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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Hey, Jim. Thanks! This is the most wonderful web site in the world. Let's keep it that way! By the way, it seems the last you posted you were having some problems, and your profile doesn't give dates. Is all going well for you? Love, Peggy
  2. Lori, I've not heard of Tomo Therapy, but maybe someone else has. Dr. Woodburn has posted on here in the past, although not for a while, and he posted a good answer to me a while back about stereotactic treatments. Here's the link so you can maybe send him a PM or email, but I've also copied his response here, which I thought was very thorough. You could also post your question on Ask the Experts, and even though oncodoc isn't here right now, maybe one of the other docs can give you more info on Tomo Therapy. Here's the link & the copy of the post: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=10192 The following is a response to your request to describe the types and advantage of radiosurgery devices. Gamma Knife - Gamma Knife is the gold standard for radiosurgery. The GK was developed in Sweden in the 1970's. The Gamma Knife is still undesputedly the most precise radiosurgery device. It has no moving parts which enables the high degree of precision Linear accelerator based systems - novalis is an example of Linac based systems. They are generally not as precise as the Gamma Knife because they have a heavy head that rotates on a gantry. Moving parts always lead to some decrease in precion. The heavy head cause some bending leading to some decreased precision. Novalis has been able to effectively market there device on radio ads. I know that there have been a lot of ads on the radio in Indianapolis and I really think that they are unfortunately misleading. Novalis is a good tool but offers no advantage over Gamma Knife and one could argue that Gamma knife is better because of its increased precision. In fact there is one controversial study demonstrating better results for the gamma knife compared to linear accelerator systems. Cyberknife - the Cyberknife is a robot that has a linac attached to it. The cyberknife claims to be able to perform radiosurgery without an invasive head frame due to its sophisticated imaging/tracking system. The ability to not use a head frame is certainly an advantage. However, there has to be a loss of precision with this method. Also, there is some loss of precision secondary to moving parts and weight as seen in linacs. Now, having critiqued the devices, I must say that the precision that I am talking about probably makes no difference for brain metastasis. The Gamma Knife is accurate to withing 0.1 mm. The linacs are probably accurate to within 1.0 mm. However, the Gamma Knife precision is important when there is a tumor a few mm away from the optic nerves or other critical structures. Hope this helps. Robert Woodburn M.D.
  3. Happy New Year to you, too, Nell. It seems amazing to me that when I've been thinking about someone, all of a sudden they will post. I was thinking about you earlier today. I'm sorry to hear that Bob isn't doing well. I don't know what to say about getting him out. That's a tough question for us since we aren't there and don't know how we would react or exactly what he is capable of doing. I think it's a good plan to talk to the onc about it. Too much activity could make his pain worse, but no activity could cause a too-fast decline overall. Again, it's a tough question since we're on the outside looking in. Please keep us posted on how he's doing, and you, too. Love, Peggy
  4. Beth, My husband told me I should wait on him hand and foot since he has cancer. Bet you can't guess what I told him. LOL! Glad you've still got a good sense of humor. Good luck with the lower-dose Tarceva. Love, Peggy
  5. Cheryl, Take a deep breath. It's going to be ok. When my husband's NSCLC was found, it was quite advanced, including 8 brain mets, and one of them was 2.2 cm with so much edema that almost the entire film was solid white. He also has cancer his bones (in lots and lots of places and some of them are quite large), in his liver, pericardium, and, of course, his lung. He is doing great. It's 15 months since WBR and 13 months since stereotactic radiosurgery. He only has 4 mets left, and they aren't causing him any problems. He doesn't act any more stupid now than he did before dx. LOL! That's a joke - so LAUGH!!! He still laughs a plays with our two dogs, took a 1400 mile motorcycle trip this summer, flew to Arizona for 3 days last month to visit our son, goes to work every day, sends me jokes in my email, and is still a pain in the butt sometimes. Everything is NORMAL!! You can do this. It's going to be ok. We are sisters in Christ. He loves you! Love, Peggy
  6. Karen, Posting for me comes in waves. For some unknown reason, I just have times when I just don't feel like posting, and then all of a sudden someone will write something that I just have to respond to, and I'm off and running again. I think a lot of people go through phases where they just don't feel like they have anything to give, so they stop posting. Of course, I wish they would still post, just because we always wonder about them and wonder how they are doing. Mostly, I just wanted to hop on here and tell you that I will pray that you will be reporting soon that you are empty-headed! Lots of love and hugs, Peggy
  7. Hi Amy, I've missed your posts, and I'm glad to see you back. I think you can present the Iressa issue to your mom in a very positive way. Since my husband, too, is a responder, my husband's oncologist does not want him to change. Like I said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's working for him, so far, so unless or until it stops working, we're sticking with it. I love that stuff! I just ordered a refill yesterday, and since it's a new year and we have to start over with out out-of-pocket payments, it's going to take a big chunk out of our checkbook - the pharmacist warned me. I told him, that's ok, it's keeping him alive, so it's worth it! Welcome back, and I will pray that your mom's ct scan results will be great! Love, Peggy
  8. P.S. For all newbies, we have fun with a little group we call The Getting Smaller Club. On the 1st of each month, I start a thread and we can all brag about our weight losses or whine for obvious reasons. If you haven’t joined us, please do so. Here are the links to the previous GETTING SMALLER CLUB threads: 8/21/2004 Discussion: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=10256 9/1/04 Getting Started Getting SMALLER: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=10597 10/1/04 GETTING SMALLER: http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=11364 11/1/04 GETTING SMALLER: http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=12053 12/1/04 GETTING SMALLER: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... &highlight Peggy
  9. I decided since it was the holidays that we needed a break. I know I didn't do well at all controlling myself from Thanksgiving to and including today, but I am ready to get back at it again. I didn't even weigh myself this morning. So, anyway, if anyone wants to report in, especially those of you who had a great month and have a weight loss to report, we would be THRILLED to hear about it. For anyone else who would just as soon not talk about this subject, it's ok this month - you have my permission to remain silent. However, if anyone would like to post their new weight loss commitments, resolutions, goals, etc., etc., this would be a good time to do it. Lots of love to all, Peggy
  10. Yup! Yup! Yup! We forgot to tell everyone that this site creates an addiction that will never be overcome. A better word would be "bond". Thanks, Lily, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Love, Peggy
  11. Thanks for the info, Mike. I'm so glad to hear that your dad was saved. It doesn't matter if he doesn't remember, God will. Sounds like your dad has been fighting a very tough battle. You're a good son to care so much about him. I think Cisplatin is one of the drugs that can cause hearing loss, and I also think that Cisplatin is given for SCLC. I'm say "I think" because I'm only relying on my very unreliable memory. My husband has NSCLC, but I do know that one of the chemo drugs can cause hearing loss. What I don't know is if it is permanent or temporary. Someone will hopefully come on here and answer that for you. Also, you can post your question on Ask the Experts, and hopefully some time next week, you will get an answer. Another thing, is there is an SCLC forum where you can read through and find lots of info about SCLC. Just go to the Home page, scroll down to the SCLC forum, and select that forum. Lots of love and prayers, Mike. Peggy
  12. Joe, Maybe if you aren't logging in and reading our PMs, hopefully you are lurking and will see this thread. Please don't stay away. We need you, and like Bruce said, you asked us if you would be welcome here, and you are. You have put my mind at ease with many of your posts, and I appreciate your honest, straightforward answers, as well as your compassion that comes through each and every post. I haven't been able to think about anything else all day. Please don't stay away. God bless you, Peggy
  13. Hi Mike and WELCOME! I'm glad you found this site. You will find many people here that will help you get through the bad times and laugh with you during the good times. We'd like to know more about your dad's diagnosis. You can create a profile at the end of your post (look at mine & Ry's for an example). If you need help in doing this, send me a PM (at the bottom of my post, click on PM) and I'll be happy to help you do that and give you some tips on how to use the site. Once again, WELCOME! God bless you, Peggy
  14. Hi Charlie! I guess I missed your post the first time around. I just wanted to say WELCOME! I think you will find this site the best thing there is about having this crappy disease. We care! God bless you, Peggy
  15. Cheryl, How amazing and awesome that in the midst of all your pain and fear that you would take the time to say and do something so nice for someone else. May God overwhelm you with His love, Peggy
  16. Wow! It's just putting it in the right perspective, isn't it? Thank you so much Sharon for sharing those words. I use Post-It-Note software on my computer desktop, and I am going to copy those words and put them right next to another quote that I read every day: The truth is, there’s no better time to be happy than right now. . . . Your life will always be filled with challenges." - Richard Carlson HAPPY NEW YEAR, Sharon!! Love, Peggy
  17. Thanks for recommending the book, Anais. I also opened your website you posted on another thread and saw the beautiful picture of your mom, and you, too. I hope you are getting out tonight or at least bringing in the New Year with friends or family. Happy New Year, Anais! Love, Peggy
  18. Nice prayer! Happy New Year, Fay! Love to you, too! Peggy
  19. Oh my goodness! What a wonderful surprise! Peg, it is so good to hear from you. I wish you and your beautiful daughter nothing but good and wonderful things in 2005. Thanks for checking in with us. I think of you often. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love, Peggy
  20. Hi Jen, I'm glad things are going well for you, except for the cough. I know that you have talked about that horrible cough in the past. Have you asked about any of the different medicines others have suggested? There just has to be something to make you more comfortable. Love and Happy New Year, Jen! Peggy
  21. Berisa, I'm so glad to hear that your mom's MRI was normal. That is really good news. Perhaps another doctor could figure out the reason for the problem. Has your mom thought about getting a second opinion? Happy New Year, Berisa! Love, Peggy
  22. Those were really nice words, Ann. Yes, a blessed New Year means all of those things that you listed. God bless you, and Happy New Year! Love, Peggy
  23. Let this be the year Cancer gets it in the rear! Do not pass go Straight to hell it will go! Love to all, Peggy
  24. Happy New Year to you, too Rich! By the way, how's it going with the Navelbine? Love, Peggy
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