know what to say because no matter what it's not going to help you. Just know I'll pray that God gives you strength to get through this tragedy.
  9. cathy

    Catching my breath

    David, sooo glad to hear your breathing easier. Good for you.
  10. Hi Lisa, Welcome, there is one thing you will find here and that's support. There is a wealth of information and truly kind, caring people here. I also took my dad to UofM for a second opinion. My daughter graduated from WMU in April. Guess what hall she spent her first year in, that's right stinson. I am not sure if your familar with St. Clair Shores thats where I live. Its about a 30-40 minute drive from west bloomfield. Good luck with your test results Lisa, let us know.
  11. Adam, My dad had one dose of diluadid for pain. I have been trying to find information on it as well. I was spelling it wrong when researching so maybe that is why I couldnt find anything on it. Could you send me the link where you found your info. Thanks in advance
  12. cathy


    Dean, I think it is wonderful your family is standing behind you. When my dad was first diagnosed he decided he didnt want any traetment because he wanted quality instead of quanity as well. My mom called us heartbroken and scared. We all rushed over their house to talk him into at least just trying it. We thought if he had a chance he had to take it. We had no clue about Lung cancer or any other cancer, this was our first experience with it so we took what the doctors said as Gospel. We were so scared. Well, my precious dad agreed after many hours of persuaded him. He did it for his family because its what we wanted and he would do anything for his family. I can still see his face when he said "ok I'll do it" he was so apprehensive. I live with guilt every day because I talked him into treatment that brought his quality of life way down, and eventually took his life. I wish I would have told him I was sorry, but I thought right until the end he would get out of that bed and be ok. I wish I was more informed when I was trying to persuade him. My point is Dean, you have to do what is right for you. I am not saying treatment doesnt work because I have seen it work miracles for all the survivors here. Follow your heart and be at peace with your decision, it seems like you are. I admire you.
  13. Bess, Thats weird that you should mention this. I have recently learned that your LDH does have something to do with your liver. My cousin recently had her cholesterol checked and her doctor did tell her to try and get het LDH down because it has something to do with your liver, I am not sure exactlly what he said about it, I am not sure what it all means either.
  14. I am so sorry. Praying for strength for you and your family during this most devasting time.
  15. Prayers coming your way Sandy
  16. Wonderful news Laurie. It warms my heart when I hear of the brave people that started this journey around the same time as my dad and surviving it. I remember when I first joined you were one of the first ones that responded to me.
  17. Dear Cathy, Best Wishes for your recovery to sail along smooth.
  18. Linda, I dont have any info but I think everyone else just about covered it for you. I justed wanted to send my support and prayers for you and your special dad.
  19. Kristy and MIchele, I am so sorry that this had to happen. May God give you both strength to get through these most devasting times.
  20. Greg, Sounds like you inherited your dads strength to fight this monster. You must be proud to know what he had accomplished, paving the way for others to receive compensation. That is very impressive.
  21. For those of you who have not been having very good days lately and dont feel good at all, I hope tomorrow is better for you and you can somehow enjoy the day. For those who have family members battling this horrible disease also try to enjoy the day. Your loved one would want you to. For those of us going through our first holiday without our precious loved one, This is what my son said when I told him I was not going to have Thanksgiving. He sent me an e-mail because he is away at college. Even though PAPA will not be here in person I know he will be watching. I know he would want us to celebrate like we do everyyear. He said having thanksgiving without him will be painful but ignoring it and letting it pass is not part of a viable mourning process. WE have to maintain our traditions, when we alter them they no longer remain traditions. Losing someone we all loved dearly will have an everlasting effect on our family, and in a sense can weaken our family structure, however nothing can weaken our family bond and by sticking together and maintaining tradition we strengthen that bond every year. Just wanted to share some of his words words with those who are struggling with the holiday as I am. It helped me maybe it will help you. Also thought you might want to know I am cooking tomorrow. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE
  22. Dear Francine, I am so sorry to hear about the mets. You will beat this monster, and you know you are not alone. Please keep us informed on how you are doing.
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