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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Elaine, BIG PRAYERS! HUGE! Coming your way! Love, Peggy
  2. Bouncing this to the top. Hope to hear something soon. Peggy
  3. Hi Maureen! I would ditto everything that Angie told you. Alimta is very new, and almost every day I see where some people on the board are beginning to get it or about to get it. I doubt that too many people have much experience at this point. It's my understand that it is as effective as Taxotere without all the harsh side effects, and less chance of allergic reaction. Besides that, my husband's company makes it, so I'm praying it's a winner! If Iressa ever stops working for him, I expect this might be the choice chemo for him to try. Best of luck, and many prayers! Peggy
  4. Sherri, I'm a little late here, and I hope your dad is doing ok at the hospital. My husband has a "moderate" pericardial effusion. So far, no problems with it, but I have researched the symptoms of problems so we can be ready if it begins to bother him. Some of the symptoms your dad had do sound like what I have researched. I also know the pancreatitis can cause some of the symptoms, except maybe the breathing. When you said pain radiates to his back, that made me think of pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is also extremely painful. Please remember to come back and let us know how it went. Love, Peggy
  5. Hi, Karen and WELCOME! It sounds like you are a very busy lady, and all of us here certainly appreciate your hard work for lung cancer. I'm sorry to hear about the progression of your disease, but have just said a prayer that your scans at the end of the November will be good news! God bless you, Peggy
  6. Congratulations, Heather! This is wonderful. Love, Peggy
  7. I bet you are THRILLED to get your Pops home, and I bet he is one happy man. I sure hope your mom gets some rest soon. It's amazing what we will do for our families! Love, Peggy
  8. Don, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I'm sure you miss him, especially since you spent a lot of time encouraging him and giving him hope. That makes you the best kind of friend. Congratulations on being one year cancer free! Now that is good news to celebrate. God bless you, Peggy
  9. Sandy, Awesome speech, Sandy, just AWESOME! You have made us all very proud! Love, Peggy
  10. Hi Cindy, Welcome back! It sounds like you have a great class and you are enjoying your new teaching job. Congrats, once again, and it's good to see you back. I hope you had fun working on those leaves. Love, Peggy
  11. Addie, Beth & Fay, Thank you so much. I can tell you all three can identify with how I'm feeling. There's actually been a slight delay - he's leaving at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. It's a long story, but it's for the best. We did say good-bye, and I did not cry at all. Just waved and smiled, and immediately ran into the house and bawled my eyes out. Got hugged by hubby and told to "cut it out." Trouble is, now we have to do it again in the morning. He's planning to leave when hubby leaves for work, so I will probably just stay asleep so I don't have to go through it again. I updated our picture. This was taken today. Love to all, Peggy
  12. Hi everybody, I'm just writing to ask you all to throw a few prayers and positive thoughts our way. Our son is moving to Arizona today, driving nearly 1800 miles. He has a really good job offer there doing pipeline excavating work, heavy equipment. This is something he is really good at and the jobs in Indiana are few and far between since 9/11. I'm being a typical mommy (even though he is 27-years-old). I'm happy and sad. My husband and I have supported this 100%. Everything from job to housing to income to climate to friends has all turned up nothing but positive vibes, so we are thrilled. Yet, deep down under the thrilled, I'm still fighting back tears. Guess this is normal - to be happy and sad at the same time - mixed emotions. He firmly looked me in the eye and told me if I was going to cry to not come near him because he doesn't want that to be the last thing he sees as he drives away. I won't - but it's just so far away. We love Arizona, have vacationed there several times. We almost moved there in the 70s. I'm trying to focus on the fact that it will be fun to visit. He leaves in two hours. Prayers for a safe trip and success in Arizona are requested (and also a calm mom, too) Love, Peggy
  13. Mini George, I can't offer any advice, but I am very sorry you are having this pain. According to your profile, your last scans were in April. If you haven't had scans since then, I hope you can get your doctor(s) to do new ones. Let us know how you're doing. Love, Peggy
  14. Cheryl, I'm shocked when I hear things like this. I am so sorry you have to now fight with your employer. From your previous posts, however, I have a feeling that they might be sorry they took you on. Love, Peggy
  15. stand4hope

    Anna Shearing

    Geoff and Melinda, I am so sorry for this great loss. I know your mom fought a courageous battle with this disease. She was so blessed to have such a loving son and future daughter-in-law at her side. My God hold you close during this sad time. Love, Peggy
  16. Kim, Kim, I'm sure NED is welcome, but it's hard to rejoice when your mom is in so much pain. I don't know anything about these fractures, but I know that just the back pain I have from bulging disks and severe stenosis hurts a lot, so I can't even imagine how painful a fracture would be. I hope you can get some pain management worked out very soon. I have a friend that had a fusion of her lower spine (I think it was L4-L5). The surgery was a painful recovery, but the results were phenomenal. She was TOTALLY pain free in a matter of a few weeks. Keep us posted on your mom's progress. Love, Peggy
  17. TAnn, Not only will he eat a lot, he will pee a lot - and I mean a LOT!! One of our dogs has had to be on steroids for a severe itching/allergy problem. We are now trying benadryl instead of steroids because she gets on our bed and will actually pee in her sleep on our bed. YUCK! She would even pee before we could open the door to let her out - the poor baby just couldn't hold it. I hope that Caesar gets a new zest for life from the steroids - steroids are quite a wonder drug and do miraculous things. Just find a bunch of old towels and pile them up in a corner and have them ready - that's what we did! Love, Peggy
  18. James, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm sending you the biggest cyber hug ever. (((((((((((((((((((((((((JAMES))))))))))))))))))))))). TeeTaa, My sympathies to you, as well, and thank you for posting this. Love, Peggy
  19. I got a PM from Paddy and she said to tell everyone that she would be in touch with everyone as soon as she could. Love, Peggy
  20. Oops! Posted this on the wrong thread. David has passed. Please see the thread under General called "David W. Arnold".
  21. Xena, I am so very sorry for this great loss. I have been following your other thread and was going to suggest you start a new one so that everyone would know that your dad was having so much trouble and give you some support. I just never got around to doing that, I am so sorry. I am glad that your dad is no longer suffering. May God hold you and your family close during this difficult time. I know how much you will miss him. Please stay with us to give you support as you begin the healing process of this loss. Love, Peggy
  22. Elaine, I am so sorry you are having this miserable pain along with all your other challenges you are facing right now. My prayers continue, and continue, and continue. I'm hopeful that Dr. Joe will be along soon to help you. All my love, Peggy
  23. Oh, Karen, my heart is breaking to pieces. I am so, so sorry. Words completely fail me. I can't even begin to put into words how I'm feeling right now. I know you will really miss your dad, as I miss mine, and this is a profound loss for you and the rest of your family. Your mom and I have had some wonderful phone conversations and feel that we have become good friends. Please express my profound sympathy to her and tell her that I will call her in a week or so, after things settle down a little bit for all of you. Paddy, if you read this - I love you with all my heart! Love, Peggy
  24. Hi Sheryl and WELCOME! Wow, your family has been fighting a variety of battles for quite a long time, haven't they? I'm sorry to hear your husband is having new problems now. I sure hope you and your husband were given a new plan of attack on Tuesday when you got this news! If not, maybe you should run to a different doctor for a second opinion as fast as possible. Cancer can get pretty widespread and still get a BIG SURPRISE with a variety of treatments. Check out my husband's profile below, as well as many others here, and you will see what I mean. Let us know what the new plan is. Prayers are going up for you, your husband and sons. Love, Peggy
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