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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Dear Cathy, You're right about the timing. They will come and go and before you know it will be Jan 1 and this year will be behind you. I'm looking forward to the new year as well. You beat it once you can do it again. I wont say I know what you are going through because I dont, just know you are thought of and I hope for a smooth and quick recovery.
  2. Dear Jay, I dont know what to say. My heart breaks for you. You really have been through way too much at such a young age. You probably need to get back on the anti depressants. You have to fight Jay, and I know you are probably sick of hearing it, you have to get mentally strong. Dont blame yourself about losing touch with your friends, sometimes people dont know what to do or say to people with cancer so they think staying away is best because they are the ones who cant handle it. It makes their lives easier not to have to deal with it and I say shame on them. Soon as your doing better you can finish school and then from there go onto college and meet new friends. You can do this Jay, I really feel you can beat this.
  3. cathy

    all clear (again)

    Cindy, I am sooo happy for you. Your news made me smile.
  4. Beautiful picture Christy. My dad also had what they called interstitial lung disease, just one form of COPD.
  5. Hi Shelly, I know and I'm here and I hate that we feel this way.
  6. Marlon I am so sorry to hear your mom is not doing well. Will be praying for her. Hang in there.
  7. Donna, Have a great time! You sure do deserve a vacation.
  8. cathy

    Lucie's Report

    Don and Lucie, Wonderful news. Thanks for sharing
  9. cathy


    Dear Fay, I hate that you have to go through this. I cant begin to imagine what you are going through. You have many friends here that will help get you through it. (((((((FAY)))))))))))
  10. Hi Shelly, It is so good to see you again. I think about you often and wonder how you are doing. Happy Belated Birthday! I'm sorry to here your poor daughter is going through so much, they can do so much for by polar now, a couple years ago I dont think they even knew what it was, they have come a long way with it. I'm sorry that the "vulture" is still in your dad's life. I cant even imagine how that must feel. I know it hurts you terribly. Stick with us while we go through all of the first together.
  11. cathy

    Just need to talk

    Thanks friends for helping me get through this. Its just the past couple weeks havent been so good. We took my mom to her Fla. home a couple weeks ago. I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. I know when she was here in Michigan.I had to be strong for her. I know it will take time. I really didnt want to post about it but for some reason I had a really bad day yesterday, it did feel good to get it out though. I have brothers and sisters and we are pretty close but we never talk about how we feel, come to think of it we dont talk about our precious father either. I wonder why? Any way thank you for being there for me. It means so much to be able talk and not be judged.
  12. cathy

    Just need to talk

    It will be 3 months tomorrow since I lost my dad. I cant seem to get back to where I was before this whole cancer thing started. I dont know why my heart wont mend. I cant seem to get out of the fog I am in. Its not depression, because I can still laugh. I just cant believe he is really gone. He is on my mind always. It doesnt matter what happens it always relates back to my dad. Every white car I see, every single older couple, every man over 65, the reminders that he is not here are unbearable. I was hesitate about writing how I feel, but I'm desperate. I need to find peace and dont know how. I dont talk about it to others because I dont think they are vey comfortable with it, unless of course they have been there. I am reading The Purpose Driven Life(Don recommended to the board) and am hoping I will have a better understanding. Thanks for listening.
  13. I was e-mailing back and forth with Sue also. She was going through similar symptoms as my dad. I too was wondering when I hadnt heard from her or seen any of her post. She tried so hard to fight. She had just gotten a wheelchair so it would be easier for her to get around. I am so saddened by this. Unbelievable
  14. I absolutely will. God Bless You David.
  15. Hi Connie, Missed you. Soooo glad you're back and on the road to recovery.
  16. David, so glad to hear no brain mets and easier breathing. Thanks for keeping us posted.
  17. Andrea, I am here if you need to talk. I agree with Katie, dont let the anger consume you right now. Your sweet mom is still here, you can see her you can talk to her you can tell her whatever you want, take advanatage of that. Dont give up hope, (((((HUGS)))))))
  18. cathy

    Good Results

    Congratulation Bud. Have fun with your new granddaughter!
  19. Dear Norme, I too was really worried about you. I really thought something happened to you. When I logged on and saw you had posted I was so relieved. I am so sorry to hear that Buddy has yet another battle to fight. When my dad was sick I always thought like you and wondered if he held back because of his family. I wondered how can he be so brave. I know he was more comfortable hiding how he really felt, just so we wouldnt worry as much. I struggle with that all the time however that was my dad, thinking of everyone else instead of himself. Its hard to believe that they can go through so much and still be so kind. SOOOOO glad your back. P:S I thought of you on our way down to Florida. We didnt get caught in any traffic except in Kentucky at exit 186, we were delayed 2hrs. We kept trying to find different ways to get out of the traffic. We were on and off of I75 so I probably crossed your path somewhere that day. I guess there was a really bad accident.
  20. Beautiful idea! I not sure what my mom has from my dad but I will ask her
  21. cathy

    Lucie's Scans

    Absolutely will pray for sweet Lucie
  22. Well, you struck a nerve with me. I would love for it to be mandatory to have cameras put in operating rooms or any room where a medical procedure is being done. I have many doubts about my dad's surgery and radiation procedures. I just dont have the emotional strength to fight alone. I can tell people all day long to be proactive in their health care and that doctors really dont know everything and this that and the other but for me to actually get out and do something about it I dont think I am that assertive, sure wish I was though. Good for you Fay! Go get em
  23. cathy

    STAGE II!!

    Hi Pat, Just wanted to welcome you and say hang in there. You are so fortunate that it was caught early. Lung cancer is very scary but there are many survivors here as you will soon see. If you have any chemo questions there is always someone here that usually has an answer because they have experienced the same thing. You will be amazed at all the information you can obtain here. Dont be afraid to ask. It helps when you know you are not alone. I do have a little advice that I have learned from being here, Drink PLENTY of water, keep well hydrated. God Bless
  24. Andrea, I dont have any information for you either, just know I am here for you. I think Iressa is a good choice for treatment. There are some folks here who have had good responses with it. Hang in there Andrea, will be praying for you and your dear mom.
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