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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Dear Beth, I read your post right after I got to work this morning and all I could do was shut down and leave the office. Even though I knew from our talks that this was coming, your post still wiped me off my feet, and, in fact, it is still difficult for me to type my words, as I know it was for you to type yours. I can pretty much ditto Ann's exact words. Your words bring back so many memories, so many worries, fears and sleepless nights. While it is painful to hear these words, it is important for all of us to hear them and understand the depth of your fears and your sorrow. I know how hard it was for you to write this out, and I know how much it hurts. I hope more than anything that you will receive the same feelings of love and understanding that I did and still do from our friends here. Even though that love and caring from everyone here won't help one bit to take away your pain, it did help me so much to know that others were sharing my pain and loving me and holding me through it, and that they still do. Hang in there, girlfriend. Please know that my heart and my prayers are with you. Love, Peggy
  2. Dear Cindi, I ditto Kasey's post. Shame on you for not telling us you were still having SOB problems that bad. I am really glad you are going in to get this figured out and get it fixed. You must be miserable being that short of breath. My prayers are with you for success next week and soon! Love, Peggy
  3. I'm with Becky. I'm not much of a traveler. I don't know why, but I've just never really enjoyed getting too far away from home. I would just love to have time to spend at my home, have friends over, get up when I wanted, go out to eat when I wanted, sit around and read books, cross stitch, play with my dogs, etc., etc. Ahhhh - now that's a perfect vacation to me. Love, Peggy
  4. MUSIC TO MY EARS! Way to go, Di! Love, Peggy
  5. NED! NED! NED! YIPPEE!! Kasey, this is the best news ever. I am so, so, so happy for you. I think: NED is No Evidence of Disease NERD is No Evidence of Reoccurance of Disease I think they both kind of mean the same thing, don't you? WHO CARES? Kasey is NED! Kasey is NED! That's all that matters. Ring the bells! Sound the alarms! Blow the whistles! Shout to the Lord! Jump for joy! Open the pub! Love, Peggy
  6. Dear Joyce, We have already talked, but I want to ditto everything I already said, everything everyone here has said, and just can't tell you how much I am thinking about you and how sorry I am that you have to go through this. May God fill every room of your house with His love. May He guide the minds, hands and hearts of the hospice caregivers, may He bless you with His peace, and may He bless Steve with His great and wonderful comfort. All my love, Peggy
  7. Go, Jim, Go! If anybody can knock this disease to hell where it belongs, it would be you! Go get'em Tiger! Love, Peggy
  8. Dear Starr, I'm sorry I'm so late, but I still want you to know that I am very sorry for your loss and for everyone in your family. Losing a parent is a very sad thing to go through, and I pray that God will wrap his great big arms around you and heal your broken heart. Love, Peggy
  9. Ah, Don, that sweet, sweet word R-E-T-I-R-E-M-E-N-T. I'm so jealous. I remember my dad saying exactly what you said. He and his friends would joke about the guys coming into the Legion and being so happy to have a 4-day weekend. He said they had a 4-day weekend every day. LOL!! CONGRATULATIONS! Love, Peggy
  10. Millie, What Cindi O'h said goes for me, too. Also, I loved what Sharon said about making a decision and never feeling guilty about it. My gut feeling tells me you have all done the right thing. Love and hugs during this very, very hard time!!! Peggy
  11. I joined looking for information. I stayed to give hope. I keep coming back because I care. Love, Peggy
  12. Happy New Year, Andrea! I wish you and your entire family nothing but wonderful blessings throughout the coming year. Love, hugs and HIGH FIVES, Peggy
  13. It smells good, too, Val! Mmmmmm, I want some, too. I'll take mine warm with some of Kasey's ice cream on top. Love, Peggy
  14. Dear Millie, Don't you just hate it when those realities start to sink in? I know I do. I will be praying that you will have more good times like the anniversary party today with your mom. All those good times and laughs will mean so much to you. Sending you big hugs, Millie. Love, Peggy
  15. Dear Fay, You always amaze me at your ability to put a light spin on a scary subject. Reading between the lines, I see that you are facing a very tough time, kiddo. You have continually been in my prayers, Fay. Please know how much I care. On the remodeling issue, I'm in that business now myself and enjoying it very much. It has really helped me a lot through this grieving time and given me something to look forward to and kept my mind busy. I don't even mind dealing with some of the problems that have already crept in. I think maybe I will make my house my "hobby", so Ann, if you're reading this, I now have something to add to your hobby question. My neighbors on one side of me were pretty close to Don and me, but they have kept their distance since I started the remodeling. I'm sure they think I have lost my mind, and as Scarlet said, I frankly don't give a d___ what they think. I'm only telling you all this because I think it's remarkable that in spite of your illness, you continue to remodel your house and work on your dreams - and I'm sure there are probably people in your life that think you're crazy for doing it, too. I love your spunk! I love your desire to "keep at it" as best you can. And last, I just love your whole attitude toward life and living it to the fullest. You are one remarkable lady. Love and hugs, Peggy
  16. Hi Cindi, I'm so upset to read this. I do hope you're right and that he will call you tomorrow. To me, the hardest part about this disease, or probably any disease that is life-threatening, is the "not knowing". I quickly learned that even if the news is bad, after a day or two of numbness, we were quickly off to the plan of attack and things always looked brighter. But, the time not knowing, at least to me, was pure torture. The interesting part is that it's torture for all of us, too. It seems that when one of our friends here is going through this waiting and not knowing time, we become anxious as well. I pray you know something soon. All my love, Peggy
  17. Dear bc, First of all, thank you TAnn for posting what the Alimta did to Don. I didn't know whether to post aobut it because I didn't want to scare you, bc. My husband never had any SOB for any reason until Alimta. It started after the 2nd infusion. After the 3rd infusion, he was hospitalized for tests to determine the cause of the SOB. A CT scan revealed the alveoli damage, so I would suggest you tell your onc about this ASAP and get a CT scan before you get another infusion. After my husband's 3rd infusion, the damage was so extensive that there was no chance of recovery. An open lung biopsy was done and two sections of his good lung were taken. Two opinions on the biopsy report said the same thing: severe alveoli damage most likely caused by chemotherapy. BC, please, please get a CT before you get another infusion. The reaction is very rare, but can be deadly. Many other have done really well with Alimta - like Trisha's husband. Love, Peggy
  18. And, I owe my father, who taught me about THRIFT! Shut off that *@#+#@!%# light. Who do you think has to pay the light bill around here?
  19. WOOHOO! I love WONDERFUL NEWS! You won the lottery, didn't you? I know that's it, SNOWFLAKE WON THE LOTTERY and she is going to . . .
  20. Fay, this breaks my heart. Aunts and uncles can be just as special to us as parents and grandparents. Our nieces and nephews were absolutely devastated with losing their Uncle Don. My prayers are that your aunt and uncle are located safe and sound, and that you get this news VERY SOON! Love, Peggy
  21. . . . they had better get in touch with their local psychiatrist to see how they could get everyone contributing to this story committed to the psycho ward, but when they made the call, they were told . . .
  22. Jump, hop, skip, run, twist, turn, move, backbends, stand on my head, touch my toes 20 times, fast dance for hours, and stay up late! Love, Peggy
  23. Holly, My husband also had bone mets. Although the mets were extensive and in many bones, the only ones they radiated were the ones that caused pain - left shoulder and left hip. Both times the pain began to get better after about 6-8 days of radiation, and stayed away. Chemo is used to hopefully get rid of, or control, bone mets. Hope this helps. Love, Peggy
  24. Sue, This will be the one!!! Go get'em, Mike!! Love, Peggy
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