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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Madison I agree with the second opinion also..cathy
  2. Good for you Bob..2 years,that wonderful...cathy
  3. That sounds promising..
  4. cathy


    Congratulations Sue.... How wonderful it must feel...cathy
  5. Hi Don....You know I have taken some of your advice,If you remember a while back that whole sibling thing....Thanks Don...cathy
  6. I am so sorry for your pain Renee...Your heart must be breaking....I know what you mean about references to death always on T.V. I dont think we gave it much thought before LC....I dont know what to say help you through this....I dont think I could say anything to help your pain... just know I truly am sorry....God Bless....cathy
  7. cathy

    Happy Weekend

    Hi all..I just got home from watching my daughter graduate yesterday from Western Mich.University.. It felt so good to be around all the happiness...It wasnt easy cause I know if her Papa and gramma could have been there they would have..I didnt dwell on that cause I know my dad would prefer I didnt let his health consume me, as we all know its so not to...Its strange how I didnt feel any anxiety all weekend, it was kind of an escape from reality for a while until my husband and I got in the car to return home, then there it is REALITY.....cathy
  8. Hey Laurie...I couldnt imagine having to deal with all that is on your plate...As if our parents being sick isnt enough...Your vacation is just what the doctor ordered for you....You go and have a wonderful time and leave all your troubles behind while your gone..have fun .....cathy
  9. cathy

    What a day!

    Peg..Doesnt it feel good just to enjoy the day...Good news for your hubby...It probably really helped his spirits to get out and about....cathy
  10. cathy

    Happy day

    Hi Ginny and Earl....Dont you just love those happy days,,,Its strange how we use to take those things for granted(at least I always did)...hoping we all can have more of them...cathy
  11. Kerry...what wonderful news..thank you for sharing...we all like hearing news like yours, it helps keep us going..cathy
  13. Dear Renee...I am so sorry for you and your family....Trust hospice, I had a very dear aunt who had hospice also... they will help your mom through this difficult time....wish I could help you...cathy
  14. Hi Everyone ...Justed wanted to brag a little. Going to Western Michigan University this weekend to watch my lovely daughter graduate. She is going to be a teacher in elementary education. My son also attends WMU.. Cant wait to see them..Everything always seems better when they're around.....cathy
  15. Dear Sarah...I'm so sorry that you have to be here.I cant give you any advice on chemo because my dad has not had the oppotunity to start it yet, however just from belonging to this wonderful family I have learned so much. I know everybody is different and not everybody will react the same. There are many on this board that will tell you their experiences and you will feel hopeful after reading their survivor stories. I know you and your family are scared. It takes a while for the news to settle in, but once it does you will want to use your energy to fight. You and your family have a difficult battle ahead but remember she can beat this...Any questions or concerns you have let us know. We are all here for the same reason.. Remember we know how you feel....I am from Mi. also however, I'm not 23 though ( my children are 21 and 24.) Where about from Mi. are you.....Take Care Sarah........cathy
  16. Laurie....How good it must feel for your mom to get her life back to normal or should I say a little more normal than it has been for her and her family...I'll be thinking of her on the 7th(its my birthday so I really will remember)and hoping for great results.....Happy Easter...cathy
  17. HI Jenny...glad to hear your first week went well....Hang in there....cathy
  18. Hi Rosanne....We all know too well what you are talking about....I have to admit I wonder sometimes if I think like your daughter is it really the doctor or is it because he is the messenger and we certainly dont want to hear his message....Take care......cathy
  19. cathy

    Happy birthday!!!!

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY GIANNI AND MANY MORE!!!!! P:S(my grandparents from both sides were born in Sicily).....cathy
  20. cathy

    Lucie Update

    Hi Don and Lucie.....So happy for you two...We sure did need some good news here.....Keep it coming.........cathy
  21. Hi Ni...I also have had the same experiences with people, some in my own family. I do think people are uncomfortable with it. You know its really strange unless you have been where we are, no one can understand the devastation. I am more comfortable talking with the great people on these boards than anyone else. I can tell right away if someone is really concerned or just asking to make themselves feel better. It bothered me at first, but I really dont care anymore. We all have to much to worry about. I just distance myself from them people. Youre not alone......cathy
  22. Thanks friends for the prayers and support. I stayed away from the boards for a while because I was just tired of cancer. Does anyone else ever feel like that? Then I stopped feeling sorry for myself,and thought of all the wonderful people here and all the support I really was missing and how everyone is here to help each other. Sorry I swayed....talk to you all in a week.......cathy
  23. Hi Everyone....I really wish I didnt have to do this but I have more bad news to add to all the rest thats been going on..My dad got results back from his pet scan and there is activity where the lower lobe was removed. Thats really not even the worse news, because of the pulmonary fibrosis he cant get any chemo....The reason is because he is too weak.. His onc believes the activity is cancer......Is it possible for the activity not to be cancer? This is our first experience with a pet scan and I'm not really sure how they work...Any way mom and dad are in florida right now(their winter home)so I have decided to go down there to visit and try to find alittle bit more out....I dont know they just dont ask these doctors enough questions.....They are both devasted right now, even though my dad would never let on and let any one worry about him... He really is a great man...I wish you guys knew him....oh well I'm leaving wed. and I wont have access to a computer and I really hope this is the last of the bad news for all of us....Enough is enough....Take care and add another to your prayers please......cathy
  24. cathy

    Great News!

    Good For You Estelle!!Great News.......cathy
  25. cathy

    My mother-in-law

    Jean and family....I am so very sorry to hear of your loss.....cathy
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