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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. stand4hope

    My Pity Pot

    Hi Kim! I ditto what Cindi said. You did a very good job of venting. I really do think it does help to get it all down on paper (screen) and then especially to send it to someone who will listen. You did an excellent job of describing everything you are going through and you "called" the right people to listen. We hear you, and you have our love, hugs and support. Another thing you might try is to make a list of all the various challenges you have right now, and then on a separate sheet of paper to brainstorm every solution you can think of to each individual problem. Write it down no matter how crazy or silly it might be. You will, of course, draw a line through the ridiculous things later, but even putting those things down helps to clear your mind and come up with ideas that you haven't thought of. If you don't want to write it - type the list on your computer, and brainstorm the solutions on the computer. Other solutions to being overwhelmed are: (1) take a walk outdoors if the weather permits; (2) make a list of everything (EVERYTHING) you have that you are grateful for; (3) stand up, raise your arms over your head, smile as big as you can, stretch and take a deep breath - totally relaxing your body after each breath [repeat 5-10 times]; (4) relax your shoulders; (5) watch I Love Lucy, Home Improvement, Friends or Raymond (don't watch drama, horror or sad shows); (6) play all "oldies" on your radio or CD player; and (7) do the "Twist" with your kids in the kitchen or family room (you might have to teach them and if you don't know how to do the Twist, see if you can get Mom up to give a demo - "Twist and Shout" is best for this therapy. ). Oh, and one more - Play "Wipe Out" on your CD player as loud as you can stand it!! LOL! All my love and prayers for you Kim, and also a big smiles coming your way. Love, Peggy
  2. Hi Mike and WELCOME! My husband is a NSCLC patient so I can't compare notes with you, but there will be others reply that can better identify with you on the SCLC. You might not get a lot of replies until after the holiday weekend. Weekends are usually a little slower in general. It was good to hear that the chemo worked so well, especially on your liver. Also, congrats on doing the 4-mile/day walk. That's terrific! Just wanted to say welcome and glad you found us. I think you will really like it here. God bless you, Peggy
  3. Hi Tariq and WELCOME! I'm so glad to see you posting here. I was the one that was on the phone with your mom for an hour last week when you were trying to talk to her. LOL! Sorry about that, but I really enjoyed our talk. You mom sure says wonderful things about you and that you are coping well and being very strong with all the problems your family has had. I know that she is also very thankful to have you by her side. Between the three of you, and God, you will get through this most difficult time. Let us know how we can help in any way. This is the place where you can talk about all your true feelings and let it all out. Most of us have probably felt the same fears and had the same thoughts, so don't be afraid to jump right in. Just please remember that there is ALWAYS hope! Hope to hear from you again soon. Love, Peggy
  4. Dear kdrau, My goodness! This is definitely a double whammy! So sorry you have to deal with TB, too. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help. Love, Peggy
  5. Cary, I am so very sorry to hear about your dad. I know all too well how much it hurts to lose a parent, and I am so sorry. Debi: Thanks for posting for Cary. Love, Peggy
  6. Muriel, I didn't see this BEFORE your surgery, but sure am glad to see the good report from Charles! Charles, thank you for letting us know. Give your mom a whole bunch of hugs from all of us - but you might want to wait until it doesn't hurt so much! Ouch! Love, Peggy
  7. Andrea, My doctor has ordered one the last couple of years because I've had several years (once a year) of horrible bronchitis. I even broke two ribs last year from severe coughing. I've got granulomas (caused probably by histoplasmosis that is pretty common because we apparently get it from the soil in the MidWest). Most of the granulomas are calcified (which is a good thing), but I am now having to get a CT scan every 6 months just to be sure everything stays ok and will be checked for two years. I've got two that haven't calcified yet, but she said they will in time. So far I've had 3 CT's, no more x-rays, but everything is A-OK! I told her I wanted to continue to get CTs after the 2 years, but she said, "Well, maybe just X-Rays." Since my insurance will pay for the CTs (I think), I'm going to push for the CTs since they are more thorough. Love, Peggy
  8. Hi Suz and a great big WELCOME to you!! I sure hope all your tests come out negative for lc, but if they don't we are here to help you in any way possible. This is a great group - actually THE BEST! We have a lot of fun together and shed some tears together and have become one big close family. I can't answer your question because my husband had more advanced cancer at diagnosis, but even with that, he is doing really well. Once again, WELCOME and I'm glad you found us! God bless you, Peggy
  9. Agnes says to her husband, "I need $5,000 to have my breasts enlarged". Husband says, "Honey, you don't need $5,000 to have that done. I know a better way. Just use toilet paper and rub your nipples with the toilet paper several times a day." Agnes asks, "How in the world is rubbing toilet paper on my nipples going to make my breasts larger?" Husband says, "Well, I'm not sure HOW it works, but I know it worked for your rear-end."
  10. Hi Heather, I don't have a thing to add to any of the above. I completely agree with everything that has been said. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you even have to deal with this. A cancer diagnosis affects the entire family and friends, even our little bitty ones. God bless you and your little one! Love, Peggy
  11. Hi Val, All in all, it sounds like your mom got a pretty good report to start off with. As far as possible liver mets, my husband had one liver met, and they just continued with his chemo and now Iressa. That met has been stable the past 3-4 months. By the way, congrats on her brain MRI. We call that "empty-headed". So, we are all thrilled that your Mom is empty-headed! LOL! Keep us posted, Val. Love, Peggy
  12. Bill, I would have to answer GOOD. My husband's imaging results are really bad - actually they stink! But his "condition" is great! LOL! That's ok with me. His radiation oncologist is a real joy to be around - very positive, optimistic and just a really happy man. He says they look more at the patient than they do at the films. He likes what he sees when he looks at his patient - my wonderful man! Love, Peggy
  13. Hi Catlover and WELCOME! My husband is a member of the NSCLC group, but I wanted to send you a great big welcome to our group. You will get lots of support here, love and laughter. There are many SCLC survivors who have been down the same rough road you are traveling, but they are here to tell about it and most are doing really well. Best of luck to you, and God bless you, Peggy
  14. Wow Cyndy! That's fantastic! Congratulations. You've got us beat by 7 years, but I'm planning for us to see our 44th, 45th, 50th and beyond. You, too!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Love, Peggy
  15. Hi Margaret, I'm very glad to hear that hubby is feeling better today. I've had those worrisome nights, too. If anything is the least bit different, I overreact (at least privately). In the last two weeks, my husband had a headache (he said was sinus). That was his first headache since diagnosis. I tried not to put too much into it, but mistakenly said, "Is it on that same side?" He hit the roof and said, "I SAID IT'S SINUSES!!" I quietly said, "ok.......sorry!" LOL! He also had a very frightening dizzy spell about 10 days ago after moving some heavy furniture. Again, I was upset for about a week, but there hasn't been a repeat incident, so I think it was just the exertion. I think (well, I know) that incident kind of worried him, too! Before diagnosis, he could have moved furniture all day and never had a problem. It sounds like your hubby had a little more reason for you to be worried than I did, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in the famous "Worry Department!" LOL! Again, I'm so glad he's feeling better! Love, Peggy
  16. Don, I'm sure Lucie is pretty bummed out about this news, and it's nothing that any of us like to hear. It always sound so frightening. If the report is confirmed (and even before it's confirmed), please share with her all the positive stories about treatment for brain mets, including my husband's, and so many others on here. I'm sure you've already done this, but she just must realize that there is a lot of hope even with brain mets. As you know, my husband started with 8 (3 of them were pretty big), and still has 4, but is working full time, feels great and we, too, had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving celebration today. I'll never forget when my husband called me at work and told me he had brain tumors. I cried all the way home and just knew it was a death sentence. Well, that was more than 15 months ago, and it WAS NOT a death sentence. PRAISE GOD!!! Give Lucie a hug for me and tell her I will be praying for peace in her heart, and for you, too. Love, Peggy
  17. Hi Bruce and Happy Thanksgiving. I haven't seen you here for a long time, and I had been wondering how you were doing. Send us an update when you can. I hope you enjoyed (and are enjoying) this wonderful day! Love, Peggy
  18. Hi Lisa, and Happy Thanksgiving. Our dinner is tomorrow, so I had some time to get on here today. I've been making salads, deviled eggs, brownies, etc. all day. We're having 14 for dinner, so it should be fun. I hope you, Ahmed and Tariq had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Love, Peggy
  19. Oops! Andrea, I just saw your question was for SCLC, however, I think your particular question would probably apply to both SCLC and NSCLC. Peggy
  20. Thank you for sharing with us and congratulations on one year! I, too, didn't think my husband was going to make it through the holidays last year. He was diagnosed early Aug. 2003 with 8 brain mets, 7 cm lung tumor, Stage IV. After his WBR, chemo and lung radiation, he was knocked out totally flat on his butt for two months, and what with all I read on the internet, etc., I knew I was going to lose him before Christmas. I didn't find this website until March 2004, so I didn't know ANYTHING about hope. Well, that old fart surprised all of us! Not only did he make it, but he's back to being his usual smart a** self - AND I LOVE IT!!! Congratulations to you and to all our survivors. I pray that everyone has a wonderful, happy, and thankful, Thanksgiving! Love, Peggy
  21. Kim, I think your mom will be ok - she probably just needs more time. Her poor body has just been through the most grueling, difficult treatment (it looks like 5 mos. of treatment in your profile) that a body can handle. I'm sure she is just totally drained, both physically and mentally. I would suggest that you don't try to snap her out of it because I don't think that will help - that only happens in the movies. LOL! I would just go over and be as normal as possible. Do what you can do around the house, whistle and sing, watch TV and laugh if it's a funny show, etc. Give her hugs and love, rub her feet, offer her food (but just say ok if she says no thank you - and follow it with a kiss on her forehead, a smile and an "I love you, Mom."). Just let her deal with this in her own way. I'm afraid that trying to force her to come around would be adverse to getting her to where she needs to be. Actually only you can know how best to deal with your own mom - not me or anybody else. This is just my two cents. Best of luck to you, and my prayers are with you and your mom. Love to you, Peggy
  22. Andrea, My husband's scenario sounds just like your friend, except instead of dizziness he had an enormous headache. The headache disappeared within 24 hours after starting the decadron and he had almost no problems with the WBR which was started immediately. He had received no chemo at that point. After the WBR, he started chemo and chest radiation. On the 3rd week of chemo is when he started to go down (but, as you know, he's doing great now.) The only problems he had with WBR was some confusion and short-term memory loss for several weeks after WBR. He lost all his hair (which grew back (Well, [wink-wink] he didn't have that much to begin with and so he still doesn't have very much). His head got so red and dry that he could rub his head and dry skin would fly. He worked every day and actually, I remember him saying after the WBR, and 2 or 3 weeks of chemo/lung radiation that this was a piece of cake. After the 3rd week of chemo, things changed dramatically. He did get through it and got a lot better, but it took several months. Hope that helps! Love, Peggy
  23. Frank, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your family, too. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to EVERYONE!!! Love, Peggy
  24. Melinda, Wow, you poor thing! What a bunch of yucky stuff to have to deal with, especially during the holidays. Don't worry about who to spend time with. Your heart will tell you where you are most needed. Ginny (ginnyde) had to choose between her sister and husband. I bet if you drop her a PM she would be happy to share with you how she coped. All my love and prayers coming your way! Love, Peggy
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