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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Hey TeeTaa! Welcome back, girl! It's good to see you post. Sounds like you have been mega-busy. Don't stay away so long now, ya here? Love, Peggy
  2. Hi Peggy, You did it right!! and WELCOME! I'm Peggy, too. Is your real name Margaret? Sounds like your hubby has had a really rough time. I appreciated the "nagging wife" comment. I get that a lot, too. LOL! You will get the hang of this web site very quickly. It's really quite easy. There are numerous forums for different topics, and you posted in the right one for your first post. You can find the various forums listed on the Home page. The General forum is the most active, but some of the others get pretty busy, too. It would help everyone if you add a profile under your post. See mine below as an example. You do this by going to Profile at the top of the page. Scroll down a ways, and you will see a signature section. Just type a brief history of your husband's treatments, etc. While you are on the Profile page, you can also select other options. For example, you can ask to be notified of PMs (private messages) in your email. You can also select to get notified of PMs when you are on the site. It's really very cool. You can also post a picture. If you want to do that, we can help with that, too. Just ask any questions you need to. Everyone is very helpful and will be very supportive for you and your husband during this battle. Once again, WELCOME! Love, Peggy P.S. The most helpful thing to me is that every time you log on, at the home page, you can select "View Posts Since Last Visit". This really helps to keep up with what's going on without having to click on each forum.
  3. Addie, I'm really sorry to hear that you have had all these problems. I remember that you did get through chemo and radiation quite well. It's really sad that you now have to deal with this. It's refreshing, though, to see you still have a sense of humor. Hang in there, kiddo! Love, Peggy
  4. Margaret, I bet you wrote that yourself, didn't you? I love the way you even named relatives' spouses - very thoughtful. I would expect something gracious like that from you. You are a remarkable woman. This obit made me feel like I knew Jim. Take your time getting back to us. It's time for Margaret to rest now. Love, Peggy
  5. Thank you, everyone. With answers I got in emails, plus Dr. Cunningham's response below from Ask the Experts, and my research online today, I'm guessing that it's probably potassium because of the Zometa and/or Iressa, or just the cancer itself. He is already scheduled for blood work this week since he gets Zometa next Friday, so we can get that result pretty quickly. I guess the vision thing could be Iressa, late-affects from the WBR, or who knows. I think he's going to make an appt with his eye doctor. He needs a prescription change anyway. Becky, I haven't found Elaine's post yet, but I'm still looking. Here's what Dr. Cunningham said on Ask the Experts: Thanks again! Love, Peggy
  6. Good morning! I posted this on Ask the Experts, but also wanted to ask if anyone here can explain these things: Two questions: My husband has been having leg cramps for the past 2 weeks that are waking him during the night. The cramps are on the outside of both legs, below the knee. We are wondering if this is from the Iressa or what else do you think could be causing this? He mentioned to his onc on the last visit that he had a few instances of blurry peripheral vision. The onc didn't offer an explanation. This has increased since then. He says it's like a "swimming" feeling, peripherally in both eyes. Again, is this the Iressa, or what else do you think could be causing this? Thank you very much!! Love, Peggy
  7. (((((((Margaret))))))))))))) I am so sorry. Praying that God will heal your broken heart! Love, Peggy
  8. Oh, sweetie! I am so very sorry that this is all so bad right now. I sure wish I could do something to make it all go away. Your dad will be ok in the home, and I will pray that the chemo will do exactly what it's supposed to do and he will be feeling better soon. Hang on tight to this site. We are here for you! Love, Peggy
  9. Awwwwwwwwwwww! They are so cute! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! I want to hold one. Can I, huh? Pretty please! Love, Peggy
  10. Hi Rob and WELCOME! You said your dad was recently diagnosed. I don't know how long it's been since you knew his diagnosis, but I know it took us a good two weeks before we stepped out of the fog of shock that we were in. It took our son a couple of months, but hubby and I were out there fighting this crappy disease in record time. It paid off. Like Frank, he had a 6-month death sentence hanging over him. He's now 18 mos. since diagnosis and working full time 10-hr. days. It will take a while to get over the shock, but if the whole family pulls together with a fighting spirit, things could turn out just fine. God bless you, Rob, and once again, WELCOME! Peggy P.S. Ewwwwwwwwwwww, Frank! This is quite a visual:
  11. Ditto Frank! You are getting too much at once, Karen. Hang on tight. You are on a bumpy road, but it's passable. Do a lot of swerving and take detours so you don't get stuck in a pot hole. Sending hugs and prayers for your mom, Dave, you and Faith, and anyone else in your family that needs them! Love, Peggy
  12. Oops. John is exactly right. I didn't think about that. Sorry. Peggy
  13. Hi. A pleural effusion is pretty common and many times doesn't need any special attention, unless they get too large. My husband has had a small pleural effusion lower left lung for quite some time. We don't know if it's malignant or not, and probably won't unless it starts to grow. I think even early stage can have effusions and many times they are not malignant and don't necessarily cause any problems. Since they are all different in size and location, it will have to determined by a doctor, in each case, how to treat or not to treat. Hope that helps to put your mind at ease. Peggy
  14. Hi Charlie, Glad to hear the word "stable" and that the pleural effusion disappeared. That is fantastic! There have been a few here that have been given Alimta. It's relatively new, but I understand that it is supposed to be as effective as Taxotere without the bad side effects. Let us know how you do with it. I think many of us are interested in hearing results from Alimta. I know that my husband's onc has already said that if the Iressa quits, it's Alimta next! Prayers for you, Peggy
  15. I saw the show also. My biggest question is how does it go all through the veins like that and not affect anything except the tumors? How would the liquid radiation know what is a tumor and what isn't? Modern medicine, I guess! Anyway, it sure did present itself as very hopeful. Said it was currently tested with "lymphoma". Is that the same as non-Hodkins, Hebbie? It was very interesting. Love, Peggy
  16. Hi Kristal, I am really sorry I missed this whole thread. So glad you found us and sending you a great big WELCOME! Like many of the others above, my husband, too, is Stage IV and also with brain mets and yada yada yada - you can read it all below. The good news is that he is almost 18 mos. post-diagnosis and doing really well. Glad to hear that Greg is responding so well to his treatments, and will pray that it continues. Please keep us updated. Love, Peggy
  17. P.S. Reply to this post QUICK so everybody can see!
  18. Andrea, What a GREAT picture. You are absolutely beautiful! You and hubby just look wonderful! Love, Peggy
  19. Beth, The stretching IS going to work this time - permanently. IT IS! IT IS! IT IS! I'm glad to hear that hubby will be back Saturday to give you a hand. Thanks for the update! Love, Peggy ANDREA: YOUR PICTURE IS WONDERFUL!!! YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY!!!!
  20. My goodness, Maryanne. I sure am glad you and he now know what to do about this. Poor guy! I'm wondering where he is going to get all the energy, though, to do all that work - wash out the shower, etc. I am thrilled to hear that this can be cured. That sure is good news. Keep us posted how it goes next week. Love, Peggy
  21. Yes, Muriel, that was lovely, and I just prayed it to God for everyone on this board. Love, Peggy
  22. stand4hope

    sweet dream ~

    This is really nice, Berisa. So glad you had such a pleasant dream about your dad, and that it was sweet enough to make you feel better. I'm glad you're feeling better. Love, Peggy
  23. Yes, Thank you, God! Love, Peggy
  24. I don't know about Nicolas, but sure made my eyes drippy. You did a good job with that one, mommy. Give him a big hug from me. Love, Peggy
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