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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy


    Dear Candy, I am sooo sorry. I will pray that God gives you strength to help mend your broken heart.
  2. Dear Connie, You sure will be missed. I will be thinking of you often, Thanks for keeping us informed through Donna. Take your time, rest and get well. I miss you already!
  3. Linda, saying prayers also for your special dad.
  4. Linda, Dont worry yet, remember he has had these before. Prayers going up right now for your dad.
  5. Cindy, After the huge wind storm you've been through this should be a breeze. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
  6. Ginny, Praying for you and Earl, and also HOPING everything will be ok.
  7. cathy


    I'm sorry Ray. I dont blame you for being sick and tired. Sure wish I could help. I'M jealous too wish I could be at the get together.
  8. cathy

    I lost my Dad

    Kris, I am so sorry for your loss. Dads are sooo special, especially the kind considerate, sweet ones. It sounds like your dad was very precious to you as mine was to me.
  9. Stephaine, I imagine the show airs in detroit. I am not even sure what show it was. My mom called and told me to turn it on because they were talking about lc. The hospital (henry ford) is in detroit. When I saw what they were doing with this man, I ran to the computer in case anyone was on line at that time, they could have the opportunity to chat with the doctors. It really was amazing. His airways were completely blocked with tumors and he was on oxygen. Even with the oxygen his breathing was very labored,(like my dad) after the procedure he said he felt like a new man, he also was off the oxygen. I didnt really see the ending either because I wanted to get the info out, I think they were only chatting for an hour after the show.
  10. Ok. now that I got that news out and hopefully someone can benefit from it. I dont type very fast so I couldnt explain everything I saw just in case someone wanted to log on for the chance to maybe talk to one of the doctors. I think if you have a chance you should check into it especially if you live in Mi.(David, Ry, Becky). You can also order a tape of the whole program that was televised. The way it sounded was if you are interested in participating or if you would like a tape call 1 800 henryford, or 1 800 604 0200. That was soo hard to watch but if that program could help any of my friends here it was so worth the tears. Please let me know what you think. I can believe how hopeful the doctors were.
  11. I cant believe what I just saw on my local news station. I caught the tale end of it. They were doing some new technique using lazer for lc. Before the patient had this done he was very short of breath and on oxygen, after the procedure he felt great and no oxygen. If you get this posting soon they are on line right now the doctors are answering questions. The address is www.HenryFord.com I am going to post this right now and hope someone gets it. I will continue with other info on a different post. Try and log on if you can
  12. Janet, If you lo0k in the general section around JUly 19 there is a posting by me titled If you're on Iressa dad despirately needs you. There is some good info in there. I asked that everyone be honest because I wanted to show my dad the pros and cons. Unfortunately dad never had a chance to start Iressa. Its good reading until all your responses come in. Good Luck and I hope the info helps you
  13. cathy

    Why do we come back

    Linda, Fay, Dave, Becky, Thank you for the kind words..I think the more I start posting the easier it will get. I dont think I ever would leave because I have met some very wonderful and brave people... Its hard to type through the tears, I really just wanted to say thanks.
  14. Dear Andrea, I am crying as I do this but I am going to do it. If you have a pulmonologist go see him about the shortness of breath. My dads onc and radiation onc. refused to diagnose him with pneumonitis, they said it was to early for him to develop it because he was still receiving radiation(4.5 weeks into it)My dad refused any more radiation until he could see his pulm. He did see his pulm and his pulm told him good thing he stopped, because he did develop it. I dont know why but I hear it a lot, doctors are not to qiuck to diagnose pneumonitis. Please get your mom to a pulm and one you trust. My dads pulmonologist told me once that it is very unfortunate but we do have to be proactive in our own health care. Many times I went to him with suggestions and he was so willing to listen. Its a shame his oncology team wasnt like that. You are a wonderful daughter, you and mom are lucky to have each other.
  15. cathy

    Surgery Experience

    Dear Cheryl, I've been waiting to see a post from you. Everything sounds so promising. It brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could come and do something for you to help out. You are a survivor,I will be praying for a speedy recovery.
  16. I am sorry Dawn, so very sorry. I too know your pain.
  17. Dear Ann, I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I know it breaks your heart all over again. My mom is also suffering with the loss of the love of her life. My dad was truly my hero, but for you and my mom it has to be sooo hard. I do know about the illnes coming back at you when you least expect it. We haven't quit figured out how to deal with those emotions yet. In time they say we will be able to think of our loved ones with happiness instead of so much sorrow. I hope you have a better day today than last night..
  18. Dear Norme, Saying extra prayers for you and Buddy.
  19. cathy

    Why do we come back

    Everything that all of you say makes sense. It warms my heart to think that you feel I have something to offer. I remember those first few weeks all to well when dad was diagnosed. I also remember finding LCSC and thinking, so there are survivors, real people that have beat this monster. Hope is what gave me strength to help my dad through it. I had hope until dads last breath and I still have hope for everyone here. I do HOPE that I can heal and maybe be able to offer something soon. Thank You my friends for being there for me.
  20. Why do you think we keep coming back? I was reading Christina's post and I think many times I need to delete this website from my favorites. I have this idea that if I do this I will also be able to move on. At this point I am not even sure what moving on is. Does it mean trying to forget all the sadness LC has brought to me and my family and everyone here? So if I delete this site will it all go away? Sometimes I think I need to stick around just in case I get LC. Do you think it is healthy for us to stay? I personally feel I dont have to much to offer because I cant read many of the posts, my heart really breaks for all who are going through this and the memories are so painful. I feel stuck in the the grieving forum because right now its all I know. I would like to give as much as I receive from here, so really that leads me back to my first question. Why do we come back?
  21. cathy

    Ada Waddell

    I am saddened and completely shocked. Ada had sent me a beautiful poem to help comfort me when I needed comforting, I feel helpless and wish I could do something for her family. She truly was an angel. God Bless Ada and her precious family.
  22. cathy

    Prayers Please

    Dear Cheryl, Just a note to let you know I admire your strength, thats what will help you through your recovery and of course a few extra prayers. I will be thinking of you in the days to follow, keep us updated soon as you feel well enough.
  23. I am sitting here staring at the screen, shaking my head and I dont know what to think. All I can think of is "what if." You are so lucky to have a doctor who does his homework. I just cant understand how they just dont care. Take care of your precious dad Cary.
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