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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Peggy, I am so sorry that you and your family have to go through this. This disease truly is a monster. I hope its somewhat comforting knowing your sister is not in pain. I will pray for strength for you and your family.
  2. Hi Deb, I am not sure if your dad had radiation or not, my dad developed radiation pneumonitis and it did start with s-o-b. He does also have a cough. My dad had a cat scan to determine if he had it. actually he had a chest x-ray and cat scan at the same time, I cant remember which determined it. I can find out if you want...There are a few on the boards who have it or had it. It is treatable.
  3. cathy

    Tim is Home

  4. Dear Shellie, I know what you are going through..We were taking my dad to a couple different places and we were getting the same answers from different doctors..During the last doctor trip at the U of Mi. my dad said No more doctors..I still see the despair in his eyes that day so I have stopped looking for other alternatives, I shouldnt say I stopped looking I stoppped telling him about them. On one hand I feel we should respect their feelings, but on the other hand we dont want them to stop fighting..I dont know what to tell you Shellie because I struggle with the same issues..I guess I just want to say your not alone..Give it a day or so, maybe your mom will feel better and change her mind..
  5. cathy

    Hi everyone

    Dear Jay, I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. I know there is nothing to say to help your pain (physical and emotional) You know we are here for you. You are much too young to have to experience this. Please take care Jay..
  6. Shannon, I feel so bad for you two, what is going on there..I bet I know exactly what they are saying to you. They are saying they are so short staffed and they are prioritizing and they will get to it as soon as they can in order of importance..My dad was in that situation once, they act like its our fault they dont have enough help..I asked one of the nurses once, cant they hire people just to do to the running around stuff, like getting fresh water, clean clothes or meals. She looked at me as if I insulted her. So I guess that was out of the question...I hope your day is better tomorrow.. P:S I really like how you wrote on the board!!!
  7. cathy

    Prayer Requests

    I am praying for your sister Mary, I know how special sisters can be..
  8. Tiny, I will pray for your clean scans also..
  9. cathy

    2 Doctors that agree

    Great news Ginny and Earl..
  10. cathy

    Clean Scan

    Dear Gail, This is such great news..Have a wonderful time, you certainly deserve it...
  11. cathy


    Sounds Great.... I'm in..
  12. cathy

    KatieB ' s Dad

    Hi Rick and Katie, My dad experiences dizziness every now and then. We attribute it to his steroids, however I dont think Katies dad is them. My dad doesnt have brain mets, so dizziness can be a sign of many things.. I know you can develop temperary vertigo from many things, including the flu....
  13. cathy

    Calling God...

    I am saying a prayer also Katie..The first thing I thought of was the flu..You know how we always think it has to be the cancer, when its something as simple as the flu..keep us informed,,
  14. Ray I am so glad that your feeling pretty good.I hope it continues for you..
  15. cathy

    Carol Burnett

    I have no idea why Dave, but your post made me cry..I keep thinking about doing something..I am not very aggressive and just dont know where or how to start..I get overwhelmed with this whole thing, but I really do want to help I think I just need a shove...
  16. cathy

    Tim's Update

    Annie So glad to hear Tim is doing good..Hope your doing ok too..
  17. Hi Deanna, I dont really have any advice for you because my dad probably wont ever receive chemo but I just wanted to congradulate your mom, and how wonderful it must be for her to feel good and to really enjoy her beautiful grandchild..
  18. Hi Peg, It sounds promising..Its good to know there are many options..Good luck..l
  19. cathy

    Brain MRI

    Hi Cheryl, just wanted to let you know I had a mri also, not for cancer though,and they injected me with a solution also about midway through, so I dont think you should let that freak you out...
  20. Hi Susan, Sure wish your mom had better news..I think its great your mom wants a party for their 50th..We just celebrated my mom and dads 50th over the weekend..They just wanted it somewhat low key because dads not doing as well as your mom..We still celebrated and they had a good time...Your mom has a positive attitude and thats great..
  21. David, What great news for you and your family..I'm really happy for you..
  22. What wonderful news Fay..I bet your feeling pretty good..I will also add that I wish my dad was a nerd..
  23. cathy


    Dear Tina, I cant say anything that hasnt already been said..Please tell Jay we are here if he needs us. I wish there was something I could do..
  24. Hi Christina. You are probably so overwhelmed with fear and devastation right now..Everyone here understands exactly how you feel so you have come to the right place..try to find out what type of LC it is and what stage and anything else you can find out from the doctor..Then you can come back to the boards and read about some of the survivors here, that are probably in the same situation as you and your boyfriend...Its so much easier to fight this awful disease when you educate yourself about it. So many questions can be answered here, I think you will be amazed..We are all in this together and here to support each other.Keep us informed..
  25. cathy


    Ronna, Such wonderful news..We sure can use it...Thanks for sharing with us..
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