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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Sharon, Vascular problems like this do need immediate attention or they can be quite serious. I'm glad your dad is scheduled for the surgery. I am praying that the surgery will be a success and he will be back to feeling like his normal self very soon. Love, Peggy
  2. Oh, Denise, I am so sorry to hear this. Such a sad time for you and your family. It hurts so much to lose our parents that loved us, raised us and took care of us. I feel your pain and am asking God to wrap his huge arms around you and to let you cry on His shoulder. He understands and He loves you so very much. Love, Peggy
  3. Renee, My heart is breaking for you, and I, like the others, will pray that he can go home. My heart is heavy and I am so sorry. May God hold you close during this time. Love, Peggy
  4. Elaine, Thank you for the update. Phyllis, You have had such a rough time and yet you continue to think of all of us. You are a dear and we are all praying for your recovery. Get well soon and come back and talk to us. Love, Peggy
  5. Dean, What a guy! What a great man you are! We love you so! Love, Peggy
  6. Andrea, That was far, far from delirious. What you said was heartfelt and wonderful. Many of us have been just like you. In our teens, twenties, and even our thirties, we pretty much lived for ourselves, for the next good time, what our next purchase will be, etc. When we have kids, there is usually a shift of our attention to our kids rather than ourselves, but still that outward reaching to the rest of the world and the pain and suffering in the world is left for others to worry about. Somewhere along the way we look beyond on our families and our eyes are opened to what is going on around us and a desire to do what we can to help. I have a passion for the elderly in nursing homes. I didn't have this passion until my grandmother was in a nursing home. At that time my eyes were opened to the sadness and loneliness of these wonderful people. Some are incompetent, but most aren't. Many of them are either alone in the world or family and friends don't take the time to visit them. They love to get a flower, a hug, a smile and a hello. Anyway, it's refreshing to hear that you have the compassion that you do. You are a beautiful woman and God loves you. Love, Peggy
  7. Kitty, I am so sorry for this great loss. I, as well as many others here, know exactly how you feel. It's very painful and devastating. It feels like it will never get better, but it will. Allow yourself to cry and grieve. Cling to your family and those close to you because you will need each other in the days ahead. My most sincere sympathy is expressed to you and your family. God bless you, Peggy
  8. Joyce, We were told no driving also. The reason, though, is understandable. The doctors have to tell you this to protect themselves, and I don't blame them. If there would be an accident, whether the brain mets had anything to do with it or not, as soon as the adverse side in a lawsuit found out there were brain mets (which they will), they would be deposing the doctor and asking him if he told the patient it was ok to drive. If they could prove any percentage of fault could be attributed to the brain mets, and the doctor said it was ok to drive, then the doctor can be brought into the suit and possibly be held liable. It would be VERY difficult to prove that the brain mets did NOT contribute somehow, either directly or from treatment, and I think it would be difficult to convince a jury otherwise. I think doctors are wise to caution against driving. Even if the patient continues to drive, which most do, he has protected himself. This is opinion only, not to be taken as legal advice in any context, including driving or liability issues. Peggy
  9. Cheryl, I also came up with nothing. Just the two things below which are really of no help. The first one is just a CT picture, and the second was just a definition. Wish I could have found more. Peggy http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency ... s/1174.htm Metastases to kidney Usually small, multiple and bilateral, wedge shaped, intracortical Primary sites are lung, melanoma (skin), breast, GI, pancreas, ovary, testis
  10. Cheryl, I'm at work and have to get out of here, but as soon as I get home, I'll see what I can find if someone else hasn't found anything for you by then. Peggy
  11. Jd, It just broke my heart to your last post here. I just don't even know what to say. I think someone else on here had problems similar to this with a parent or family member who expressed anger toward them, but I can't remember who it was. I know there was a young lady whose mom wouldn't get treatment and the mom would get mad at her for pushing the issue, but that's not who I'm thinking of. There was someone else. I hope that person is reading this, and will write to you and talk to you about it. I'm just so sorry that you have this on top of worrying about your dad. I don't blame your hubby for being upset either. Nobody likes to see their spouse hurt like that. I sure hope things get better for you - and for your dad. God bless you, Peggy
  12. Ditto Don! Exactly the same here. No pain, no radiation and let the chemo, Zometa (and now Iressa) do the work.
  13. WOW! Elaine, that was just wonderful. Thank you. I am blessed. Thank you, God!! Love, Peggy
  14. Hey, guys. Switch to Cialis and boost the value of my hubby's stock. Besides, it works for THREE whole days and is "ready when you are"! We're supposed to support each other, right? Oops! Did we agree to no advertising when we registered?
  15. stand4hope

    Bad week

    Ginny, my good news tonight is that I'm at home and not at work! LOL! Not as good as Ry's good news, but good to me. You're a dear and you know how I feel. I'm so sorry about your friend, too. You've had three big losses this year, and like I said before, I sure wish I could fix it for you. Try to cheer up knowing that I'm not at work and Ry's kids are going to school. Maybe that will help. Loveya, Peggy P.S. I'm not buying the 14" ant story. If you had a 14" ant, you wouldn't be typing and telling us about it, the ant would.
  16. This one's tough, girls. I must confess that I laughed again, but not as much as the frosted flakes. I think we need to give them a few points for this one, especially since they are so far behind. Peggy
  17. Connie, You are OOZING excitement and it's contagious. This is awesome. Let us know how it goes. Love, Peggy
  18. Bo, I have always wanted to ask this very same question. I hear the expressions cycle, rounds, treatments, etc., and I never know for sure exactly what people mean. Thanks for asking. Peggy
  19. stand4hope

    Member 1328

    Oh, Fay, I am so sorry. Please express my sympathy to your friend for the great loss of her dear mother. Love, Peggy
  20. Yes, I wish I could write like that. Thanks, Connie! Peggy
  21. Elaine. I am praying for your friend. God is listening. He always does. Thank you, Father! Love, Peggy
  22. stand4hope

    Dave S Update

    Thank you, Ry!!! Peggy
  23. Oh my goodness - that really touched me in a big way! I'm so glad he thought of us and knew that we would want to know. God love him! Thank you for telling us about that. Love, Peggy
  24. Hey, Jane - NO FAIR! Two weeks in a row is pushing it . . . . . BUT, since it's you, I'll agree with the everybody else as long as you cook a hot dog on an open fire for me. Just be sure it's low fat! Have a good time! Love, Peggy
  25. Kathleen, I agree with Elaine. They don't usually take you off decadron while you're getting the radiation. They normally gradually wean you off after wbr is finished. Do you know why they took her off? I think that is something very important to ask. Keep us posted, please! God bless you, Peggy
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