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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Hi Cary, We went to to Uof M for my dad. WE seen a pulmonologist and I asked him about Dr. Brewer and how do we get an appointment with him, he didnt seem to interested in him because I dont think he knew too much about his theory. He said "oh yeah the copper man" you really cant get an appointment with him like you do with a doctor. I wish now that I had followed through with my instincts. I wasnt aware of his developments with fibrosis, had I known I definately would have tried to get dad into a trial, because it was the fibrosis that took my dad from us. Bottom line is go with your instincts, dont let anyone talk you out of something that you think may help you. Praying for you all.
  2. Norme, My prayers are with you and Buddy. I know its hard watching them go through this. Let us know how he makes out wednesday.
  3. I know, just when you think you may be ok something happens and the reality sets in. The sobbing starts, the why my dad. Then things are said like at least your dad was able to enjoy retirement. I think what they wanted to say is at least he was 71 and not 51. What I want to say is but he was my dad my sweet precious dad who thought of everyone before himself. So we wear the" I am ok mask" to people that dont matter, and confide in friends who really care or know what it feels like to lose someone to such a dreadful disease. Someone on the boards told me that we never get over it just learn how to incorporate the loss into our lives. So I guess thats what we need to try and do. Prayers seem to help with strength, because sometimes I feel strong, so its coming from somewhere.
  4. Dear Sweet Connie, I wish you could be here or me there so I could give you a big hug and somehow help you out too. I will be praying for you to Get Well Soon.
  5. cathy

    Cat Scan

    David, I am praying that everything goes well for you today. I am also sorry about your dad. I couldnt imagine how empty my life would have been without the love and patience of my dad. I know your a wonderful dad also by your posts. Let us know your results.
  6. Dear Tanya, I am so sorry. How precious and brave our fathers are. Even though your dad was so young I hope you have wonderful memories of him as I am sure you do. God Bless your family during these sad times.
  7. Gina, I am so sorry about your friend, hopefully something will change and you will be able to make it saturday. It sounds like it will be a wonderful tribute to a special man.
  8. Dear Gloria, I am so sorry for your loss. I felt like I was back at the hospital with my dad when I read your story. I have a hard time reading about everyones situation because it just hurts all over again and my heart keeps breaking over and over again for me and all of us here. I cant figure it all out, so I keep telling myself one day I will know why. I am glad you have found someone in your area to help you through this difficult time. Cancer is a horrifying disease.
  9. cathy


    Dear Katie, I know, those exact words go through my head every day, I can seem to say them out loud yet. This whole thing is just strange.
  10. that was beautiful Al. My mom is having a very hard time too. My special Dad was the only love of her life.
  11. Thank you all for responding to my post, it did bring me comfort. I have gone back just to reread everything or I think I like to look at my dads picture and remember what a nice day that was when we took the picture. We were at a restuarant in FLa. He was so happy to be there. He loved his winter home in Fla. I thought about reading a book on grief Jenny, but the more I thought about it I dont think that would help me, I think talking to people like you guys would be so much better. It just so many have been there and I think we can all relate. Unless theres a book out there with real people like us. Well, I just wanted to thank all of you for helping me and sharing some very special moments in your lives.
  12. cathy

    mom is gone

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. Dear Joanie, I am so very sorry. What a tragedy. I cant find the words right now for you, just know I am praying for you and your family to find peace and strength through this horrific time.
  14. Hi everyone, I have been having a hard time lately and was wondering, when you lose a loved one does it feel like everything in your life feels soo different. Everything I do feels strange, from shopping to cooking to eating even getting myself ready to begin the day. I am taking another week off work because I'm a little nervous about that too. I know they say time will help, but how much time? I have been searching the internet for grieving support but cant seem to find anything as wonderful as these boards and since we do have a grieving forum I thought it would be ok to post. I dont want to bring anyone down with my story because you are all going through so much yourself, just wondering how you handle your grief. Will the fog ever be lifted? P:S Thank you for all the condolences. I copied them and my family read them all.
  15. Dear Linda, Thank you for thinking about me. Its very hard for me to post right now, because I really feel as though I am not a part of lcsc anymore. It breaks my heart over and over when I have to read of everyones struggle with this horrifying disease. I Know I cant offer any support because I hold some anger right now. For me its just too painful. My dad was soo brave even at the end. I struggle everyday as to why it has to be. Why did my precious dad and soo many others have to go through this. If I think too much I go crazy. The boards bring back too many memories right now that I cant deal with. Its nice to know you are thinking of me. Thank you for remembering and caring it really means a lot. I think I need to move on, maybe I can find a wonderful message board for grieving. I will probably check in to see how everyone is doing because I will never forget all the wonderful people here who have helped me through the most devasting time of my life. God Bless all of You. I am praying they find a cure.
  16. cathy

    PLease Help

    Thank You love you guys
  17. cathy

    PLease Help

    I cant find the poem that Janine and Rana used at their parents funeral. Please help one last time. I need it by today. Ive been searching all over the forum.
  18. This is so hard but I have to do it My dad is in heaven My moms heart is broken and so is my whole family.
  19. My Brave dad is not geting any better. They say he probably will not come home. Please tell God not to let him linger, he is suffering and noone can help him. I Love him
  20. Dear Karen, I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless you and your family.
  21. That was beautifful and so are you!
  22. Absolutely, I will pray for Connie Still cant believe this is happening
  23. Thanks Donna, Just wanted to share a thought. We should have a national blackout day. It was so nice to see people outside in groups just enjoying each other because there was nothing else to do. No one had to be anywhere, because there was nowhere to go. We were at the hospital when it happened, that was scary, just wished the air condition would work so my dad could get somewhat comfortable. Hopefully its back as I write this. I think I will call the hospital to see.
  24. Dear Connie, I'm sorry, so very sorry.
  25. Dear Shelly. I am sooo sorry. I know how devasting this must be for you. I too am at a loss for words. God Bless dear sweet Shelly.
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