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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. This one will have to do for a while. LOL!! Thanks for the idea, Bruce, but it's not just the way he looks, he doesn't want ANY picture up here, and he won't even let me use his name. That's ok. I respect that. Sue, maybe one of these days we can get our men on here and then they will let us show them off. Love to all, Peggy
  2. Hi Andrews Mom, This is wonderful news! Just wonderful! I'm quite sure that your doctor knows what he's talking about and YOU ARE CURED!!! I don't think that most of think that lung cancer can't be cured. It can be completely eliminated from a person's body - particularly when it's caught early and there has been no spread to other organs. I think what is generally meant when it is said that there is "no cure" is that there is not a pill, or chemo or drug, or diet, or treatment, etc. that everyone that has lung cancer can use and be cured. Or, there isn't a cure like there is now for so many diseases, or a vaccine to prevent it, i.e., polio. There have apparently even been reported cases of Stage IV lc patients that have even been in remission or been told they are "cured". I don't doubt the truth of that for a minute. I just hope that many people reading this web site realize that there is always the possibility that they will be cured of this disease. Whether it be through chemo, radiation, medicine, diet, nutrition, or a miracle, there is ALWAYS hope. Some day we will have the "cure" or the "vaccine" or the "miracle". Until then, we have hope and we have each other. I am so happy for you! I pray for these results for all 1600+ members of LCSC and the thousands and thousands of people that have lung cancer that aren't a part of this wonderful family. Thank you so much for sharing your good news! It gives many of us much hope. Love, Peggy
  3. Thank you, all! My husband is very, very private and would be more than mad if I were to keep his picture up here. He doesn't know I posted it at all, and because he was very upset about how ALL the Christmas pictures accented how much weight he's lost, out of respect for him, I have to take it down. I just love seeing everyone's pictures on here because it helps me to connect with all of you, so I thought you might like to get a peek at a current picture of us. Maybe I can talk to him about it and put it back up later. We'll see. Love to all, Peggy
  4. Dani, I am so sorry to hear this news. You must be terribly upset. I sure wish I could answer your questions, but I can't. I don't know what the plan will be, but hopefully you will have one soon. Please give your sister and her husband and big hug from me and tell them that they will be in my prayers - and you, too! Love, Peggy
  5. YIPPEE!! Congratulations, Fay!
  6. Dear Tree, I think we all have those kind of thoughts. At least once a day they try very hard to take over my spirit. I just won't let them. As soon as the thoughts come in, fear increases and my eyes begin to sting. I just IMMEDIATELY stop whatever I'm doing and make myself think about something else. Sometimes I have to get up and walk. Sometimes I have to turn the radio on to distract myself. Sometimes I eat. If I'm driving, I literally say "Stop!" and will shake my head a little bit. I don't care what I have to do, but I just do something to stop the thoughts. This past week, there have been some emotional posts here that have really brought on those thoughts in my mind. In each case, I logged off the site and did not respond until I could get control of my emotions. When our son was high school age, he was, well, let's just say he was high maintenance. I would lay in bed at night when he was out and let my imagination take over and imagine terrible things happening to him. I would work myself into crying. It was during that period of time that I realized how my mind would just take over my thoughts. Since then, I have practiced not letting my imagination get control. It was also at that time that I truly turned him over to God and when those thoughts tried to come in, I would say to myself over and over and over: God loves me. God loves me. God loves me. I would do the same thing and substitute our son's name. I would say it until I fell asleep. Sometimes, even while I would say that, the thoughts would come back, but I would just start over again. These days, I say those words many times throughout the day. It isn't helpful to my husband for me to think the other thoughts. Whether he hears them or not, he can sense them. Give it a try! It works for me. Love, Peggy P.S. No, all the problems didn't go away with our son, but I quit crying myself to sleep every night knowing that a very GOOD GOD was in control.
  7. ROFL! I don't know the exact location in the Bible, Beth, but I do know there's a verse, when translated, means "Ask and keep on asking". With all of us pestering God, we probably having you "in his face" 24/7, and He loves it!! Love, Peggy
  8. Hi Valery and WELCOME! I see you live in Arizona. Our son just moved to Chandler, Arizona a couple of months ago. So far, so good. I'm glad you found us because I know you will receive much encouragement here. My husband has fought brain mets, too, but currently is doing very well. He had WBR in August 2003 for 8 mets, and stereotactic radiosurgery for 6 remaining mets in November 2003. He currently still has 4, but they aren't giving him any problems at all and it's been way over a year. I just wanted to say welcome. If you would like to add a profile below your posts (see examples of others here), send me a PM (click on PM below my post) and I'll be happy to help you with some tips for the site. Love, Peggy
  9. Hi 1929 and WELCOME, Two years is a great track record. Sorry it took you so long to find us. I didn't find this site for about 7 mos. after my husband's diagnosis, so all I knew was all the negative stuff until I got here. This site will give you hope. Stick around and let us know how things are going. Love, Peggy
  10. Hi CC and WELCOME! I thought I replied to this post because of your quote of Romans 8 : 28. Someone else had that on their profile and I told them, too, that is my favorite Bible verse. It has kept me from "losing it" many times. It sounds like you're having some challenging days this week. Keep your chin up. You should have some answers very soon and then a plan of attack. Prayers being said for your mom. Love, Peggy
  11. Wow! I bet that just made your day, TAnn. What a kid! Love, Peggy
  12. LOL! I can't keep this picture up very long because hubby hates it and wouldn't want it on here at all, but I wanted you to see a recent photo of the two of us together taken on Christmas Day 2004. He thinks he looks thin and sick, but he will always be tall, dark and handsome to me. Love, Peggy
  13. No, I will never be prepared for my husband’s death. Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow, and not even if it happens. Love to all, Peggy
  14. London Lad, I am so sorry for your great loss. I just lost my dad in June, and I know it hurts. May God hold you close - very close! Love, Peggy
  15. Margaret, I would like to just copy word-for-word what Katie said. My eyes are burning with tears. You touched me deeply. You have quite a way with words, and those words reflect your heart and your love. I don't think I could ever be so brave. You are quite a lady!! All my love and prayers for you, Jim, and your entire family. Peggy
  16. LOL! I think we're going to have everybody paranoid about saying the wrong thing to a grieving person. Folks, just love them and don't worry about whether you say the right thing or not. Just say what you can think of, give them a hug and know that you did your best. Use these tips if you remember, but if you don't, don't worry about it. There are some words that probably "don't help", but I don't think they hurt, either. Like someone said here, not much helps because it just hurts so bad. I disagree only on one point. I do think that saying "I'm sorry" is very adequate. When you just don't know what to say, I'm sorry will take care of it. And I strongly agree on another thing: Not saying anything at all DOES hurt. Love to all, Peggy
  17. Becky, If I ask God to not let there be any peas, lima beans or brussel sprouts in David C's brain, and then ask that he keep David from eating the cat, I think God would probably send a guaridan angel to watch over ME! LOL! Love, Peggy
  18. Bill, I hear you on this complaint loud and clear. My husband's CT reports are always very vague and they say things like "persistent extensive bony metastatic disease", "multiple sclerotic lesions in the vertebral bodies, hips and pelvis" "persistent lesion is noted in liver". And the biggest gripe about his CT reports is that not since the 1st report, which actually gave tumor size, has the radiologist ever talked about the lung tumor. The sizes or measurements have never been noted since that 1st report. After many months of this, I finally asked the primary oncologist why the reports don't ever mention the lung tumor. How big is it? He said, "Well, it's significantly busted up." We asked him to show us, and he pointed to an area that looked like a snowflake, so I guess that's what "busted up" meant. I then asked him to show us the pericardial effusion and he flies through the films on the CD and stops at a picture and says "there it is". So, I give a big sigh and say "WHERE? Point to it, please." I mean those films just look like a abstract art picture to me, ya know? My husband has had 2 PET scans. We got the films on the second one and you can clearly see the bone mets on those scans and even count them. Also, the PET scan reports, have always been very detailed. It's just the CT reports that are vague. Good luck with getting answers. For those of us that like detail, it can be very frustrating. I understand. Love, Peggy
  19. David, Let's just pray those little pests disappear in two weeks and none of this will be a problem at all. Love, Peggy
  20. Well, pooey! Sorry to hear about the progression, Jane. I don't have any suggestions for you, but it sure sounds like you are doing what it takes. Keep us posted, please. Love, Peggy
  21. Dave and Karen, Waiting to hear your new plan soon, and actually hoping there is no plan because the doc will say that Dave is "EMPTY-HEADED"!!! Love, Peggy
  22. Rose, I am so very sorry. I posted a link to this thread on the "Grieving" forum so that others will talk to you about this great loss. I'm just so sorry. May God be with you and your family. Love, Peggy
  23. stand4hope


    Rosegarden, a new member here who just joined Jan. 14, but has been lurking for a while, reported on the family/caregiver's thread that her mom passed away this morning. Here's the link: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... highlight=
  24. I posted on your other thread, and you're welcome, but, I wanted to thank you, too. We all need each other, and your contributions have been helpful to more than you know. God uses each and every one of us in some way that benefits others, even if we aren't aware of it. I'm glad that you feel this family was helpful. They certainly are helpful to me. God love you, and may He hold you close during this very tough time!!! Peggy
  25. Cheryll, Your post just breaks my heart. I was thinking about you yesterday knowing that he was going to be able to attend your wedding. Your dad was so young, and this disease is so cruel. Thank you, God, for allowing Cheryll's dad enough time to see his precious daughter marry. Love and hugs! Peggy
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