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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Cheryl, It's GREAT to hear from you, but I'm sorry you're not feeling well from the chemo. You sound like my hubby - he just wants to be left alone when he isn't feeling well and doesn't like me to wake him up and ask him if he's ok. Hmmm - Imagine that! Stay well, kiddo. I'm praying for you. Love, Peggy
  2. stand4hope


    Cha-ching!!!!! Peggy
  3. Oh no! You have just had enough, haven't you? Sharon, please hang in there. I'm so sorry for this news. There is always hope, so hang on and keep fighting. Shellie, thank you for sharing about your aunt -- that was encouraging. I will be praying, Sharon! Love, Peggy
  4. WOOHOO! You guys are great! Ginny, I GOTTA take a break to clean our home, pay our bills - and that's no vacation. I just won't announce it. How's that? Frank, You type just fine! You get the word out there even if it does take you a long time. Because of that, we especially value your posts. I came in to my keyboard last week and my husband had written the letters on my keyboard that had worn off with a Sharpie. LOLOLOL! I laughed my butt off. He wrote 11 of them right on the keys. LOL. Trouble is, those wore off, too, and he wrote them again and those wore off. Then, I put little labels on them and now they are wearing off. I told him I never noticed because I don't look at them. LOL! I bought some little vinyl letters for $2.99. Guess I could break down and buy a new keyboard for him to use, huh? Cat, we KNOW you care. Please take care of Cat, but don't forget to let us know how you're doing. Guess I better stop and stick these little itty bitty letters on my keyboard. Love you all, Peggy
  5. Natalie, Thank you for posting this for Denise. Denise - my prayers are with you, your mom and your family. Take comfort in our love. Love, Peggy P.S. Natalie: Good to see you back!!! Hoping you will stick around.
  6. Charlotte, I am so sorry to hear this. Darn it, anyway! I hate cancer, too. Please keep us posted. Love, Peggy
  7. NO WAY! It wasn't THAT funny! Geesh! Ahead? I don't think so. Peggy
  8. Yeah, Elaine, I know. But it just came right out - couldn't control it. Almost choked on my mandarin orange. Lunch is over - back to work. Peggy
  9. Cat, Just curious. What does this stuff taste like? Peggy
  10. Elaine & Becky, Sorry, but I'm still laughing at this one! Peggy
  11. Just checking in to keep you all motivated. I'm on my lunch hour. Turkey, beets, green beans and mandarin oranges. Total calories: 311 WE'RE GETTING SMALLER!! Peggy
  12. stand4hope


    Thanks, Bruce! I love the poem. Especially the last one: Love, Peggy
  13. Silly girl! You won't be able to stay away any more than I can. You will be reading and those itchy little fingers won't be able to stand it for long. That witty brain of yours (even if it needs a little re-working right now) is always going 100 m.p.h. and you've got too many ideas, thoughts, jokes and opinions. Besides, how are we going to know how many times that cute little puppy poops on your new floors? Seeya when you get back, sweetie! Love, Peggy
  14. Shellie, I loved all your funny little men, but I LOVE this picture of your pretty, smiling face even better. Love, Peggy
  15. Tears are flowing! How incredibly beautiful. Ginny, you are the best! Love, Peggy
  16. I know your big day is almost over, but I sure hope that you and Charlie had a wonderful anniversary! It's your 23rd right? I meant to do this earlier today, but forgot. God bless you both, and CONGRATULATIONS! Love, Peggy
  17. Some faithful members aren't posting much, or not at all, and I know why: We've had a lot of grief, have lost some of our precious "rocks", and all that sadness has been iced with too much off-topic negativity. It's sad when a negative post receives four times more hits and responses than one of our members who is crying for help. I am just as guilty as everyone else. I am drawn to the negative posts as well as the rest - it's just normal human nature. And yes, it drags down my mental attitude. I am going to throw out two suggestions to everyone reading this thread and that is to please overcome the negativity by doing two things: 1. Ignore it and don't respond to it, and 2. Flood the board with messages of love, hope and caring to those that need it. I mean it FLOOD IT!!!!!!!! Again, I'm confessing guilt to no. 1 above, but from now on I promise to hold my tongue. Please understand that I am NOT talking about the times when you need to vent, rant or whine about whatever - whether it's justified or not - I think everyone agrees that is ok. You feel how you feel, and in most cases, you are looking for ways to get through whatever it is that's troubling you. I think everyone knows the kind of stuff I'm talking about. We have had approximately eight new members this week alone and every one of them needs every one of our welcome posts. Remember what it was like when you were new and so scared. Even though the posts sometimes feel repetitious because we’ve done it so many times, they ARE NOT repetitious to the new person OR to the person who has been in our family for a while and is in need of help, advice, someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on. My point is this: Yes, we’ve lost some very precious rocks (better-named GEMS), but guess what, we have a 1300 other GEMS here that need our love and support, and if we welcome them, they will become as precious and valuable to us as the Mo's, TBone's, DavidA's, Earl's, etc. And, yes, we’ve had some negativity, but the Bible says: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21). We can do that!!!!! No problem! I hope all of our solid, regular posters that are lurking in the shadows will come back as soon as possible. We need you here – at least I know I definitely need you here. God bless you all, Peggy
  18. Hi there and WELCOME! I stumbled across this board accidentally also. We are really glad you found us. I think you will be pleased that you have come here and will find everyone very helpful to answer your questions or lift you up when you're feeling down. When you are a little more comfortable with us, it helps us a lot if we at least have a first name, and also to be able to read your profile at the bottom of your posts. Let us know how we can help. God bless you, Peggy
  19. Oh, shoot! Fay, we'll miss you. Hope you get your puter fixed soon. Love, Peggy
  20. Hi Tracy and WELCOME! You have certainly come to the right place, and we all love and support your Aunt Charlotte, too. We will be anxiously awaiting to get more information about your dad's dx. After that, we will all be better able to answer any questions you might have, and even when you don't have questions and are just feeling scared out of your wits, we can help you with that, too. Hang on tight! This fight isn't easy, but it's a lot easier when you have friends here that are going through the same thing you and your dad are. Write soon, God bless you, Peggy
  21. Love it! Thanks, Tina Peggy
  22. stand4hope

    Love, Me

    I don't remember that song, Curtis, but I tried to put my own music to it, and I bet it was a catchy tune. I don't think you ever need to worry about letting Becky down. You were so good to her and you will be good to Katie - that's all that matters. Peggy
  23. Hi Matt and WELCOME! Sounds like you're giving the beast the good old 1-2 punch and it appears to be working. We're all on your side and fighting with you. Let us know how we can help. God bless you, Peggy
  24. Beth, that was FUNNY! LOLOL! My husband has been off chemo for quite some time and on Iressa for 2+ months. I don't think he has cravings, but he turns his nose up at foods he used to like A LOT, i.e., pizza, spaghetti & meat balls, cheeseburgers. He says some things "don't taste right" and some "bother his stomach". I don't think his taste buds have ever fully recovered from all the chemo treatments. His appetite is fine, just the choices are different. Peggy
  25. Oh my! Sharon, you have been on such a rollercoaster with your sweet dad. I bet your nerves feel like electric shocks. Try to calm down and take a lot of deep breaths. Relax your shoulders - that really helps a lot to get a grip on the panic. We will all be praying for your dad and hoping for the best. It sure sounds encouraging to know that he looks a lot better. Hang on tight - everything will be ok. Love, Peggy
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