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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Hi Paula and WELCOME! I'm so glad you found this site where you can get all the support and hope that you need. I'm also very glad that you got a second opinion and are on the path toward success. Let us know what we can do to help. God Bless You! Peggy
  2. Little Mo, Congratulations on hitting the two-year mark!! Hope the brain mets disappear soon. Peggy
  3. Hi Beverly and WELCOME! My husband does not have BAC, but he did have the Gemzar/Navelbine combo and did quite well with it. A little nausea the first day (but, of course, I don't know which drug caused it), but it stopped with compazine. After that he took a compazine before treatment, plus the anti-nausea meds he got in his iv, plus he took a compazine after treatment and had no more nausea. His only other side effect was fatigue. He did very well with these drugs - much better than with Taxotere/Carboplatin. I understand from a post on here recently that Alimta is supposed to be as strong and effective as Taxotere with the harsh effects that man experience from Taxotere. I'll find the link and come back here and post it for you. Once again, Welcome! Here's the link: http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.p ... ght=alimta God bless you, Peggy
  4. I'm in the Getting Smaller Club, but thank God, I flunked this quiz!!
  5. Kate, I'm sorry to hear that J is having so much trouble and that you, too, have had such a hard time. I was wondering if you would be comfortable with asking J's oncologist about using Alimta instead of Taxotere. See this link that Rich posted just this week for more info: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... ght=alimta Maybe you could print it and give it to the oncologist. Best of luck, Kate, and many prayers for you both. Love, Peggy
  6. A big congratulations on the two years, Don and Lucie, and even BIGGER congratulations on the great reports! Love, Peggy
  7. Dr. Woodburn describes the different types of radiosurgery on this thread: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... t=woodburn Hope that helps! Peggy
  8. As always, Rich, thanks for the info! Sounds like they are getting a lot closer! God bless you! Peggy
  9. Hi Kathleen and WELCOME! I don't know anything about European trials, but I just wanted to give you a warm welcome. It's very encouraging to hear that your mom is doing so well. God bless you, Peggy
  10. stand4hope

    Mental Being

    Don, It looks to me like your poor kitty is crying "HELP" because you're smashing it's little head. So glad to have you as a member, and I really love your upbeat attitude. God bless you, Peggy
  11. Hi Rachel, I hope you had a great trip and am so glad to hear about your dad's successful surgery, and also that you are doing well, too. Time to rejoice!! Love, Peggy
  12. Kitkathi, I have lots of spare prayers and they are being directed to God for your dad!! Love, Peggy
  13. Elaine, My husband had no cough and still has no cough. I believe his tumor would be considered peripheral, as you described above. He does have a moderate pericardial effusion and small pleural effusion, but even with that, no cough and no shortness of breath. Love, Peggy
  14. Hi Deb, I'm a little late here and don't know much about SCLC, but wanted to let you know that I'm glad your mom is starting to feel better. When they feel better, we feel better, too! Love, Peggy
  15. Hi Laurie, Sorry I am so late here. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon and that you get your disability and all straightened out very soon so you won't have to worry about that. Take care of yourself, Love, Peggy
  16. Paddy, If any of your family ever sees this thread, my message to them is that I pray that God will bless them a thousand times over for this thoughtful gift. Do you know what's up with the chest pain? Is it any better today? I think about you every day. I've been away quite a bit lately because I haven't been well myself, but am doing much better now. So, I apologize for being late here. I bet you can hardly wait to have your girls together with you and David this weekend. What a wonderful blessing!! Paddy, keep in touch. Much love, Peggy
  17. TAnn, Well, I'm glad it's started because now it's just that much closer to being over with. I think you will do very well. Take advantage of the fatigue and make everybody wait on you hand and foot. Prayers for you, TAnn! Love, Peggy
  18. Nell, What a darling, beautiful little girl! What's her name? Check out those magnificent eyes! Thanks for sharing her with us. Love, Peggy
  19. Hi Rana and a big WELCOME to you! It sounds like your mom is really doing a lot better now. Chemo tends to knock everybody on their hiney, and I'm glad to hear that your mom has recovered nicely. I'm glad you found us and hope that we will be able to cheer you up when you're down and laugh with you when you're up. Once again, WELCOME! and God bless! Peggy
  20. Joe, Study well, learn a lot, and remember it all!!!! :lol: :lol: Have fun! Peggy
  21. Happy Birthday, Becky!!!! Love, Peggy
  22. Congratulations Don and Lucie! God bless you both, Peggy
  23. stand4hope

    Dean Carl~

    Thank you, Ry, but I don't like the sound of this message. Saying big, big prayers for Dean!!! Love, Peggy
  24. Stephanie, You don't have to put up with this and there are ways to fight it. As I see it, you have two obstacles to overcome: distance and whether the value of your mom's assets is worth the cost of hiring an attorney to fight. Only you can answer those questions, but I hope and pray that you get those sentimental things that mean so much to you and your sister. All my love, Peggy
  25. My dear Paddy, What a nightmarish few days for you and David. Thanks for letting us know what you two have been through. I'm so happy to hear that you both got through it ok and that he is home to greet Karen. It's just wonderful when you have nurses like Thomas, isn't it? It just makes everything not feel so bad. Praying for a good night tonight and every other night. Love, Peggy
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