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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. What a beautiful letter to your mom, Gayle. I miss my mom and dad, too. It can be tough during the holidays. I try to stay focused on the meaning of Christmas, the spirit of the season, and sharing with others. It helps a lot! I've always loved the time from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, and I know that Mom and Dad would expect me to continue to celebrate this season with joy, so that's what I'm going to do. Sending peace and joy your way! Love, Peggy
  2. Hi Dave and WELCOME! Please keep us posted how your wife is doing with the chemo. If you have any questions, someone here can surely answer them. Like you, I'm on the caregiver side of the fence. It can get tough at times, so stay close and we'll all get through the tough times together. God bless you, Peggy
  3. Nancy, You won't rest until you know, so the biopsy is probably a good idea. I am extremely sorry for the loss of your daughter, and I am sure that even if this is lung cancer, it sounds like they have found it while it is very small, so you will be around for a very long time to take care of your grandson. Take the time to cruise around our site where you will read so many stories of survivors and a ton of hope. I know it's easier said than done, but take deep breaths and try not to worry, and definitely don't predict the future. No matter how the biopsy comes back, you are here today, will be tomorrow, the next day, the next, the next, the next . . . . . . . . May you, your grandson and all your family enjoy the holidays with peace and joy! God bless you, Peggy
  4. Heather, I am so very sorry for the loss of your wonderful mother. I remember you talking last month about how she was having such a hard time. May God hold you close. Love, Peggy
  5. Hi Steve and WELCOME, Becky is right! My husband started chemo at age 55 and was healthy, strong and very, very active. He started with 2 weeks of WBR (whole brain radiation), then started chest radiation and chemo. Three weeks into chemo and he was down for two months with extreme fatigue. I think it was complicated by the fact that he had a severe allergic reaction to one of the chemo drugs, was getting chest radiation at the same time, and had a fever of unknown origin for three weeks. He was really knocked flat on his butt, and it scared me a lot. The good news is that he fully recovered, is back working full time and feels great. He is probably 80% where he was before dx, and I think that's pretty darn good. With this disease, it can seem like it's all over and it can't get any worse, just because of the treatments, but it's amazing to hear all the wonderful stories about how people get through it and come out of it so well. My prayer is that you will get the same result. God bless you, Peggy
  6. Thank you, Becky. Muriel, I wish you good health, a safe trip, and some much-needed calm in your life over the holidays. Please keep up posted how you're doing. Love, Peggy
  7. Hi Marge and WELCOME! My husband was diagnosed on August 7, 3 days after his birthday on August 4. I remember the doctor coming in and saying, "Well, this hasn't been a very happy birthday week, has it?" Your fear is normal. Actually, we are ALL scared, but you know, there is just something really wonderful about having this great support group that is always there when you need them the most. It's so helpful to be able to type out your fears, and your joys, and have so many people care. I can't offer you anything on the SCLC since my husband has NSCLC, but there are many people here who can. If you haven't already done so, you should visit the SCLC forum where you will find lots of information from other SCLC survivors. Once again, WELCOME! God bless you, Peggy
  8. Hi Sandy and welcome back. I'm glad you had a good time in Florida, but I bet you're glad to be back home in time for Christmas. I'll say a prayer for good results from your PET scan. Love, Peggy
  9. Boy, you have had a challenging week. I'm sorry to hear about your friends. My husband came home this week with reports of two men he works with, both have just learned they have colon cancer. Both have to have large portions of their colon removed, chemo, etc. I know he was upset about it, but it also gives him somebody to share treatment war stories with, especially since he won't come on here and talk to all of you. Joyce, I am really praying hard that they can do something about Steve's vision. Please keep us posted. All my love, Peggy
  10. Beth, With Iressa, my husband had a really red and angry rash in the area, but only in the area where he got radiation to his shoulder. He had the rash on his face, too, but nothing I would call bad at all, and that is mostly all gone. He used hydrocortosone creme (just over the counter) on the really bad area. It completely went away, as did most of the other rash. He now just has very, very little rash anyplace. He has the big "d" but only occasionally, and he keeps that under control with anti-diarrheal OTC meds, too. Could be an allergic reaction, too, but I know the rash and diarrhea are common with Iressa. He didn't have anything in his mouth at all. Hope it gets better FAST! Love, Peggy
  11. That's ok. This is one of those threads that who gives a hooey if it gets post-jacked, huh? By the way, the cats won't dance because the original dancing photo was in .bmp format instead of .gif. Wish you all could have seen them. Dancing was not a good explanation. They actually wiggled - RAPIDLY! It was very cute! About the "rescuing". Both of our dogs are rescued. One more than the other. We are certain are big brown dog was beaten because for about 6 mos., every time we picked up ANYTHING, she would duck like we were going to hit her. If we picked up a broom, a stick, or even a trash bag, she would run and hide. She is much, much, much better now and is a spoiled brat just like our kid. LOLOLOL! Everybody have a good weekend!! Love, Peggy
  12. Sharon, I am so sorry to hear this. I know how hard the fight has been for your dad, and for you, too. How is your mom doing? I hope you all know in your hearts that you and the doctors and everyone have done all that you could. I pray that this will be a time of closeness, bonding and peace for you and your family. Love, Peggy
  13. I can hardly wait. That heheheh sounds more like your picture might be a muahahaha! Be nice - Remember, IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Love, Peggy
  14. Well, poop! I sent it to you in an email, Becky. Are they dancing? I also sent it to Rick to see if he has time to make them dance. If not, just picture their little butts twitching away, and you will all get the idea. This week, I am soooooooo happy it's Friday! Love, Peggy
  15. Hope this works! If the cats aren't dancing, it didn't work! Anyway, HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Peggy
  16. stand4hope

    My Angel

    Elaine, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear this. You deserved this. Thank you, God! Love, Peggy
  17. KC, Your post sounds very desperate and I am very worried about you. I think you should get a new therapist as soon as possible. If a year has passed and you are still feeling this badly, you need to find someone that can really help you through this. The first therapist is right, you should be moving on, but you aren't, so that's why you needed a therapist. It just doesn't sound like he/she was getting the picture. I know nothing about grief counseling and won't even try to say any special words to comfort you because I don't know what they would be. I lost my dad in June, and he and I were also very close. I not only watched him take his last breath, but I was the one to tell them to take him off life support. I know how hard it is. It's not easy at all, but the description of how you are still feeling today strongly indicates to me that you need additional help. Your daughter could also eventually be adversely affected by your feelings if you don't get well soon. I hope you will contact someone tomorrow, and also think about finding a local church with counselors who can help you through the spiritual side of healing. I'm not suggesting you shouldn't feel the way you do. I've always said that whatever somebody feels is what they feel. Whether you should or should not feel that way is not the issue. The issue is you have those feelings, they are strong, they are consistent, they are debilitating, they are very real, and they could be dangerous. As soon as I hit the Submit button, I am bowing my head and asking God to lead you to, or for Him to send to you, the counselor/pastor/friend, or whoever it is He has prepared, in advance, to help you. All my love, and God bless you, KC. Peggy
  18. I don't know for sure what all this means, or if any of it's true. All I know is my husband's oncologist can become the richest man in the world and I will gladly cheer him on and add to his pot of money, as long as he continues to strive to keep my husband alive - WHICH HE DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peggy
  19. I, too, understand how you feel. I have a friend, who was really more of an acquaintance than a close friend. Her husband had cancer that I think started in his kidneys. Anyway, he struggled and fought it for four years and died several months ago. My friend was moving to New Jersey to be closer to her kids and we had a big going away lunch for her. Even though she was really more of an acquaintance and I didn't even know her husband, I fought back tears during the entire lunch and when we finally hugged, I couldn't hold them back anymore. I think there's just a bond, or an understanding of some sort that melds us all together. I hope your son is doing ok, Beth. Love, Peggy
  20. Hi Mercer and WELCOME! I've learned from the SCLC folks on here that SCLC is more aggressive than NSCLC, but is also very receptive to chemo. It's not uncommon to get a NED report or amazing shrinkage reports from SCLC patients after chemo. I just bet that's what you're going to hear. I had a visit with my PCP today and we talked about "reactions" to a cancer diagnosis. I can only know how I feel/felt as a caregiver. My husband wants to know as little as possible. Says he "doesn't have time for this because he has work to do." He just wants to know where he has to be for treatment, what preparation he needs to do, and when to be there. Then he's right back to living as if his life was as normal as it was before dx. I, on the other hand, want to know every detail. My PCP and I both agreed that we would want to KNOW everything, but admitted that neither one of us would know how we would react if we got the dx. Sounds like your initial reaction was about like most, and it is wonderful to hear that you have come out of that with a good fighting spirit. WELCOME! I think you are really going to like it here. When you feel the need to get cancer off your mind, visit the Just for Laughs forum. Guaranteed to make you laugh! God bless, Peggy
  21. Not!!! I call it "scanitus" and I've come to believe it's incurable. Some have suggested heavy duty chemical cocktails, but I don't go that route. I just sweat it out, lose sleep, get more grey hairs, and snap at anybody that crosses me. LOL! YAY! YAY! YAY! on the NED and a good PET scan. That's what we love to hear! God bless you, Peggy
  22. Tina, I remember she said she wouldn't talk to anybody, read or receive PMs, emails or phone calls until maybe after the first of the year, and just wanted us to all leave her alone. So, I doubt that she's talked to anybody. I know some of the regulars that she used to PM/email with haven't heard from her either. I'm praying she is doing ok. Peggy
  23. YIPPEE!!!!! What great news, Karen! I bet David is just mentally and physically beaten up with all this, and here's hoping and praying that everything in that area is a-ok. GIVE HIM A BIG HUG FROM ME! I'm so happy the tumor is gone. SO HAPPY! Love, Peggy
  24. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!! S, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT picture! I laughed right out loud. I'm supposed to be working - not laughing! Congrats on NED! Love, Peggy
  25. stand4hope


    OMG! Elaine is going to LOVE this!
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