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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Dear Mary, I am so sorry for the loss of your very special sister. What a beautiful tribute you wrote in her honor.
  2. David; why wait until next week, call your doctor and tell him how you feel. Why did they switch the procrit in the first place? Remember you are in charge.
  3. cathy


    Dear Peggy, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful sister Sally. Its so sad..Thats all I can think of right now, its just so sad.
  4. Dear Anita, Thank you for sharing your beautiful Adriane's story with us. She most definately was a survivor of this monsterous disease. It is puzzling though how she got it. My dad may be starting Iressa one day as soon as he is strong enough, I will tell him all about how a wonderful young woman fought to get this drug approved by the FDA. She truly is an inspiration. I am at a loss for words, I dont know what else to say, I just wanted you to know your precious Adriane has touched another person's heart. God Bless you Anita and your wonderful family
  5. Dear Shannon, That truly was beautiful. Although my husband is not sick that really hit home. That poem fits my life with him perfectly. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I am hoping your faith will help you and your precious family get through it somehow.
  6. cathy

    A Downer of a Weekend

    Hi Dave, I am so sorry you are having a bad time. I'll pray for better days to come for you. I dont much about chemo, but what if you postpone it just for a day or two to make sure it doesnt hit you on the day of the golf outing, is that possible or not?
  7. HI Louise, welcome to a place were everyone knows how you feel. My advice is really take one day at a time. Enjoy your time with your loved one. What helps me is hope, I hope and pray every day that my dad has a good day. Every now and then I pray to God to make his lc disappear and if thats not his plan then please let him have a good day! Hope is the only thing that helps me get through it, and these boards of course. Welcome to a wonderful place!!
  8. Hi Cindy great picture!!!
  9. cathy

    Surgery Again

    Hi Ada I'm so glad surgery is behind you. I also would like to add whenever I see your picture it makes me want to take off to the beautiful islands, and leave all my worries here, sooner or later we will make it there, maybe for our 30th. Take care Ada.
  10. Hi Joann, dont ever worry about rambling, we do that often here. Its hard to help you out until you know what type or stage your mom is in, but no matter what you find out please remember there is hope. There are survivors on these boards that will amaze you. One thing I wasnt quite sure of was when the lc was discovered, it almost sounds like last year unless I am not reading your post right. You will see of all the members here someone is bound to have a similiar situation and be able to help you. The thing about abandoning your life, that is so normal. I am lucky my dad lives minutes away. We have all been when your at right now so we know how you feel. Its been 8 months since my dad diagnosis, and I still get very overwhelmed trying to learn as much as I can, I think I probably absorb 20% of what I am reading if that. Well I just wanted to say welcome and let us know when you find out more.
  11. Thanks for responding Gina. I still am amazed at your procedure. it sounds like your doctor isnt afraid to go out of the norm. You are so fortunate to have him/her. Its sounds like your doing well..Good for you Gina.
  12. I was wondering..Does anyone who has had surgery experience pain during damp weather? My dad has been havig a lot of pain near his ribs going to his back..My mom says she has noticed when its damp out he has more pain..I told her I would ask to see if anyone here ever experienced this..Thanks in advance
  13. Linda I know how you feel..When they told my dad no chemo unless he gets stronger, my heart sank. You just feel helpless, but hang in ther Linda thats about all we can do.
  14. Wow Gina That is really interesting, I sure wish my dads doctor would have known this procedure..My dad did get some sort of shot also that was suppose to relieve his discomfort but it hasnt worked. His surgeon said it would take a couple of days to kick in, that was way back in december. I wonder if its the same thing.
  15. Hi Karma's mom, Its good to meet you. I am so sorry for the pain you and your family are going through right now. I am glad you have joined us, maybe you can find some comfort here..
  16. Cathy I just said a prayer for you, hope it helps.
  17. cathy

    Surgery Again

    Dear Ada You truly are an inspiration, for some reason when I read your post I always seem to read them in a very calm voice, I think thats how I hear you talking. or maybe its your picture thats calming. Anyway good luck with surgery and I hope recovery is fast and painless for you. I hope your new treatments leave you feeling good.
  18. Carleen, I know, its so frustrating. I think as family members we want to try everything and anything. I always wonder why doctors dont seem to have the passion like we do, I dont have the answers cause I just dont get it. I read your recent post on Keith and I am sorry you didnt get the news you wanted, but dont despair you know many have tried different regimens until they found a successful one. I also know how you feel not quite comfortable with Keiths onc. cause I am like that about my dads, but dad really likes him so I dont say much.. Well Carleen I hope you start to feel a little better, try to get those awful thoughts out of your head, really you have to try to just not think of things that make you sad. You have to take care of yourself if your going to be strong enough to fight with and for Keith. Whenever those thoughts enter my head I really do talk myself out of thinking them. I hope that made sense..Take care Carleen
  19. Hi Helen, just wanted to welcome you. You have come to right place for support. You will be amazed at all the great people here and many survivors also. There is usually someone who can answer your questions because they are going through or have been through what you may be experiencing..Welcome aboard
  20. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DON AND LUCIE!!!!!!! I hope you two have a wonderful day, celebrate, 44 years is something to be proud of. My mom and dad just celebrated 50...
  21. Dear Shannon I am so very sorry for your loss. I just dont know what to say. You have such a deep and strong faith that I know God will help you through this very painful tragedy. I dont think there is anyone on these boards that doesnt admire how hard you fought with Mike to beat this monster. I will pray for you and your family for strength..
  22. Cary I have read a little about one of the scientist who is working on the same theory.I recently went to U of Mich so my dad could get a second opinion, and that same scientist works there. I mentioned it to the onc and he said " you mean the copper guy" he didnt seem too interested in the whole idea. I personally think it all sounds very promising, but you know how some of these doctors are..I dont think they are willing to try new or different treatments..I mean if nothing else can be done why not try..
  23. cathy

    Good Check up

    Good for you Bob! Great
  24. cathy

    New Jay

    Hi Jay, I really like the new picture! I really think you will be ok, like everyone says you have age on your side, I cant give you any advice on treatments because I dont know much about chemo, just what is said on the boards..I just want you to know you are thought of in a very special way.
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