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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Dear Laura, I did not see this post either. I am so sorry that I missed it. I even went through all the grieving posts last night to catch up and still missed this. Again, I am so sorry. You wrote such lovely words about your dear grandfather. Your love and pride in him shine through your words. He sounds like a dear, wonderful and much-loved man. I lost my dad on June 25 and I can identify with how the emotions just sweep over you when you see things that remind you of him. Most of the time I'm ok, but them wham! something hits me and here come the tears. I'm beginning to make plans for Thanksgiving dinner and just thinking of having Thanksgiving without him, my mom and my grandmother is very hard. One thing I do know, though, is that I will get through it, as will you. You will get through each day, each hard time, and in time, the choked up feelings will begin to become less frequent, and the smiles will come, without tears, as you remember so many things your precious grandfather did or said. Laura, please know that my heart is with you, and our God will comfort you and get you through this. God bless you, Peggy
  2. Has anyone talked to LisaRN? I sent her a PM on Monday, but she has not responded. She last posted (I think it was Oct. 3) that Ahmed was doing better in the hospital and it was planned for him to come home on the 5th, but she has not posted since. She did have one short post to someone on the 6th, but that was all. Anybody talked to her? Thanks, Peggy
  3. Paddy asked that I give you all an update about David. David is still extremely weak. Paddy is having to do most things for him and she is exhausted. She said she is just too tired to even post right now, but hopes to be back talking to you in 2 or 3 days. As she already told you, David started Iressa last week (I think it was Thursday). They are going to give the Iressa two weeks, and if there is no improvement, she will contact hospice. Their two daughters have both gone home now (our own Karen [K and Kids], and I don't remember their other daughter's name), and Paddy said they had a wonderful visit and David really enjoyed their visits. She also said that if it gets too hard for her that she has some friends she can call on for help, and her brother and wife have also volunteered to fly in to help her. Please remember David and Paddy and their family in your prayers. Love to all, Peggy
  4. Wendy, I have no knowledge about this at all, but I can tell you are very nervous about it, and hope that you are able to get some answers real soon. Love, Peggy
  5. stand4hope


    Alisa, this is just wonderful!! Have fun with those twin boys this weekend and celebrate this good news! Love, Peggy
  6. ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! That's what we wanted to hear, Kathy! Great news! Love, Peggy
  7. Dear Kim, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear sweet mom. It is just so hard to lose one of our parents, isn't it? Your dad is going to need a lot of love and attention for a while, as will you and the rest of your family. I pray that God will comfort you. He is such a good God! Love, Peggy
  8. Hi Diane and WELCOME! It looks like I missed this post last week, so I'm sorry for the delay in welcoming you to our family. I'm glad you found us and hope that we will be able to support you in whatever way you need support. Everyone here is just great and we all really care a lot! Please let us know how we can help. God bless you, Peggy
  9. Hi Patrice and WELCOME! We are sorry you had a reason to find us, but I think you will be very happy that you did. Everyone here is warm and friendly and willing to help out whenever they can. Sounds like your treatments are going well, and I pray that will continue for you. Let us know how we can help! God bless you, Peggy
  10. Hi Joe and WELCOME! Thanks for the memories. I remembered them all except P.F. Fliers and Beanie & Cecil. I don't remember what/who those are. The main thing I remember about those ice cube trays was the only way to get the ice out was to run water on the tray and your fingers would stick to the trays. LOL! Thanks for sharing that! Peggy
  11. Hi Bev and WELCOME! I'm really sorry to hear that you have a second parent now facing cancer. It is so hard. We have several members here who have had the same experience. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm prying, but has your dad seen an oncologist? I agree with the GP that the symptoms he is having don't sound good, but from the little you've told us so far, I kind of question the call for hospice already. You also said it was "in its advanced stages". Do you know what type of cancer he has (i.e., SCLC, NSCLC) or the actual stage (i.e., limitied/extensive, Stage Ia, IIa, IIIa, IIIb, IV)? I don't think it would necessarily be considered advanced unless there has been some spread to the other lung or to other areas of his body. Like I said, I hope you don't think I'm prying, but many here have learned that second and even third opinions have saved their lives. Something to think about. Please keep us posted. God bless you, Peggy
  12. Hi Abby, I, too, have thought of you often. I recall all of your previous posts and know that the loss of Jim was very devastating for you. I'm glad to see you posting and pray that you are beginning to feel a little better. That is an absolutely wonderful, well-written, touching article that his son wrote. What an honor to your wonderful husband and his wonderful father! Please stay in touch with us. Love, Peggy
  13. stand4hope


    Curtis, I am so sorry you are feeling down. From what others have said that have lost a spouse, I think your feelings and very normal. It just seems there's just no easy way to get through the tough days - you just get through them. Hopefully, by now, you are feeling a bit better. Sometimes it just helps to get it out like you did with this post. Hang in there! Love, Peggy
  14. stand4hope

    Missing My Dad

    Hi Jean, I'm so sorry you have to go through this one-year mark, but am very happy that you will be spending the time with your family. I recently lost my dad and I know how painful it is and how helpful it is to have family and friends to bond with. I, too, am sorry that you feel that others haven't responded to you. I went back through all your posts, and unless I missed it, or you posted under a different username, I didn't see an original post by you, only several responses to others' posts. I was wondering if you might have us mixed up with another board. I think if you will look down the various forums, you will see that sometimes there are a lot of responses and sometimes less. A lot of it depends on the topic and the timing. I know that when we lose one of our members, many of us post there and then kind of shut down for a day or two because it's so hard. I feel badly that you feel you were neglected and just want you to know that I know that I care, and I know others here do also, no matter how long you've been a member. Much love, Peggy
  15. Oh, J.C. I am so sorry, but glad you got through the day ok. I can't tell you how much I loved that quote. It is so true, and I'm going to copy it again below so people can see it at least twice. The second part had the biggest impact on me. I am a chicken (as in bock bock) by nature, but it is amazing some of the things I have done to fight for people I love and have loved. I even spoke up and got a nurse's aid fired because she was pretending to be a nurse and doing things she shouldn't have been doing. Loving my dad so deeply gave me the courage to confront the situation, and for that brief time I forgot I was a chicken. May God fill your life with more friends for you to love and friends to love you right back, J.C. Always remember that you are not alone. You not only have us, but God is with you always. Love, Peggy
  16. stand4hope

    Big John

    Cindi, Even though it's been three years, it still hurts, doesn't it? I know, and I am so sorry. I've lost my mom and dad, grandmas and grandpas, and others, but I just can't imagine losing my dear brother or one of my dear sisters. It's painful for me to even think about it. I'm so glad you got to spend that time with your brother, even sleeping on the floor at the hospital. You will never forget that special time you had with him, and I'm just glad you were able to be there. I'm so sorry for this great loss, and hope that as more years pass by, the pain will be less and less, but the wonderful memories will make you smile. Love, Peggy
  17. TAnn, I'm so glad to hear from you. I was worried since you hadn't posted much during your treatment time. I know you are just so glad it's over. I remember being so relieved when my husband's WBR was finished. There's just something about the brain radiation that I think just gives us all the willies, and because of that we're thrilled when it's all over with. Glad you're feeling ok, and I hope the fatigue passes quickly and you are back to normal real soon! Much love, Peggy
  18. Oh, Angie. I am so very sorry to hear this. Even though we all knew it was coming, it's still devastating news and just breaks my heart. May the Lord wrap his loving arms around you, hold you very close and comfort your broken heart. I'm so sorry. Love, Peggy
  19. stand4hope

    I'm Home!

    Elaine, I'm glad it went ok and you are getting more tests done. A better personality certainly would have helped, but I guess as long as she knows her stuff and gives you good medical care, that will be good. I'm also just glad it's over with and you DID IT!!!!!!! A great big ATTA GIRL to you, my friend. I'll PM later tonight. Love, Peggy
  20. Hi Tina, Certainly, I will pray for Michelle and Dave. What a tough time this must be for them. Give them my love! Love, Peggy
  21. Joanie, I'm a couple of days late, but wanted to congratulate you on 27 years of marriage to the "right man", and I hope that you had a wonderful celebration! Love, Peggy
  22. stand4hope

    CT Results

    Joe, Congratulations! This is WONDERFUL new! "Our God IS an awesome God!" Love, Peggy
  23. Hi Xena and WELCOME! This thread popped up today and I guess I missed it the first time around. I see that you haven't posted for 2-3 weeks and was wondering if you got a diagnosis for your dad yet. We would love to hear from you and help in any way we can. Once again, welcome, and may God bless you, Peggy
  24. Hi Joni and WELCOME! I can't offer any better advice than you've received above. The treatments can be very hard, but if you or your husband talk to the doctor about his side effects they frequently have solutions to many of the problems caused by chemo. I'm so glad you found us, and please don't ever be afraid to post. I had never done anything like this either, but after a while, you will feel like we are all family and feel comfortable to come here for support. Once again, WELCOME, and God Bless You! Peggy
  25. Kitkathi, This is WONDERFUL news! I bet there is some celebrating going on in your family this weekend. Give your pop a big hug from me! Love, Peggy
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