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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Dear Shelly, You are never a burden. You are always there for support when others need it, so we are here for you. I think you cant stay away because you feel comfortable here. I think you want to help ease others pain because you know what it feels like and if you can help others it eases your pain somewhat. You dont have to be soo strong all the time either. It is all still so fresh for you. Maybe you haven't taken enough time to grieve, not that there is ever enough time. I wish you would take a little time for yourself get your mind off lc for a while...
  2. Dear Shellie, I know exactly how you feel. I am going through the same scenerio with my dad right now. My dad is 71 and I feel he is too young. I see people all the time that are older than him walking around and I think, Why cant God just let us keep him here just like than person over there. My dad is not doing very well right now either. Its too complicated to get into, but anyway now I know I am normal because of your post. Sometimes I will be shopping and I'll see through the corner of my eye a man walking and I'll think for a split second its my dad, (my dad has been in a wheelchair for the past couple months) then reality hits, and that hurts when it hits. I know our parents wouldnt want us to be in pain because of their illness, so try to be strong, its soo hard I know. I dont have any answers to your questions on WHY, I just want you to know you are normal as well as me and all the other family members here. Its devasting, its gut wrenching, its unfair, its heartbreaking and it hurts like nothing else I have ever felt, however I really am still waiting for a miracle, thats all we have.
  3. cathy

    Katieb's Dad

    Praying for Jessie, Katie and her precious family
  4. Oh my God My dad had the same problem with not being hooked back up to the monitor. That lasted all day he was waiting just to see how long it took until they noticed, they never did notice so we called them in to hook it up. I really hate for him to have to go back in there. I am loosing a lot of faith in our medical profession. My dads pulm specialist told us that its very good to have someone that is proactive for my dad, his words were "its very sad but you really have to be proactive." Needless to say that kind of scares me.
  5. Yeah Norme how did that cake turn out?
  6. Dear Ray, I am so so sorry. I just dont know what to say anymore. I will pray for your family to find strength to get through this awful time.
  7. cathy


    David, You are certainly entitled to a pity part. I can only try to imagine what you are feeling. I can only say its the deep love we have for our family and especially our children. Sometimes I think the wonderful happy times can also make us sad. I know you want to be there for them and their milestones. I also think you need to express how you feel, before it gets all bottled up, talk to your wife , I am sure she understands more than you think. As caregivers and family members I think we try to carry on as we did before lc, maybe your wife is just trying to keep everything as normal as she thinks she can. Really David just let her know how you feel, you will probably feel a lot better for doing so. Just come right out and tell her whats on your mind.
  8. Sounds like really good news.
  9. Judy, Please keep us posted. My dad has that awful pain also. He takes darvecet for it. He just started taking it on a daily basis every 4 hours. It seems to be working.
  10. Sophia will be praying for good results for your dad.
  11. cathy

    encouraging news

    Ray, I am so glad you received some encouraging news. It sure does help to hear positive words. When I seen you posting in the Good News it brought a smile to my face.
  12. Dear Ray, I will be praying for you and your family.
  13. Christy sending prayers for your special dad.
  14. Dear Shannon, You really are amazing. Do you think your strong faith is what helps you get by? I want your strength. I am trying, but we all know its soo hard.
  15. I'm sorry, so very sorry.
  16. What good news Cheryl. I noticed you are posting from Hawaii. My dream vacation. One of these days I'll get there. Sure sounds like things are looking a little better for hubby.
  17. Ray. sorry you had to receive such crappy news. Keep fighting Ray! I sure wish you could get a break also!
  18. cathy

    Animated Pictures

    thanks Donna. I appreciate it. Pretty interesting stuff.
  19. Your daughter has got to be one of the cutest babies I have ever seen!
  20. Its so hard I know. My dad has fluid also. I think we have a need to learn all we can about this monster that grows inside our loved ones. I get so overwhelmed because it is so confusing. If the doctors cant figure it out how can we. I think sometimes we need to take a break from researching, then maybe go back when we are refreshed and can concentrate better, thats what I do and it seems to help. My dad was recently in the hospital, you would not believe all the different opinions we heard in there. Different doctors would come in and tell my dad different things, its crazy I know. Try to hang in there. If it helps you to vent here then by all means VENT.
  21. Thank you Ada, I hope you find some relief with everything that is going on now with you. The best of luck to you with the clinical trial.
  22. Dear Carol, I am so sorry for your loss. I just dont know what else to say.
  23. cathy

    Prayers Please

    Andrea, I hope your mom can get some relief from that cough. I'll say a prayer for her also.
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