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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Kate, I'm so happy to hear that your surgery was successful. Three cheers for NED!!!! Others will come on with ideas for you on how to help the pain. Also, a while back, somebody posted a long and very helpful list of ideas on post-surgery. I think it was Tiny, but I'm not sure. I'll see if I can find it for you and post it here. Take care and take it easy. Love, Peggy
  2. Cheryl, You've got my prayers. I'm glad to hear the decadron has helped the symptoms. We will be anxiously waiting to hear what the plan of attack will be. You go girl! Love, Peggy
  3. Calintay, I think it depends on the type of chemo and each individual person. My husband lost his hair with WBR, and it started growing back with chemo. They said he probably wouldn't lose anymore. He lost none with his second line chemo (gemzar & navelbine). Peggy
  4. Mary Ann, That's a whole bunch of good talkin'. Keep it up, girl. We need to hear lots from you! Love, Peggy
  5. Did Thumper say that? I thought it was my mom. Peggy
  6. Gosh, Rosemary, I don't know if I should say this or not because I'm not very knowledgeable about most of this stuff, but why aren't they giving him radiation for the back instead of chemo? Is it too close to something that might be severely damaged by radiation? Maybe they don't do radiation for SCLC? Heck, I shouldn't even be responding to your post because I know so little about it. I only know that when my hubby had a big met in his shoulder that caused severe pain, the radiation completely got rid of it. He does have NSCLC, and the shoulder they could give high dose radiation because it wasn't near any vital organs, so maybe that's why. If they can't do radiation, then I will pray with all my might that the chemo gets the job done! Love, Peggy
  7. I still haven't mastered the first 5, but do pretty good with the rest of them! LOL! Thanks, Becky! Love, Peggy
  8. Thank you, Mary Ann. I'm glad they did so well, and hope she is doing ok. I've never had lung surgery, but I know how painful other surgeries can be, and I feel bad when anyone has to go through it. Keep us posted, and tell her we are all thinking about her. Love, Peggy
  9. Wow, Charlie! I'm sorry to hear that it hit you that bad. It does sound like a repeat of Beth's experience. I hope the meds kick in soon and get rid of all those side effects, and that the 100 mg. will be more tolerable. Peggy
  10. TAnn, I am sending big, heavy duty prayers straight to God just for you. I will be thinking about you all day tomorrow. I just know that every one of those little critters is gonna be GONE!! and you will get to join the empty-headed club. Love, Peggy
  11. The picture tells it all, but this tells more: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=12569
  12. Beth, I wish you could see me. I absolutely cannot stop laughing. I'm going to find the link to your boob story and post it here. Peggy
  13. Oh Wow! Such good news! Can you see me smilling? Keep it coming, Cindi!!!!! Love, Peggy
  14. Here's another article I ran across today about dieting and how French women stay slim. If anybody was ever involved with Gwen Shamblin's Weigh Down Workshop, this sounds similar, but without the religious connection. Very interesting things to think about and do: http://www.usatoday.com/life/lifestyle/ ... over_x.htm
  15. Karen, I bet you just feel like crashing in a big cushy chair with a sigh of relief that it's over for now. I sure wish Dave was feeling better, though. I know he pushed really hard and was determined to get through this, so we'll all just have to be patient and wait for him to get his strength back. Poor guy! Glad you're feeling better. P.S. You can buy ear plugs real cheap at any pharmacy. LOL! Love, Peggy
  16. stand4hope


    Tension or sinus - that's all it's gonna be. Praying for empty-headed Cindy. Love, Peggy
  17. Lori, If you suggest Iressa or Tarceva, I guess it would be better to suggest Tarceva since the continuance of marketing Iressa in the U.S. is being debated at the current time. We just got a 30-day refill for Iressa last night, which has been keeping my husband stable, so it is still available. However, Tarceva is supposed to be the same thing and then you wouldn't have to worry about switching. My husband has had very few side effects with Iressa. He initially had a pretty good rash but it is not even worth mentioning at this time. He has occasional diarrhea, but it is easily controlled with immodium. Alimta is a new chemo that is supposed to be as effective as Taxotere without the side effects. Also, it is administered in 30 min. or less via i.v. One note about Iressa. Iressa is not a cure, but has shown a good response in approximately 10%. Sometimes there is a little shrinkage, but it seems that in the 10% that it works for, it is good for stable. My husband has been stable on it since June and Ry's husband has been stable for a much longer time, as well as others. Best of luck this afternoon, Lori. Love, Peggy
  18. Cyndy, All good advice here and I don't have anything to add, but please tell her that we all love her and are so sorry for her loss. Tell her it's ok to cry and we all understand. Love, Peggy
  19. What everybody else said! My husband was given 6 months, and he's 15 months out and doing great! If it truly is time, then I've heard many, many people suggest the book that Margaret mentioned, Final Gifts. I haven't read it myself, but I trust the opinions of all those who have recommended it. But again, a second opinion, if she's up to it, wouldn't hurt, would it? God bless you, Peggy
  20. stand4hope


    Cindi, What a DELIGHTFUL post. You made me smile a BIG smile! So glad you had such a wonderful day. One of these days, I'm going to post something just as joyful that I didn't work today! LOL! Congratulations! Love, Peggy
  21. Kim, I ditto everything that Shirley said. A doctor can help him with the chemical side, but a pastor, good books, and this website are right on target. I feel so sad for your dad. I'm sure this loss is all-consuming as it would be for me. If I ever have to face what he is facing, I will know what to do because of all the ideas shared on this website. It seems that the most common thing I read among grievers is to keep busy. I also loved Sharon's quote the other day that you might share with your dad: "It never, ever gets easier, we simply grow stronger." Tell him that he will grow stronger. All my best, Peggy
  22. Like Snowflake said here, too. And Snowflake, I can actually read that teeny tiny print - cork would have been better than crok!!! If you said, Fay, you cork, she would have said, huh???? But, if you had said Fay, you crok, she would have mailed you live chickens! LOL! FAY, YOU DO ROCK!!!!! Love, Peggy
  23. Calintay, We were told exactly what Sharyn posted. Peggy
  24. Well, duh! What a great idea! I didn't know they had small electric throw-type blankets and never even thought about a twin-size. I wish I had known this at Christmas, but no matter, I'm going to go find one for my hubby ASAP to use in the family room. We have an electric blanket on the bed already! Thanks for the tip! Love, Peggy
  25. Karen, Your post makes perfect sense. In my opinion, everything is cool everywhere, and everything is going to be ok. Rick, Thanks. If everyone keeps up with good, wholesome support posts and people will open up with cries for help and information, people will come back in droves and new ones will join and get the hope they are looking for. I was 7 mos. living with the bad news on the internet before I found this website, and you all have energized my spirit and hope. Love to all, Peggy
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