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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Thanks for listening everyone. One of these days I would love to have the opportunity to thank all my lcsc friends in person. Thank you for caring. Norme, I would really love to stop by and meet you and Buddy, if I didnt have my mom with me I definately would. Well, I will let you all know how it goes.
  2. Dear Sue, I am so glad to see there are options for you. I have been thinking about you and hoping you are having some better days.
  3. Peg, That is such great news! I love when I can come to the boards and smile.
  4. Well, its that time of the year when mom and dad leave Mi. and go to to their winter home in Fla. My dad loved his time in Fla. When they would come home to Mi. in the spring, he would count down the days until they went back. My husband and I will drive her down, spend a couple days there and then fly back home. Mom has such a wonderful circle of friends there, actually her three closest friends have all become widowed all within the past 3 years. They have been calling her to let her know that they are there for her and they will all get through this together. My dad was so loved by these people. I just read a posting from Becky that said something to the effect to treasure our friends because they chose to be our friends they weren't born into our lives. That holds so true to these wonderful people my mom has in Fla. We weren't sure if mom would go back without dad, we all know it's going to be the best for her. My dad would be so pleased to know she is going back. On another note I am so nervous to do this. I am not exactly sure what going to happen when I see all their friends and walk into his home without him there. Its really hard for me to be at their house here in Mi. I am not at that point when I think of dad I smile, I wish I was but I cant seem to get there, I still cry and feel sad. We are leaving a week from today. Hopefully, it won't be as emotional as I am anticipating it to be. Hugs to all of you.
  5. cathy

    Mom's latest CT scan

    Good for your mom Marlin. Great news
  6. Cheryl, hang in there, will be praying for both of you.
  7. cathy


    Dear Peg, I absolutely will say a few extra prayers for Bill. Hang in there.
  8. cathy

    Dick Critical

    Dear Cheryl, Will be thinking and praying for you and Dick. I know how hard it is for you.
  9. cathy

    My Dad is Gone

    Joe, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how devasting it is to lose someone so special. God Bless you and your family during this difficult time.
  10. Hi Greg I am not sure if this procedure works for small cell or not, but I think it is worth checking into. A couple of weeks ago I was watching a program about a new procedure they were doing on lung tumors. It was using lazer I believe.The gentleman they were doing it on, walked in the hospital with oxygen, after the procedure he no longer needed the oxygen and was feeling really good. I dont have a direct link to the website but the hospital is henry ford in detroit. Try Henryford.com. If I can help you, let me know I am only 30 minutes from the hospital. It looked so promising.
  11. cathy

    Thank You Rick

    I sure do appreciate you too. I have found more comfort here than anywhere else right now. I always feel so alone until I come here. Thank you Rick and Katie. I feel safe here and I know I am not judged, noone here is uncomfortable around me either. I really dont know how I would be without lcsc. Noone understands like we do.
  12. Dear Janet, I am saying a special prayer that you will feel better very soon.
  13. Congratulations Lucie! You are such an inspiration.
  14. cathy

    Great Oncology Appt Today

    Good for you Dave! Your post made me smile.
  15. Norme, I am completely lost. I must have missed some of your post, or I am not reading this one right. Are you saying Buddy never had lung cancer and they gave him all this treatment that he didnt need? Did he have the fibrosis before, or this a new development?
  16. Crissy, My dad was on prednisone for many months, he did develop pnuemonia a few times however his face was the only part that swelled up. You are right about prednisone, many side effects.
  17. cathy

    Missed you

    Hi Jay, I too hope you get the news you want. Let us know. You have been missed.
  18. Kathy, I am so very sorry. Praying for you and your family for strength during this most devasting time.
  19. cathy

    Dallas Bound

    Have a safe trip Don, will say extra prayers for your son to have a speedy recovery
  20. Hebbie, For some reason Oncs do not want to diagnose radiation pneumonitis. Please go to your pulm. specialist. My dad went through the same thing, he ended up walking out on his radiologist because he just wasnt listening when my dad told him he was short of breath. The sooner you find out the better you will be. Dont hesitate.
  21. I am soo sorry for your loss. I lost my precious dad 6 weeks ago. My mom is not doing very well either. Its so hard when the love of your life isnt with you anymore. My dads story is similiar to your husbands. The only difference my dad told me numerous times, no respirator, so we didnt have to make that decision. He had the by-pap also and to me that was a nightmare in itself. I think its the suffering that our loved ones had to endure(physical and emotional) that haunts us. Its so hard to get those images out of our thoughts. I just wanted you to know you are not alone, and if your feelings are not "normal" then I am not either.
  22. Dear Ginny, I cant believe this. Prayers being said for you and Earl. Maybe you should get a second opinion about the rfa. I am not 100% positive but it seems like I remember seeing a short video about rfa on this website. I think it may have come from Donna. My memory escapes me these days so I hope I have this info right.
  23. How true that is Norme, I remember one time my dad was in the hospital, he told me he was sorry that he was putting me through this and I told him dont be sorry its because we love you that it hurts and that it was a good thing for me to have that love than not to have had it. A friend of mine also commented at his funeral that I was so lucky to have such a wonderful father even though the loss is devasting, because she didnt even know where her father was(thats so sad)I think all of us here really have a greater understanding of what that means. Whether we lost fathers,mothers, wives, husbands or anyone that we loved unconditionally with all our hearts I know we are better for having loved them and them loving us.
  24. Hi Chuck, I think its great that that you are here. I lost my beautiful dad to LC almost 6 weeks ago. My moms heart is broken. I tried finding different support for the overwhelming grief, but my search brought me back here because the people here really know what we are going through. I think it helps to know you are not alone even though we feel like we are, there is always someone here who knows how you feel. I wasnt sure I should be here after my dad lost his battlle, then I was persuaded otherwise to stay. I am glad I did. Welcome Chuck
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