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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better, Please keep us posted as to how the Iressa is working.
  2. Peg so happy to hear that! Good Luck
  3. Does anybody know of a website that has pictures of the lung and how it functions. preferably more animated pictures, because I am too squemish to look at the real thing. I did a google search and looked at a few links but couldnt find what I was looking for. I thought I would see if anyone here knew of anything before I start my search again. Thanks in advance
  4. cathy


    Welcome home Randy, My dad was just in the hospital for 10 days and couldnt wait to get out of there. I bet it feels wonderful !
  5. Hi Hope, I think its great that you are there for your friend and her family. I have a cousin that I confide in every day, she seems to be there for me no matter what. I also have a wonderful husband for support. My point is being able to truly rely on someone during this very difficult journey will help your friend and her family more than you know. Welcome!
  6. cathy

    Still good news

    Sounds very promising to me. I agree with Johnathon. This disease really confuses me, especially when you get 2 very different opinions. Good Luck Cheryl and Dick. Lets us know how everything turns out
  7. Dear Shellie, I know how awful this is for you. I know the pain is unbearable. I have been going through similar episodes lately with my precious dad. You have many friends here that you can reach out to if you need to.
  8. Dear Sam, You know you never have to worry about whining here. I really hope you get some relief soon. I hate that you, my dad and every single person here has to go through so much. I've said it before, nothing else matters when you cant breath. I cant even imagine what all you guys go through. Hang in there Sam.
  9. Congratulations Ada, I hope you get good news from nashville.
  10. cathy

    to ConnieB

  11. Hi Becky, I am so sorry for your breathing problem. I know from my dads experience that nothing else matters when you cant breath. I did want to tell you that he doesnt have to lug arouhd a tank when he is home. His oxygen plugs into the wall and he has an extension tube that gets him all over the house, which would work so much better for you. Also if you do get one of these tanks tell them you want a humidifier on it, very important so your nose doesnt get dried out. I also wanted to tell you my dad didnt get properly diagnosed with the pneumonitis until he went to his pulmonologist. I 100% agree with Sam the oncology team doesnt want to make that diagnosis. Be persistant Becky, go see your pulm. specialist. Keep us informed
  12. Okay I have a question. First, we didnt get very good news today at the hospital. I wont even bother to explain it for a couple days because I am sure it will change by then, because my dads doctors cant seem to agree on anything, they are driving me crazy. Any way, when I asked the onc. why they only did a lobectomy instead of removing his whole lung, this is what he said, we dont usually remove the whole lung because the quality of life with only one lung is not very good. Well my first thought was David P. Oh my God! I cant believe he said that to me. I know my dad is way older than David was, but still, I cant believe he said that. I was LIVID, I know that there are some people out there living with one lung. You guys tell me I am not wrong, I would love to copy some stories and throw them at that doctor. I think he just didnt like me questioning anything they did. I thought who does he think he is talking to, someone they can tell lies to, or someone who doesnt know any better. I am not saying I know alot about this disease, because it confuses me every day. I just know what I know. Please tell me if I am wrong. The quality of life after having a whole lung removed is not as grim a picture as he says, is it that different to having a lobectomy. Sorry but I am so angry right now.
  13. Hi Becky, Along with everything else that this could be, have them check for radiation pneumonitis also. Keep us posted as to what they say.
  14. HI Bruce My dad has radiation pneumonitis. Its basically an inflamation of the lungs due to radiation. The drug of choice is usually prednisone. It can sometimes take a while to heal and in rare cases like my dads it can lead to permanent scarring. I know there are acouple people on the boards who have had it and are fine now. Have you developed it?
  15. Dear Ada, Sorry you have been having such a bad time. I am glad to see you are getting better. Take it easy and rest.
  16. cathy

    Pray for hope

    Sure will. Shelly got it right Dads are awesome!
  17. cathy

    Mom-7:30 this morning

    Dear Dona, I am so sorry. I will pray for strength for you and your family to get through this trying time.
  18. Thank you Don, Peg, Carolyn and Fay I appreciate this sooo much. I am going to make copies for dad and bring them to him tomorrow. I dont mind if you keep responding the more responses the easier it will be for him to decide. This is a wonderful family we have started here, you come through when needed....
  19. Hi everyone, I really need your help desperately. Dad has been in the hospital for about 5 days now. His onc wants to start him 0n Iressa. Dad has been too weak for any other treatment. They gave him this sheet of paper with the side affects on it, and nothing else. I told him I would come to my internet friends and get their expierences for him. If anyone who is on Iressa could please tell him their experience, good or bad I think it would help him. I know its his decision, thats why I want him to know first hand, Please help remember GOOD OR BAD! Thank you
  20. Dear Wenna, The difference between your past surgery(or procedure) and this upcoming one is you have alot more people praying for you.Keep us informed on your progress.
  21. Thinking of you and mom today Shellie and hope everything turns out.
  22. Hi Kathy, My dad isnt taking any antidepressants. I really dont know how he does it. I metioned it to him back in march, he said he really didnt think he needed them. He's from "the old school" and really didnt take too much of anything until the lc. He puts on when I'm around because he hates me worrying about him. I'm sure he tells my mom alot more than me. I hope your hubby finds some relief with them, I know many do.
  23. cathy

    Cathy/ art fair

    ok maybe next time
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