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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Same situation for my husband as Patut. He received two different rounds of two different chemo combinations at the suggestion of his onc and had shrinkage. Later, he had new progression and the onc suggested Iressa and we had no problems with insurance. So far, the Iressa is working well. Peggy
  2. JD, My husband had a rash with Iressa within a week or two after he started it, but it did go away. It was pretty harsh and it was in the area on his shoulder where he received radiation, plus milder on his face and neck. He still has a very, very mild rash that comes and goes, but it is so mild you have to look for it to even see it. I don't think he even uses any lotion on it anymore. Hope that helps. Peggy
  3. Dear Laura, I'm so very sorry for this loss. I know how much you are hurting and I am asking God to wrap His loving arms around around you and hold you close. My sincere condolences to you and your entire family. Love, Peggy
  4. Shar, I thought I had responded to this, but guess not. You've got lots of good advice here. Shar, as long as you are breathing, there is hope!!!! You remember that now, ok? I'm adding my most sincere prayers for a good result from the chemo. Love, Peggy
  5. Dear Lisa, Your roller coaster certainly has certainly had some steep ups and downs, hasn't it? Hang in there! I'm glad that Ahmed looks good - that is always a good sign. Keep us posted. Love, Peggy
  6. Gosh, Don. I got big tears when I read that. I bet you did cry and I bet the people doing the clapping did, too! I'm wondering if Fay was kind of meaning that the cancer patients shouldn't be so sensitive over things that we, the caregivers say. Did I interpret it correctly, Fay? If so, I appreciate you saying that. I know my husband isn't ever on the site to hear that advice. I always have to be very careful what I say and how I say it and it makes me crazy sometimes. A perfectly innocent comment will sometimes bring a harsh reaction. A couple of weeks ago prior to his latest scans, he said something about having to go get more *!@!# tests. We talked about it a bit, and then I said something about unfortunately having to continue to get them for a long time and he said, "THANKS! I needed to hear that!" Well, I didn't mean to upset him and we were having the discussion, and it just seemed like an innocent comment, but was not "heard" that way by him. He apologized and said he was just tired of the whole thing, so then we were able to get into the "meat" of the problem which was a good thing. Anyway, I don't think Fay was so much talking about hiding how you all feel (physically and mentally) from us, but asking that you not get upset with us if we screw up and say something that might hurt your feelings. Is that what you meant, Fay? Love, Peggy
  7. Karen, I know your mom and dad are thrilled that you are coming! The munchkins will be ok for a short while and your absence will make them appreciate their mommy even more! Give Paddy and your dad a hug for me. Love, Peggy
  8. Fay, I think you actually made my mouth water talking about oatmeal cookies and apple cake. I could almost smell the warm apple cake. YUM! Stop that! or we'll kick you out of the club. You can eat'em, just don't talk about'em! Ry, that really made me laugh!Elaine, I don't think you need to worry about losing weight at all, but I'm not a doctor. If it will make you feel better (mentally & physically), then I think it would be ok to go buy some fat free turkey, spinach, green beans, tomatoes, etc., etc. and start getting smaller today. I understand why you say that, though. That's probably a good oncodoc question. Is it ok for a cancer patient to diet? Becky: Getting a little loose in the caboose, huh? Great! You are now an official member of our club. Ginny: I have 2 or 3 friends that joined Curves and they are crazy about it, too! Congrats on the 20 lbs. Guy: We're glad to have you aboard. Sorry you got sick this month, but it did give you a head start, so your 20 lbs. COUNT!! If walking is difficult, then go easy. Just do what you can and take a few extra steps where you can. For example, if you are waiting for something to heat up in the microwave, make that a time to walk in place, or walk back and forth in the kitchen during that time. When I'm heating something in the microwave, that's my queue to do arm swings, or a few knee bends or leg kicks or something to just keep moving. For me, I have to make it EASY for me, or I know I won't do it! Now, just waiting for the rest of our group to check in. This reporting in once a month is helpful to me. I've not had as good a week this week, and just getting this going again today has really helped. Love, Peggy
  9. Oh my! I feel so sorry for your dad. It sounds like he has been miserable. I wish there was something I could do to help. Are you doing ok with all of this? Is your mom still living and with you, or other family members? I sense this might be getting a little overwhelming for you. Don't forget to let us know if you need some encouragement. Thinking of you and praying for your dear dad. Love, Peggy
  10. CALLING TO ORDER THE OCT. 1, 2004 GETTING SMALLER CLUB MEETING!! Hip! Hip! Horray! or should that be Hips! Hips! Away! How did everybody do? Good or not-so-good results this past month, we want to know. I am 16 lbs. SMALLER than I was on July 25. I've averaged approx. 1.8 lb. loss a week, which is much, much more than I had anticipated. I will be happy if I lose on 1/4 lb. a week. For anybody new or just ready to get started, at the bottom of this note, I've put the lengths to the two discussions we've had so far. I'll add to it each month so you can go back and pick up useful food or exercise tips. Believe it or not, I have an exercise tip. As I confessed earlier, I hate to exercise. I think the reason is because I don't like to set aside that 30 min. or hour to do it, so I've been implementing it in other ways. One thing I did was buy a Reebok stepper (just the manual kind - I think it was $30), BUT the secret is that I put it right in the doorway to this office where I spend a lot of time. Every time I step through the doorway, I MAKE myself step 10-20 times - so that means a minimum of 10 steps when I go in the room and 10 steps when I go out. If I go in and out a lot (which I do) - THAT'S A LOT OF STEPS!! OK. Now, it's your turn. Let's hear from all of you. How much SMALLER are you? If you're not - THAT'S OK - talk to us anyway. Love, Peggy 8/21/2004 Discussion: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... ng+smaller 9/1/04 Getting Started: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... ng+smaller
  11. Yess, This was recently discussed here. Hope this helps: http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=11112 Peggy
  12. stand4hope

    Full Circle

    Sean, I'm so glad you got to have this special time with your dad. You will cherish these memories forever. Love, Peggy
  13. Dear Amy, I, too, understand how you feel. When my dad was so sick, I was working full time, keeping up with my husband's illness and appointments, had a son who was giving us fits, driving 75 miles a day 4-5 days a week to help take care of my dad, and emailing or talking to all my out-of-town family on a daily basis. It IS exhausting and the depression can come in overwhelming waves. The best comfort I can give you is that for the rest of your life, you will cherish the moments and memories you now have with your mom. I'm not saying you are going to lose your mom any time soon, but some day, hopefully far off in the future, that will of course happen. I look back now and feel so fortunate that I was able to do what I could. I wish I could have done more, of course - I guess we always do, but I'm grateful for the time I had with both my mom and my dad and the exhaustion is now a mental blur. I pray that you will eventually be blessed for your great sacrifices you are now making for your mom and the rest of your family. Love, Peggy
  14. Kim, I'm sorry you can't be with your mom at this time. I know that is very hard. When my dad was ill, one of my sisters in another state could hardly stand it at all being so far away. It really does sound like your mom has an infection and she will hopefully be out of there very soon. Is there another family member with her? Your mom (and you) have my heartfelt prayers. Love, Peggy
  15. Lisa, This is FANTASTIC news! Praise God! Love, Peggy
  16. OK, Fay. It's time to report back in! Are you feeling better now? Love, Peggy
  17. TAnn, RATS!!!!!! I really didn't think you would be coming back with this kind of post, but since you have, guess we'll just have to blast those critters straight to hell where they belong! My husband had WBR. His hair came out on the 8th day of treatment, he had some fatigue, and got a very, very dry scalp. Other than that, and a little confusion for a short period of time, he did great, and is still doing great. If he's absent-minded now, I blame it on age instead of WBR! The fear is normal, and if I had to have it done to myself, even knowing that he did ok, I would be afraid, too. Some of that just comes from the fact those varmits are there. ZAP'EM!!!!! Love, Peggy
  18. Breathing a sigh of relief here!!!! Treat yourself to a big banana split!! Love, Peggy
  19. stand4hope

    Update on Mom

    Geoff, I dreaded opening this to read the update. I'm sorry to hear your mom isn't progressing the way you had hoped, and the way that ALL of us had hoped. I am very happy to hear that she is resting and has family with her 24/7. The quality of life decision is a tough one and my prayers are with you for guidance. You're a good son, Geoff. I hope you know that. All my love and may God bless you with His presence, Love, Peggy
  20. Sounds like you had one of those nerve-wracking, sleepless, what next weeks. Glad it ended on an "up" beat. Let's pray that it continues. Love, Peggy
  21. stand4hope

    A Year

    Dean, There's just something really wonderful about hitting that one-year mark, isn't there? We just had ours in early August. Just an overwhelming sense of gratitude that kind of sweeps you off your feet. So glad you got that one-year anniversary and I'll be praying for many more. Love, Peggy
  22. Amy, For health care purposes, it would be best to have more than a power of attorney. You should probably get a HIPPA Authorization, and if possible, a Living Will and Health Care Representative appointment. It shouldn't cost too much to see an attorney and get these made for your mom to sign. It will save you a lot of headache if you need to intervene in her health care management at a later time. If you think she would be too senstive about the Living Will - skip it. Now is not the time. But to everyone else that isn't in a crisis situation, please get all these documents in place BEFORE a crisis and add a Last Will and Testament to the list. It's awkward to approach with your loved one, but really should be done sooner rather than later. I'm glad your mom is feeling better. What a scare!! Love, Peggy
  23. Dear Gentle, I am so sorry for the loss of your daddy. Yes, you will miss him. I miss mine, too - a lot more than I can put into words!! The same thing that happened to you about getting there too late happened to my sister who lives in another state when my mom died. We knew it was coming soon and she got an expensive flight here, but our mom died as she was coming up the elevator at the hospital. My husband went to meet her and hold her and give her the news. It was very, very sad. She was devastated for a long time but has come to realize that death isn't something that we can schedule. Everything happens for a reason, Gentle, I truly believe that. It's even possible that your dad just didn't want you to witness his dying and wanted you to remember him the way you loved him. Time will heal this deep wound, honey, but no words can save you from the grief. I do promise that it will get better. God bless you, Peggy
  24. Charlotte, I am so very, very sorry for this great loss. You have been in my heart and prayers and you have my deepest sympathy. Love, Peggy
  25. Happy Anniversary, Carleen! I can remember our 5th (yeah, alllllll the way back there), and woohoo! fireworks! is all I'm gonna say. Now it's more like sparkler time, but hey those fireworks were kind of noisy anyway! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Peggy
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