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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    Very Moving!

    Linda, It probably was the same. It was very beautiful even with all the sadness there. Cindy, They did the annointing also and there was many there, probably a couple hundred. I really would like to go every week or at least once a month.
  2. Oh Don, That is so FANTASTIC!!!! What a fighter you are Lucie!!!! JUST GREAT GREAT GREAT!!!!!!!
  3. David, How awesome! I am so happy for you, it seems as though you are living your dream. I wish I had half your energy.It sure would be fun to come see you race. Please keep us informed where and when and good luck David.
  4. Dear Rosanne, I am so sorry. I too am only about 45 minutes away, if I can help you at all please let me.
  5. cathy

    Very Moving!

    Hi Friends, I wanted to let you know how our visit to the blessing of the sick went yesterday..To begin it was very emotional. If you ever have an opportunity to attend one I would. My dad, mom, daughter and 3 cousins went. I have been away from the church my whole adult life because I never got anything from it. I dont know if its all the catholic rules and how they change all the time or really just being bored with the service. I wanted to go to church and feel a part of a community or get up on sunday and be anxious to attend. Never have I felt that, until yesterday. I enjoyed being there, even though there was so much sadness there. My one cousin invited me to visit her church she said it is not the typical catholic service. So I think I am going to try it. I'm not sure how my dad felt about the whole experience. He was in pain yesterday so he didnt talk much. I am going to call my mom today to see how he felt about. They have a blessing of the sick every wed. and my cousin wants to go so if he agrees to go thats how I'll know he liked it. Thanks for the extra prayers yesterday I said them for all of you as well.
  6. cathy

    Fighting on!

    Dear Ray, Your dad sounds like he's going to fight with all he has, I am glad he's doing a little better. Take care
  7. Dear Janet, Okay, so there is a couple of people who just told you many times its nothing. Dont drive yourself crazy. Like Linda said even if it is dont despair, you know so much can be done. There are too many survivors on this board to think other wise..Try to stay positive.
  8. cathy

    Lets all Pray!

    Hi everyone, Today we are going to take my dad to a place called the Father Solanus center. I have been reading a little about him. Without getting into too much detail, every Wed. they have a blessing for the sick. There have been some testimonials about his healing powers. He was a very dedicated priest and well known in the Detroit area even after his death in the 50s. He is being considered for sainthood and I am not real sure how any of that works. Anyway we are going to the city at 2 today and I will be praying hard during the blessing for all of you also. Maybe if we all say a prayer between 2 and 2:15 something miraculous will happen to one of us. I know thats what my dad needs......
  9. Hi Coleen, Welcome, I know what you mean. You know everyone is different. Dont make yourself crazy thinking about what might happen I understand you have seen a lot but that doesnt mean your dad wont be different. I havent seen alot but I have been reseaching and I too am scared but we cant live like that. Just take one day at a time.
  10. Dear Don and Lucie, I am so sorry for pain and setbacks. I am saying a prayer also.
  11. Hi again Heather Just wanted to let you know it was called glutamine.
  12. Kathy and Tim, Sorry your news wasnt exactly what you had hoped for but it seems like your doctor is right on top of things and really does care. Here is a little more hope I found out yesterday; We went to see my dads pulm. specialist yesterday I told him my dads onc wanted to start him on Iressa, he thought it was a good idea because his uncle was in the phase one clinicals trials he was only the 3rd patient that entered the trials. His uncle was stage 4,and very bad, he lasted 2.5 years in those trials, the sad part is they stopped giving him the Iressa, isnt that crazy? I have no idea why they stopped, it was probably one of those rules they have when you enter those trials.. So theres another success story with Iressa. I am very hopeful too about Iressa
  13. Hi Heather, I'm sorry you are having a hard time. Its areally good sign that you're hungry. My dad had very bad burning in his throat after rad and they told him to get some sort of powdered supplement, I cant think off hand the name of it but it really helped him within a couple of days. I will check some paperwork I have and I'll let you know. I know we purchased it in a health food store and if I remember correctly it started with a G. I try to find out. Hope you get some relief soon.
  14. cathy

    A miracle in progress

    Hi Jane You may not post often but you sure did post at the right time. How wonderful for Shane!!! My dad may be starting Iressa next week because he has been too weak for any aggressive treatment also. Could you tell me any side affects your sister may be experiencing. I know about the rash. Thanks in advance.
  15. Dear Marlon, I was wondering what happened to you. What a difficult situation you are in. I think the husband sounds totally selfish. Your mom needs to figure out exactly what she wants. If she wants to stay with her husband then I think its time you let go. Mom is a grown woman, she has to realize what this man is doing. Maybe selling the house is the best thing, as long as the husband doesnt touch the money. You need to move on Marlon, you need to think of yourself. . Dont rush into anything though..Wait until your not angry because we do things we regret when we're angry..I think you have been wonderful and very patient with everything that has happened to your family in the last year. Its time to take care of Marlon.
  16. cathy

    My Mom

    Cindy, I am glad your 4th was happy.
  17. Hi Jenny, What a great idea. I think your family and friends are going to be sooo happy to see you. Have a wonderful time!!
  18. Thanks Lenny, I think I am going to get off the computer and join my husband in the pool.....Its way to nice out to be sitting in my house..
  19. Ray, Do what you think is right for your dad. Thats all we can do. I think your dad will let you know when he needs more pain relief. I will say a prayer for your dad and your family.
  20. Dear Sweet Shellie, I know exactly how you feel, we all do. I remember having an episode one time after my dad got sick I cant explain it but I know it really scared me. I literally felt as though I lost my mind, it lasted for a day or so. I felt as though my mind left my body. I only told my husband and a very dear cousin about it. Ever since that day I told myself I would not let it happen again. My cousin said she loved me and didnt want me to get sick. You need to know there are people in your life that love and need you. I pray to God all the time to just give me the strength to help my dad get through this I ask the same question all the time also, I really just dont understand the suffering just as you. Try to talk with someone, I think you should really try the anti- depressants, they will take the edge off and help you cope some what. Please dont do anything rash!! You have to get those thoughts out of your head!! If you want to talk, and need to hear a human voice E-mail me. I'll send you my number. Please take care Shellie
  21. Hi Welcome to a place that actually does have survivors of lc. My dad has stage 3b lc so I know where you are coming from. In the beginning of his diagnosis I went through the exact same emotions as you. Those emotions are still there but way easier to control. You have come to the right place to vent, cry, or believe it or not laugh a little. So many wonderful people here are going through the same thing as your mom, and they can tell you their experiences, you will be amazed how similar some are. My dad has never had chemo but I can tell the most important thing is water water and more water they absolutely have to keep hydrated. One thing we all have in common also is we dont have any time frames. Only God can knows that answer. I wont say it will be easy for your family because this is the hardest thing anyone can go through. After the initial shock which did take a while I did start to feel a certain peace I think these boards had alot to do with that. Welcome incomp(for short) I hope you too can find comfort here.
  22. Hi Peg, What a week is right! I too am glad Bills onc. figured out a way to help him. She sounds like a good doctor. I agree with Ada it seems like some of the clinical trials rules are somewhat absurd. At least it all worked out though.
  23. cathy


    Dear Jay, Dont ever be sorry. A support group is to support each other in similar situations. I am not in the same situation as you, but I really wish I could be there for you. You have to understand the trauma that you have been through is an awful lot for anyone to bare. I wish I had the magic words to make you feel better. You have to take one day at a time. You will get better but its going to take time. I'm so glad your feeling physically better. Did you ever go to a different therapist? I remember you were not very happy with yours.
  24. Hi Cheryl, I cant help you out with the insurance question, but I can tell you my dad has constant pain where his tumor was, or should I say is. He had a lower lobectomy on his left lobeand that is where the pain is. The doctors as usual have no clue why its painful, they have said probably nerves. I am curious, I read in your signature that the doctors attempted a lobectomy. How exactly did they attempt it, did you go into surgery? I am sure you probably have mentioned it before, but with so many members on the boards its hard to remember.
  25. Hi ringsgal, I dont know anything about bio-markers. I did want to tell you I have been reading in a few different articles, I cant remember where I read it, but it has been a couple different sources. They are saying that they think chemo should be part of the protocol with early stage lc. It use to be surgery alone. If I remember it increased your chance of survival by 5-10%. You are absolutely right about lc being scary.
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