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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    Hugh's Appointment

    My dad is very sensitive to smell. Over christmas my mom had a pointsettia plant in the house, she had to get rid of it because my dad couldnt take the smell, and those really are not aromatic, I couldnt detect any odor from it. He was better though after she got rid of it.
  2. Hi Ry, that would be awesome. Lets do it.
  3. Hi David, Just wondering how you are doing. My husband and I are going to the Ann Arbor art fair friday, as long as my dad is doing ok. If you are going let me know maybe we can run into each other.
  4. Ray, Sometimes I long for the good ole days. I take that back I always long for them. When everyone I love was here and healthy. Thank you for that, it was beautiful!
  5. Hi Candy, I will meet you in the good news forum because we are waiting for results also.
  6. Hi Sandra, Welcome, You have to the right place for info. and support.
  7. Norme, I am sorry about your bad news. I cant offer any advice on the mets except I think I might agree with Don if Buddy is strong enough why not fight. I will say a prayer for Buddy right now and for you also.
  8. I did a google search, looking for info, and desperately looking for survivors stories, I came across Alcase and the rest is history. Good question.
  9. cathy

    Mom-9:21 p.m. Mst

    Rana, I am soo sorry.Truly so sorry.
  10. Hi Julie, Welcome to our community. First you do have to get the statistics out of your head. Just like David said its just an average. Did you read Davids signature, now theres a survivor, along with many on these boards. The early stages of dx are very difficult, you are so overwhelmed with fear that it seems to take over. Finding these boards has been what is getting me through this monsterious illness. Just being able to talk to people who really get it, cause trust me you will come across some who dont, but thats another story. I am sure its not easy leaving your family either. Eventually you will cope a little better, its not so much that it gets easier, its just you learn how to live with it. I know you will find a lot of support and information here. Welcome Julie
  11. HI Amy How to cope, its not easy. You just take one day at a time, try to enjoy every day that you have with your mom and know that there is hope. Hope is what keeps us going. The support you will get from these boards is also a great coping mechanism. You will find out there is usually someone here going through the same thing you may going through. No matter what it is someone here can usually relate and that helps just knowing your not alone. My dad doesnt talk a lot about his feelings either, but for me thats ok, because evertime I see him he gives me this special smile, and I know thats his way of saying I love you. Welcome to our family Amy, I think you will like it here.
  12. Thanks everyone, Dad is feeling about the same today. He ate a little better though. Thats always good. They are saying he has pneumonia. I am a little scared cause I know what happens when they say that. He had all the test today to check for mets, So we'll see. Thank you for all the prayers and hugs and warm fuzzies, they really helped me. I'll tell you guys right now if dad has no mets then it is a miracle, his last pet scan was in apr or may and there was activity in the lower lobe, and no other treatment was recommended because he was too weak. Any way I will keep you posted, hopefully by tomorrow.
  13. cathy

    some good news

    Hi Ray, I think your news is great, its wonderful to know your getting through chemo ok. Your news will help many who are wondering about chemo. Thanks for letting us know.
  14. cathy

    Prayers please

    Dear Peg I said a prayer also. I hope it all works out for Bill, I know how optomistic you are about the trials.
  15. Dear Christina, Don is right some moms do that. You have to be stronger than her. I know you love her, but you cant let her control you. You are so vulnerable right now and I think it will be easy to fall into that again. try to be strong sweetie. Let us know how you doing.
  16. Christina, Thank you for sharing Chris's story. What a talented man he was. Again I am so sorry for your incredible loss.
  17. We had to take dad to the hospital today by ambulance. He just was not feeling well. I waited there for a couple hours, and couldnt take it any more, so I came home. I felt like I was suffocating, but I feel better now. My mom is still there. I am going back now, just wanted to ask for an extra prayer for Andy. Thanks
  18. Hi Deb, Dont you just love those good days. I think your dad has a twin in MI. because he sounds as kind , sweet, wonderful, unselfish and a Gentleman just like my dad. We are lucky! I am so glad your dad had a good meal yesterday and I hope he has plenty more.
  19. cathy

    Very Moving!

    Hi Carol, We were in a chapel filled with people that were not well, whether it was mental, physical, or just down on their luck financially, that was the sadness. There were a couple of women there with cancer and pregnant. I guess I just never realized how devasting an illness can be. Unless you live it, you really dont understand the devastation. I just felt that I could feel their pain so much more clearly since my dad got sick. The priest blessed each and every one of us. He encouraged us to place our hands on the people he was blessing. When he blessed my dad it was very emotional, because I want him healed so bad. People we have never met touching him and praying as the priest blessed him. If your emotional at your regular service you better bring plenty of tissue. Please let me know how it goes. Take care,
  20. cathy

    Very Moving!

    Thank You Dave, I'm trying, I'm not sure if I am there yet, or comfortable with it. I'll keep searching though. Take care, I hope you're doing okay.
  21. Dear Rosanne and precious family, I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you all have each other right now. May you find comfort in each other. Its good that you had the opportunity to make precious memories these past few months.
  22. cathy

    Brain Scan

    Hi Tracy, I know its hard to watch our dads go through this heart-breaking ugly disease. I struggle with it everyday. As far as the MRI it does take about 40 minutes and is completely painless. We received my dads results within a couple days. I'm not sure how it works in Canada though, if I remember correctly I think they keep you waiting a while. I thought I remember one of the members of the boards saying that, but I could be wrong, hopefully so. Noone should have to wait for results that are so important.
  23. Dear Christina, I am so very sorry for your tragic loss. I will pray that God gives you strength to help you through this difficult time.
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