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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    My wife Ada

    Dear Jim, I am so glad you posted. Ada will be in my heart forever. When my dad passed and I was overwhelmed with grief and didnt know how to survive that whole ordeal Ada sent me a beautiful poem with the most comforting words. Ironically they made me cry uncontrollably but brought such a peace to me and my mom. Ada told me that this poem brought her much comfort and hope it did the same for me. I still have that poem on my refridgerater with the note Ada sent me along with my precious dad's picture. I am going to get in put in a frame with Ada's kind words and her poem and my dad's picture. I think of Ada everytime I read that poem and I am so glad I was able to tell you. I know since my dad passed its comforting to me to know others think about him and know he made a difference in their lives. So I am hoping this may bring you and your precious family some comfort. Ada was truly an angel on earth.
  2. cathy

    Connie's HOME

  3. Hi Cindy, I would get a second opinion. I never liked my dads onc. My mom and dad really liked him because he would take the time to talk to us, however I felt all along he was not doing enough. When dad was first diagnosed his response was " well, your 70 and have lived a good life." Anyway, I think you need to be comfortable with your doctors. Dont let them intimidate you either. My dad's pulmonologist told me once that it is unfortunate but we all have to be proactive with our own health care. Scary isnt it?
  4. cathy

    Dick Update

    Cheryl, will be praying for Dick and you too. Its so hard to be put through all this.
  5. cathy


    Dave, Its great to have your doctors fighting for you. One less thing for you to worry about and you certainly dont have to wonder if they are doing all that they can for you. Keep up the fight Dave.
  6. cathy

    pet scan results

    Dear David, I cant believe this. If you think I can help in any way please let me know, meanwhile, A few prayers couldnt hurt.
  7. I am so glad to hear Connie is coming along. Absolutely I will pray for her.
  8. Gina, I am so glad to see you're ok
  9. cathy

    Good luck Jay !

    Extra prayers for Jay. You will do fine
  10. Thanks Stephanie, For the update. I know its hard to watch our parents go through this. It always broke my dads heart because he knew that my heart was breaking for him. I just kept telling him thats what happens when we love, I hated that he had that monsterous disease, but I loved that I loved him. Does that even make sense? Hang in there Stephanie Judy will be ok.
  11. cathy

    New Symptoms

    Oh Cindy, I really wish I could be there to help you. I totally agree with Don. Your family needs to know what you're feeling and going through. How else cam they really help you physically and emotionally if they dont what is really going on. As a daughter I had the need to know everything about my dad's illness. I didnt want to be in the dark about it because I wouldnt know how to help him. When my children went away to college I kept many things from them about their papa, until one day they asked why do I keep important things from them, I told them I didnt think they needed to have that extra worry on their minds, they responded, why he is my papa too. Its strange but they feel left out. Everyone is different so you are the best to decide what your family can handle, you may be surprised. If your family knew it would help you to talk about it, they will be there for you, because all we want to do is help in any way possible. If you are not comfortable talking to friends about it then dont. I think you need to take your " I am Okay" mask off occasionally. Prayers coming your way. Hang in there Dear Cindy.
  12. Dear Susan I am so sorry for your loss. I sure will say some prayers for you and your family during this difficult time.
  13. Oh Cheryl, I am so very happy for you. You are an inspiration to everyone who is fighting this dreadful monster. Keep it up!
  14. cathy

    My dad has passed

    Donnie, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear dad. I know and feel your pain all too well. I will pray that you and your family will find strength to get through this awful time.
  15. Thanks Donna, Please tell Connie I wish her well. There is a commercial that comes on at least once a day that reminds me of Connie, so I think of her daily.
  16. cathy

    Bad Scan Results

    Dear Dave, I cant believe this. I know your faith is strong and it will help you get through this. Just like Katie said there is much that can be done for liver mets. You and your dear family will be in my prayers. Hang in there Dave
  17. Welcome back Judy! Its so good to see you post.
  18. Thanks Don I was just thinking I dont really have an interesting book to read on the long ride down to Florida. We are leaving tomorrow morning to take my mom. I started to read the Lance Armstrong story before my dad past, I dont really see any sense in finishing it now.
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE! sorry I am late.
  20. cathy

    Results from CT & MRI

    Dear Ray, Your news brought tears to my eyes. I am so so happy for you and your family. They must be thrilled!
  21. I am soo sorry. I know and feel your pain.
  22. Donna, There was something my dad took when his throat started to burn. He only drank it a couple of times and his throat felt much better. The only problem is I cant remember what is was called. We purchased it at a heath food store, I believe it was some sort of supplement and I think it began with a G. I will search through my early post to see if I can find it. Will let you know. In the meantime maybe someone here might know what I am talking about.
  23. I will say a prayer that Janet's family can find strength to get through these devasting times.
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