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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    Dad is in ICU

    Hi All I was part of the blackout, its been really rough not be able to be here. My dad is iN ICU right now. They are saying they dont know what is wrong. HIs pulm say his lungs have fluid but not like usual, he said they are acting like a sponge and absorbing it. If they cant get it under control, they will put him on a respirator. My dad wrote down NO RESPIRATOR on a sheet of paper, the doctot told us its not for life support its just to get him better. He seems to think whatever is wrong may be corrected. All I know is I am not feeling to good about this. On top of everything we couldnt go see him yesterday. They didnt want any visitors at the hospital because of the blackout. If anyone has any ideas on what might be going on as always I appreciate any input. I think I will try and catch up on the boards to see whats been going on since I have been gone.
  2. Dear Starz, I am so sorry for you and your family. Prayers are coming your way.
  3. cathy

    Connie B

    This is totally unbelievable! Dear sweet Connie, you are in my prayers most definately. I am sitting here in disbelief. You will beat this monster again. I just dont know what else to say.
  4. Ray, I am sooo happy for you. You really made me smile today. Thanks for sharing
  5. Dear Michelle, I am soo sorry so very sorry. Your husbands picture reminds me of my brother and his little dog who is also Hailey. I will pray that God will give you strength to get through this.
  6. cathy

    My brave father

    Dear Ray, What a special man your dad was. My husbands Grandma lived to be 91 years old, she once told me she lived through her wonderful memories of those loved ones who had gone before her. I hope you can find comfort in the memories you were able to create with your wonderful dad.
  7. cathy

    for my mom

    I sure will Shelly.
  8. Hi Snowflake, Wow, what a story. I am so sorry you have to be here, but I have to admit, I think I am going to enjoy reading your posts. Welcome from another Mi. neighbor.
  9. Dear Don, I really hope Lucie starts to feel better soon, hospitals are not fun. Hopefully she will be home soon.
  10. cathy


    I am sooo happy for you..Great News
  11. cathy


    Thank You for that. Lately I have been wanting to give up hope, we need to hear wonderful news like that!
  12. Dear Shellie, I hate that you and your mom have to go through this. I hate that we all have to go through this. Prayers coming your way.
  13. cathy

    Randy is gone.

    Dear Shirley, I am so sorry, I will pray for you and your precious family for strength to get through this.
  14. Karen, My dad did pneumonia after radiation. His pulm. specialist said its not that abnormal because of everything his lungs have been through. He actually just got over it again a couple weeks ago, this was the second time. I would still get the pet scan.
  15. Candy and Hugh, It sure does sound like good news! It made me smile.
  16. What a beautiful picture of Margaret. Thank you for sharing. I too was so moved by your post. It was beautiful.
  17. cathy

    Mixed emotions

    Shellie, Shelly, Tiny,Peg,Cheryl, Don, Ada,Candy, Thank you for all the prayers and comforting words. Shelly: I really am not that awesome, my dad is awesome which makes it soo easy just to want to be there for him. I wish I was more like him. Cheryl: First, thank you for taking time out from your day. You have been through so much. My dads lc has not metastized to any other organs. It was in 2 out of 9 nodes. His last pet in apr. showed activity where the lobectomy was. All that put aside, His breathing is so bad. He cant walk 3 feet without difficulty. His breathing is usually ok at rest, but that is about it. Everything is so hard for him, sometimes even eating makes him short of breath. When he was in the hospital the last time, I could see how eating was such a chore. Now wait until you hear this, I would cook him alot of his favorite meals while he was in there just so he would eat something. He would eat whatever I brought him and really enjoy it here's the weird part, he wasnt short of breath while eating my food only the hospital food. He's still trying to figure that out. Don: I do look back every day, when I see my dad suffer with his breathing. I wonder all the time, what if? and I know I shouldn't dwell, I really do try not to. I do still feel we talked him into it. He was soo against it. Thank you for making me feel a little better though. Ada: Thank you. I dont think I need to say more. Everyone of you really have comforted me today. Thank you Dad is back in the hospital today, dehydrated.
  18. cathy

    Mixed emotions

    I am not really sure what I want to say or how I feel. Dad has made up his mind, he doesnt want to try Iressa. That is his only option right now because he is not strong enough for anything else. I feel that it has to be his decision, we talked him into radiation and looked what happened to him. If my family and I didnt talk him into radiation his quality of life would have been so much better than it is now. So how can I convince him to try the Iressa. I was suppose to take him to the onc. today to discuss it. He just called me to tell me he wasnt feeling well and wasnt going to go. I think that was his way of letting me down easy. I gave him info and copied your responses to one of my post. I told him I was giving him the good and bad, so he could make an educated decision. He was all for it when he was in the hospital. I am really not sure what happened. He hasnt been feeling very good lately, so maybe he is feeling completely hopeless. He is so worried about his family especially my mom. Can you believe he is making his funeral arrangements. We had a family meeting last week, it was so heartbreaking, however we got through it. He doesnt want anybody to worry about anything when his time comes. I feel so helpless, I just dont know what to do.....
  19. That is so wonderful Cheryl. Keep it up.
  20. cathy

    Update on my mom

    Andrea, great news I am so happy for you
  21. David, I agree with Sam. Have they mentioned a pet scan?
  22. Kathy, saying prayers right now.
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