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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Hi Larry, I, too, am sorry to hear the cancer has returned. We've heard that ugly news lately, too. If she's in good spirits and eating well, I think that's a good sign that she's good to go to get rid of that pesky varmit and get back on the road to recovery. Love and prayers, Peggy
  2. Not much left to say here. Everybody has already said it ahead of me, and Becky and Dee REALLY hit it head on. I would add: "Until you walk in someone else's shoes, you will never "get it", so don't even try. We just have to learn to accept people where they are and as they are. To do otherwise, is being judgmental. That doesn't mean we don't have an opinion or have to like or approve of someone else's behavior. It's all about acceptance. Accepting people just they way they are and loving them with all their faults and idiosyncrasies. Lots of love for you and your mom, Peggy
  3. Jana, You and I and Karen have PM'd already about some of these things, but I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry about the "bummed out" feelings you guys are having. It's no fun and totally consumes a person. I will be praying for better days ahead for you, Karen, your mum, and your whole family. Love and hugs, Peggy
  4. Hi Jim, I've felt the same way in the past about posting good news when others weren't doing so well. I think it's a normal feeling, and it just shows you care about others. I'm THRILLED that you have such good news! PRAISE GOD!! Love, Peggy
  5. Karen, I've got a GIANT hug I'm sending you through cyberspace. God's peace and love to you, honey. Love, Peggy
  6. Dear Carole, I am so sorry for this devastating loss. My God hold you and your family close, very close, during this most difficult time. Love, Peggy
  7. Becky, I can barely read your words without breaking down. I would be devastated if I had lost my brother. Are you doing ok? What about Karen? Is she holding together ok? Your parents? And little Faith? Oh my, this is all so hard. I wish I had some wonderful, inspiring and helpful words to share, but I just don't. God bless you all! Love, Peggy
  8. stand4hope

    I'm back

    I'm back. It's been a long week, but I will be turning in my hall pass and try to catch up on posts over the next few days. I'll post an update on us in a day or two, as soon as I (and all of us) stop reeling from the tremendous loss of David. Love to all, Peggy
  9. I am devastated with this news. Karen and Becky, and all of David's family: I am so, so sorry. May God be with you all! Love, Peggy
  10. Oh my goodness, Debbie! What a nightmare trip you guys have been on. You must be one strong woman, and sounds like you've got one tough man there! I can't give any advice on SCLC because my husband has NSCLC. Maybe the next time, your husband can try a different chemo when he gets a little stronger that won't throw him into such terrible problems. Hang in there, and stay close to us. We're here to help you in any way we can. Love, Peggy
  11. That's ok, Missy. God understands mad, too. Sad, mad, glad, up, down, afraid, happy - you name it! We've all been through it, and trust me, if there is anyone who hasn't, it's probably coming! Your words were very nice about the not understanding thing. There are some people on here that have been through some stuff that's hard to imagine, and I'm sure they appreciate that. You're a great daughter and you will do fine fighting this monster with your mom. Hang in there, and just know that the emotions are going to be breakdancing for quite a while. Love and hugs, Peggy
  12. stand4hope

    Sandy S

    Sandy, I know the feeling. I've had several surgeries and get jittery every time. I'm sure it's the right decision. Get that stuff out of there! Glad the boyfriend situation is going well! Love, Peggy
  13. Yep, I was right, it was JimBen. Here's his profile: Age 59, Dx...7/03, Stage IV, Left lung with Mets to Right lung and Lymphs, no other Hot spots seen on Pet or Brain CT 4 cycles Gemcitabine/Carboplatin..good shrinkage 2 cycles Docetaxel..good shrinkage on first cycle, growth during second 8 weeks Iressa..growth 2 cycles of Topotecan/Vinorelbine, another failure Two cycles of Alitma....stable 2 mo. chemo break Growth again Started Cisplatin/CPT-11 After 2 cycles..75% Shrinkage "Yippee" After 4 cycles..50% Shrinkage "Yahoo" After 6 cycles..success continues "WOW" After 8 cycles, stable, taking 2 mo. break Still "Fish'n and working full time" Photo "My Shadow" fishing with GrandPa 10-02-04
  14. Dear Friends, Am I missing something here? Are you saying you don't support people giving to ovarian cancer????????? I don't understand what them being heavy smokers has to do with it. Oh, well, of course, I understand they are increasing their chances of getting lung cancer, but I just don't get the connection with not giving to the ovarian cancer research. I know we want more support for lung cancer, but I feel like I'm missing something with this thread. Love to all, Peggy
  15. Hi Carleen, It really is soooo good to see you back. I understand every word you typed in your post, and could have written it myself. I have the same feelings and the same fears. We, too, are facing similar circumstances as you and Keith, and I can't tell you how much I understand what you are going through. I had lunch with some visiting family yesterday and my sister wrote me an email today and said I "seemed a little down." I told her that yes, I was a little down. I told her that I am just selfishly self-absorbed. All I can think about is my husband 24/7 and even being at the lunch away from him on a Sunday was almost more than I could bear. All I have are the weekends and very short evenings because he goes to bed so early. I told her that I had almost no interest in anything else. I told her I know I shouldn't be thinking the thoughts I'm thinking, but I'm thinking them anyway. I also told her that I am "working on it." I stepped back from the board some, but then started posting again, and that has helped a lot. I think it helps to share your fears with others because it seems that someone always comes back with something that will give us that spark of hope. We don't know where or when or if this disease will take our loved ones away from us, but I find that if I at least read every post, I find something that will lift my spirits and at least help me to feel better. For example, I think it's JimBen who is on his 7th or 8th chemo - none of the others worked. Then all of a sudden this last one really knocked his cancer way back - I think it was maybe 50 or 75%. After I post this, I'll go check what he said to be sure I'm telling it right. Anyway, you have no idea how much hope that gave me. Just knowing that there is a possibility that this next chemo could be the one that really works is so encouraging. It may not happen, but at least the thought that it could helps a lot. Also, identifying with your post, my pastor told me I needed to get back into fellowship because he thought I would need it later on. I told him that I quit coming to church because I cry every time I'm there. He said that's because God is there and that's the place to cry so He can wipe away my tears. So, I'm now going back - not every Sunday, but I'm getting there. Well, I've gone on long enough, but just felt like I coud so relate with your words. It's good to see you back, Carleen, and what a WOW picture! Love, Peggy
  16. stand4hope

    I am Ok!!

    Hi Marge, I'm sure glad you found your way back to us! Have you given your phone number to Ry? There is a committee that keeps phone numbers so someone can call and check on you in case you don't post for a while. It can be your number or someone else's that is helping you. Just send Ry a PM and she will give your number to the others on the committee. I think there are 2 or 3 others. They don't give the phone numbers to anyone else. Take care of yourself and let us know how things go. Love, Peggy
  17. Wow! A surgeon that called you on a Sunday - I'm impressed! I hope that both the nodule and nodes are benign! When is he going to do the biopsy and potential surgery? Prayers coming your way! Love, Peggy
  18. Elonda, You are a wonderful daughter to take such good care of your mom, and I'm thrilled to hear that your brother is helping, too. Give him a hug from me. I'm sorry to hear that you are having to go through this. I went through it with my dad last June and my mom five years before that, so I know how hard it is mentally and how much work it is physically. I replied on your other post about the swelling. My mom and dad both got lasix (sp?) for the swelling and it helps a LOT! If the swelling is water retention, which it usually is, the lasix draws it off. It also works pretty fast and her urine output will increase, but she will feel better. Hang in there, honey. I know this is hard to believe, but you will cherish these days and later on you will say that you were blessed to have been able to have this experience. God bless you, Peggy
  19. Elonda, If the swelling is because she is retaining water, she needs Lasix (sp?). Can you ask the hospice nurse if she can try that? Love, Peggy
  20. Elaine, Thank you for your prayers - it means a lot. I remember one time that I looked up the definition of fortitude because you used it all the time in your signature. I thought it meant persistence. I was close, but was cheating the word. I love the definition. I'll share it here with everyone else because I think it will make your signature even more meaningful to us all: fortitude (forte tod, -tyod) n. the strength to bear misfortune, pain, etc. calmly and patiently; firm courage SYN.fortitude refers to the courage that permits one to endure patiently misfortune, pain, etc. [to face a calamity with fortitude]; grit applies to an obstinate sort of courage that refuses to succumb under any circumstances; backbone refers to the strength of character and resoluteness that permits one to face opposition unflinchingly; pluck and guts (see gut, n. 7a) both refer originally to visceral organs, hence pluck implies a strong heart in the face of danger or difficulty and guts, a colloquial word, suggests the sort of stamina that permits one to stomach a disagreeable or frightening experience see also patience ANT. cowardice ©1995 Zane Publishing, Inc. ©1994, 1991, 1988 Simon & Schuster, Inc.
  21. Relate? YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! My man thinks he's King Kong and nothing is ever going to get him down. Can you imagine a Mrs. King Kong hovering over a Mr. King Kong. Not a pretty picture. I've learned mostly just to keep my mouth shut, be sweet, act like everything is normal and just help when he says help. Of course, I'm going from window to window and peep hole to peep hole watching him work out in the yard just to be sure he's ok. LOLOLOL!!! Hey! That's not hovering if he doesn't know I'm doing it, right? Tina, my King Kong had chemo and radiation (after WBR) at the same time and it DID the same thing. He was so fatigued that he "barely existed", and it really scared me. He had radiation to his shoulder last year and that didn't seem to cause extra fatigue, but next week he starts radiation to his hip, and maybe chemo at the same time (hasn't been decided yet because he's pretty fatigued already). It has me very worried, but I'm going to try hard to not hover. Try shopping therapy. Sometimes that works for me. Love and hugs! Hang in there! Peggy
  22. WELL, IT'S ABOUT TIME, STRANGER!! Good to see you back, my friend! I''m thinking we need to send the chicken cultees out that way to teach some doctors some lessons. I think Fay, Debi & Ry are in charge of chicken-bashing. In this case, they need to be sure they've been trucked through the 110 degree Arizona desert before use. Ewwweeee! Seriously, I'm sorry to hear you've had such a rough time. I can't even imagine. Somebody above me said it must the "luck of the draw", and I think they're right. You must be so frustrated! It's very exciting to hear that you're ready to try to re-join the work force. I think it will do you a lot of good just to get back in touch with some people and make some new friends. Sorry to hear hubby still hasn't found work. How are your children? Have fun in Vegas and enjoy the wedding! Love and hugs, Peggy
  23. stand4hope

    Scan results

    YEE HA!!!!! Now you can let out that big sigh of relief - bet you already did! Congrats, Nina - now got and have a GREAT summer! Love, Peggy
  24. It took me a while to get number 5, but when I finally did, I laughed out loud.
  25. Val, I'm so glad to hear of the attitude change. I know that having a good attitude, particularly about surviving, has helped my husband tremendously. A big hoorah for your mom! Love, Peggy
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