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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Unless somebody else squeezes in a post while I'm typing this, I just counted 13 people (including you) that aren't angry or hateful, and now 14, counting me. Quite the opposite of the athletes/entertainers/neighbors that prompted your post, huh? Jesus said, "Be of GOOD CHEER, I have overcome the world!" Ahhhhh, quite comforting, don't you think? Today: Hug a child and turn him/her upside down and listen to their loud shrills of joy. Play with a puppy until it makes its little growl and gets all wound up. Let a kitten fall asleep in your lap. And the best one: Go re-read all the Just For Laughs posted in the last two weeks. Hugs to you, Fay. It will get better. This too shall pass. Love, Peggy
  2. stand4hope


    ADDIE, It's SO good to see you post - and a great one at that. I've really missed you! I know we've communicated in PMs, but I'm happy to see you "on the board." I'm sorry that you are dealing with anger in your home - that's a tough one to work through. We've had some of that here, mostly from our 27-yr-old son. He has worked through it somewhat and is doing a lot better now, but it's been tough trying to stay positive with that anger present. Of course, my husband has had some angry moments/days, but not too many. He's really handled having this disease with grace. Just wanted to WELCOME you back, and I sure hope you will stick around and share your insight and wisdom with all of us. Love, Peggy P.S. I keep meaning to tell you that your dogs look almost exactly like mine. The brown one is nearly identical, same size and same color. Our black one is the same size as your black one, too, but she isn't totally black - she has some other markings. Send me your email in a PM and I'll send you a couple of pictures. You won't believe it!
  3. I found my husband's blood test results from a physical taken where he is employed. This was drawn on 8/4/04 and he would have had two iv infusions of Zometa (and I'm assuming 4 mg.): Calcium: In range at 9.0 (reference range 8.5-10.4 MG/DL) Alkaline Phosphatase: In range at 82 (reference range 20-125 U/L)
  4. Elaine, My husband did have headaches prior to diagnosis, and actually had them a LOT - every day, and for several years. He said it was sinus and took tons of OTC sinus medicines but still almost always had a "sinus headache". I tried many times to get him to go to an ENT but he thought he would have to have that "nasty" surgery and said he couldn't be off work that long. He did go to an ENT doc when the headaches got so bad. Amazingly, he has never had a headache since that first dose of decadron after dx. Not one headache! and it's been more than a year. He still has some heavy-duty sinus drainage - but NO HEADACHES! I haven't brought this up with him at all because it wouldn't do any good to go back and say "if only". I'm afraid I can't offer his name to be used in your article, but you are more than welcome to use these facts about him if that will help. Love, Peggy
  5. Bill, My husband has been receiving Zometa since June (every 4 weeks). I don't have any idea how much he gets, but I will see if I can find out. And, I'm glad you asked about the blood work because he just had blood work done and we met with the onc yesterday for scan results and I forgot to ask for a copy of the blood work. I will get it on Monday and see if I can figure it out and let you know. My husband has had NO side effects from the Zometa at all and since he has numerous and good-sized bone mets that are remaining stable, I assume that the Zometa and Iressa combination are doing their job. I will get back to you on this next week. Peggy
  6. Cat, Even with the wailing winds, I'm glad to hear you are doing ok. Cuddle that little doggy for me, too - they get so scared. Hang in there. This storm WILL pass. Love, Peggy
  7. Oh, Ann, it all sounds so scary. I get scared when the winds are howling here when tornados are in the area, but at least it usually comes and goes very quickly. I've tried to imagine those persistent constant hour-after-hour winds and hammering rain, and just can't even imagine how frightening it is. Prayers, prayers and more prayers coming your way. PLEASE remember to let us know as soon as you can, and as often as you can, that you and your son are ok. Much love, Peggy
  8. Yes, thank you very much, Joe. If you don't want to post a picture of yourself (which would be great), maybe you could post a picture of that little guy. We would love to ooh and ahh. Thanks again, Love, Peggy
  9. Joni, Sigh...... This is not an uncommon problem, Joni - people dropping by and not thinking that you just might have other things to do (and not just dropping by, but calling on the phone, too). I suppose there is a solution, but it isn't an easy one. I would have a hard time doing it, but the only solution is to just politely ask them to stop it. I know that's easier said than done, but that's probably what Dr. Phil would say. LOL!! Maybe a letter to all your friends and family just saying how you feel and you and Alex need to be alone for a while. I don't know. Maybe there's a psychologist on here that can help. I expect your nerves are probably on edge anyway, as would be expected, and it just doesn't help to have these annoying things going on. You know as well as I do that they mean well by some of the things they say, but they just don't stop and think how they really affect you. Another sigh . . . This isn't easy and I wish there was something I could do to make it all go away. You have my prayers, but wish I could do more. Love, Peggy
  10. Maureen, My husband's hair started coming out on the 8th day of treatment and it came out in clumps. He took a paper plate and went into the bathroom and just pulled it all out all at once. There wasn't anything on top to begin with so we easily adjusted to his new "do". I tried to talk him into buying an afro wig to wear to work the first day he had to go back to get some giggles, but he wouldn't do it. He was sitting in the break room with some guys and one of them asked him if it bothered him to not have any hair. He said, "No, it doesn't bother me a bit. I feel sorry for you, you're the one that has to look at it." Love, Peggy
  11. Thank you, Elaine, Rich, you just posted on my thread on results last night, so if you are feeling up to it, please let us know how you are doing. You are always so kind to respond to our posts and give us information, we would like to respond to yours. Love, Peggy
  12. stand4hope

    mom in hospital

    MJ, I will say a special prayer for your mom tonight. Please take care of yourself as well. Love, Peggy
  13. Hi Amy! You have been missed. I got your PM and sent you a reply. Have fun working on that house. I did the same thing a while back and got all but three rooms finished and then slacked off. Have fun and hurry back! Love, Peggy
  14. Green and yellow are obviously typical, but purple or blue would probably be really bad. JUST KIDDING, ELAINE!!!!! I don't have a clue, but according to the definition, it definitely has to have "cellular debris". Have you checked for that? LOL! Sorry, Elaine, I know you mean this as a serious question, but I don't have a serious answer. Hopefully oncodoc will be here later tonight or tomorrow and give you a real answer. All my love! Peggy
  15. Elaine, I looked it up. The answer is equally gross, but here goes: purulent Consisting of or containing pus, associated with the formation of or caused by pus. Origin: L. Purulentus (18 Nov 1997) This, of course, meant I had to look up "pus": pus A liquid, usually yellowish (to green) that is formed in certain infections and is composed of white blood cells, bacteria and cellular debris. (27 Sep 1997) Peggy
  16. Geoff, I will most definitely pray for your dear mom (and you, too). This is a hard and scary time, but I'm sure hoping she makes a turn for the better. All my love and prayers, Peggy
  17. Hi Melanie and WELCOME! I don't remember if I said hello on your first post, but even if I did, I'll say it again. I was impressed listening to your story about your 4 beautiful children. What a blessing for you. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this horrible disease, and especially with such a big responsibility of 4 kids. Once again, WELCOME, and please post often and let us know how you're doing. God bless you, Peggy
  18. Sometime nothing helps. Tonight I was trying to find out what perihilar meant (a term on my husband's ct report). Perihilar cannot be found. Hilar referred me to hilum. Hilum has something to do with a seed attached to a stalk and peri has something to do with a fairy or elf. So, the end result is "elfseed" or "fairystalk" and I KNOW that isn't what the radiologist meant. Peggy
  19. Thank you, John. I did see your post right before I left for the appointment and was happy to have this information. Don. That is a good question, and one that we asked on our last visit to the radiation oncologist. The radiation oncologist said there will be no radiation unless there are problems (i.e., pain) because the spine can only take a limited amount of radiation. Too much radiation and the spinal cord can be seriously and permanently damaged. In other words, if they radiate now and there is trouble/pain later, there could be little if any radiation that could be given for the pain. We met with the onc. I'll report in Test Time forum. Thanks again. Love, Peggy
  20. Here are two that I frequently use: Webmed: http://my.webmd.com/hw/index/index-drug_data-A.asp Online medical dictionary: http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/omd/ I also have a cable connection and can open two Internet Explorer windows at the same time so I can flip over and look things up that people talk about. You should also be able to open two IE's if you have DSL. I don't think it would work very well with a dial-up. Peggy
  21. I've seen the report of my husband's PET scan (but not the CT). Overall, his SUVs (Standardized Uptake Value) are down (average 6 to 4.9). Does SUV measure the intensity? and what does that mean exactly? Size of mets doesn't appear to have changed and I'm wondering what the overall impact of reduced SUVs means. Is the cancer actually weaker? There are couple of really large mets on his spine that are "4" and they really concern me because they are so big, and also there is a very large ring around the heart that lit up where the pericardial effusion is that is really scary looking. The first report talked about it, this current report did not. I don't have a previous measurement in SUVs on the two spine mets or the pericardial effusion, so I don't know if those measurements are down or not. No pain (GOOD THING!). We meet with onc late this afternoon to get official results and CT results, but would like to be prepared with some knowledge about what SUV really means to ask questions. Anybody? Thanks ahead! Love, Peggy
  22. My husband had one giant headache on the right front side. Had a CT scan of his sinuses and the ENT doc said it was because of a deviated septum (crooked nose) and wanted to do surgery. My husband told him to *!@&$, well you know. Then called his family doctor and got the MRI. That's it. No other symptoms except the headache, and I mean as far as the lung cancer, too. That's how they discovered he had lung cancer. His headache went away within 24 hours of starting decadron. I'm curious - why do you ask? Are you having some problems that are causing you to wonder if you have brain mets? If you are, then I suggest you let your your doctor know right away so you can get an MRI. Ok? Peggy
  23. Hang in there, Cheryl. I hope you're feeling better today. The advice you've been given here should help should you have a problem with your employment. About the back-stabber: I know this will be a hard thing to do, but I suggest you ask her to have lunch or at a minimum meet with her in a private office or conference room and talk to her about it. Tell her what has happened, how you feel, that you are hurt, and you know, the stuff that would be necessary to get it out in the open. You will probably cry, but that isn't all bad. A lot of times the hurter doesn't see the hurtee as a real person with feelings. I can't guarantee that this will work, but it usually does. I've had to go through this a few times during my long working career, and it usually helps a lot. A couple of times, we had to have a "higher up" attend with us because the anger and tension between us was too emotional for a one-on-one. It doesn't sound like you and this woman have had a face-to-face blowout, so if you decide to talk to her, you should be able to pull this off without a mediator. I realize that you may not have anything definite to "pin on her" as the troublemaker, but you don't need to. Just tell her that you "feel like" she doesn't like you or is out to get you, or whatever words are comfortable for you, without accusing her. Best of luck, honey!! Love, Peggy
  24. Martha, I am so very sorry for this great loss. I send my prayers of comfort for you and your family. Love, Peggy
  25. stand4hope

    My surgery

    It's great to see your nice smile again, Ray. Welcome back! I'm so glad you're feeling better. Love, Peggy
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