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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Margaret, I, for one, do appreciate the details you have provided. I don't know if I will ever have to face this, but, if I need to know, I will remember every single word that you have shared, as well as others who have done the same. However, if it is too hard for you, I understand, so don't tell us anything you are not comfortable to talk about. My heart is crying for you, as well as Jim, and you don't need any additional pain. Love, Peggy
  2. I just wanted to add that we had 5 people sick in our office when I first replied on this thread, but it is increasing rapidy. It's like a fire raging out of control. Some have colds, but most flu w/bad stomach/lower g.i. problems (fever, aching, etc), one out with bronchial pneumonia, one with possible sinus infection. I think we're up to 10 down. We only have 27. WHERE'S MY MASK? WHERE'S MY MASK? I sure hope everyone here is starting to feel better. Love, Peggy
  3. PHEW! Soooooo glad to hear this good news, Nina. Love, Peggy
  4. Hi Denise, As you probably already know, several people here are having great success with Tarceva. Here's hoping and praying that it knocks those nodules to bits!! Love, Peggy
  5. Karen, Is your mum totally against regular radiation or can't have it for some reason? I know the chemo/radiation combo busted my husband's 7 cm. tumor into a bunch of little blobs. His tumor, however, was in a peripheral part of his lung, so there wasn't a lot of risk of damage to his airways. Prayers being said for your mum! Love, Peggy
  6. Hi Amy, I'm glad to see you back. Have you called the doctor about the nausea? There are lots of things that can be given to help that. I assume he's getting pre-meds at infusion time for nausea, too. My husband got sick after his first Gemzar infusion. After that, he took a compazine before each visit, got the pre-meds for nausea in the chemo room via i.v., and then took another compazine when he got home. All was doctor approved, of course. I think the fatigue and weakness just go with plan, but should be reported to the doc as well. Once again, welcome back. Love, Peggy
  7. The next time a stranger says, "How are you?" Just say, "I'm empty-headed! How are you?" CONGRATULATIONS! Love, Peggy
  8. Well, to heck with the deputies. How about the U.S. Marshall? NINA!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?????????????? Peggy
  9. TAnn, I "hear your heart" on the desire for shrinkage because that's what I keep hoping for in our house, too. But, if one side of a scale is negative and the other is positive, and all "stables" go on the positive side, then you WIN! I see you are fast approaching a 2-year anniversary. MAUUUVELUS DARLING! SIMPLY MAUVELUS! And, I just bet those pesky critters in the brain will be history come scan time. I just bet!! Much love, Peggy
  10. stand4hope

    prayers for my sis

    Hi Kim, I'm a day late and a dollar short. Been kind of busy with family stuff myself. I'm sorry to hear that your sister has to face this at all. I will say a prayer for Cindy. Love, Peggy
  11. OOPS! I missed Sandy. We were posting at the same time. Way to go, Sandy!
  12. Five people in my office are sick w/flu and colds. Holding my breath a lot and washing my hands until they scream!! My boss just got over that stomach virus. Fortunately, I didn't get it. THANK GOD!! Get well, everybody! Love, Peggy
  13. ALL DAY! Waiting to hear, sweetie. Hope all is well. Love, Peggy
  14. Didn't they get her hooked up with hospice yet? Oh my, this is so sad. Prayers being said right now! Oops! This is being posted later in the evening. I'm sorry. I thought this was someone else. I did just see, though, on another thread that hospice was supposed to come tonight for Nikkala's gram. Love, Peggy
  15. Hi Barb and WELCOME! Wow. It took you longer to find this website than it did me. It's a good thing you did. You are going to love it here. Prayers for a good scan headed your way! Love, Peggy
  16. PHEW! That is so good to hear. Now, you can sleep at night! Bless your heart, and his, too. Love, Peggy
  17. I have received two private requests for the Al-Anon chat room I mentioned in the Spirituality Forum, so I thought that maybe others might like to have it, so here it is: http://www.12stepforums.net/alanon.html Their website isn't as easy to navigate as ours is. After you get to the site, just a little distance down the page, there is a gold box with two columns. On the right side column, Number 1.) is where you click: 1.) Come into the chatroom from our website based Java chat using the link below or by CLICKING HERE. After "Clicking Here", it takes a while for the big white box to appear (it's about half-way down). It will say java for username and some other blah-blah boxes. Just wait another minute, and it will change to another screen. Then you will see a box at the bottom where you can type in a username. You can pick anything you want, but if you pick a common name like Peggy, John, Abby, etc., you will probably have to type some numbers behind it. Your username will be in black and the rest are blue. Good luck! Love, Peggy
  18. Wow! I'm impressed. Ry, I understand the closer a person gets to their goal, the tougher it gets. (I really don't know from experience because I've never gotten that close - yet - LOL). Anyway, I know those 2 lbs. were very stubborn for you, so this is a GREAT victory. Frank, Vavavoom - I bet you are lookin' mighty fine. Andrea! SHAZAM!!! I cannot even believe that you are making light of such a wonderful success. I don't know if it's your nervees or your nightmares, but I would almost be willing to ask you to send them my way if I could get that kind of results! Seriously, you have obviously worked very hard at this. That is fantastic! And Denise and Betty and Ginny, onward and upward. Betty: Cancer or chemo or whatever, if the 20 lb. loss makes you feel better about yourself, then that's a good thing! Hope I didn't leave anybody out! To all who didn't have such a great month, including me, so what! We've got tomorow and the next day and the next. We'll catch up with them! You all have inspired me, so I guess I'd better get back to it myself. Sure would llike to be in some much smaller shorts when warm weather gets here. Now, anybody got any good ideas about how to hide the broken blood vessels and cellulite when I do get to those smaller shorts?LOL! I'm all ears. Great job everyone! Love, Peggy
  19. Just logged in and can only stay a minute, but had to respond. This is the first thing I saw and it gave me goose bumps. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I will pray for success for you, Cathy!!! Love, Peggy
  20. Slinking in to start this month's club meeting. I'm slinking because I have been TERRIBLE. I reluctantly report a 5 lb. gain. Nobody said this was going to be easy - just fun! LOL! Anyway, I know that Ry is sitting at her computer itching to report her GOOD NEWS! I sure hope the rest of you have good news, too. Don't forget to pass along a food or exercise tip. Love, Peggy P.S. For all newbies, we have fun with a little group we call The Getting Smaller Club. On the 1st of each month, I start a thread and we can all brag about our weight losses or whine for obvious reasons. If you haven’t joined us, please do so. Here are the links to the previous GETTING SMALLER CLUB threads: 8/21/2004 Discussion: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=10256 9/1/04 Getting Started Getting SMALLER: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=10597 10/1/04 GETTING SMALLER: http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=11364 11/1/04 GETTING SMALLER: http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=12053 12/1/04 GETTING SMALLER: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... &highlight 1/4/05 GETTING SMALLER: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... highlight=
  21. Thank you, my friends. Your prayers have helped significantly. They especially helped me, which I think is what was needed. Portion edited for privacy. All my love and thanks, Peggy
  22. stand4hope

    Prayer Request

    Requesting prayers for my two men and ME! This doesn't mention husband and son, so it is appropriate: Standing in the Need of Prayer It's me, it's me, oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer, It's me, it's me, oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. Not my mother, not my father, but it's me oh Lord, Standing in the need of prayer. It's me, it's me, oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. Not my preacher, not the sinner, but it's me oh Lord, Standing in the need of prayer. It's me, it's me, oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. Not my brother, not my sister, but it's me oh Lord, Standing in the need of prayer. It's me, it's me, oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. I've been down so long, know right and wrong, Standing in the need of prayer. It's me, it's me, oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. It's a mighty rough road, to carry my load, Standing in the need of prayer. It's me, it's me, oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. Help me thru th' night, show me which way is right, Standing in the need of prayer. It's me, it's me, oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author Unknown
  23. Dear Ann, Thank you for letting us know about Mike (Grumpy One Lung). He was our friend, too, and I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. Please extend my condolences to his son, John, and the rest of his family and friends. Love, Peggy
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